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China's Choice: India or Pakistan? Which country is more important for China’s future?

china cannot make a choice and it will be careful that india doesn't get antagonized for it know that an antagonized india will have to make a choice between china and japan.
china cannot make a choice and it will be careful that india doesn't get antagonized for it know that an antagonized india will have to make a choice between china and japan.

How does one "antagonize" India?

Maybe something like 1962? Helping Pakistan gain nuclear weapons? Regular incursions?

If none of those are enough to "antagonize" India into giving up their claimed independent foreign policy, I'm not sure what else can do it.
How does one "antagonize" India?

Maybe something like 1962? Helping Pakistan gain nuclear weapons? Regular incursions?

If none of those are enough to "antagonize" India into giving up their claimed independent foreign policy, I'm not sure what else can do it.

indians are not that concerned about china supplying military hardware or nukes to pakistan. any favoring of china to pak on geo political matters will force india to choose between japan and china and play politics in SCS
I hate to disagree!!! On what basis?

China prefers an India with which it has an enormous Trade Deficit.

The last thing they want is for Indians to "Make In India" and be just another competitor for China. It is a known Chinese policy to keep Indian borders on the boil so that all our developmental budget is diverted to "Mountain Strike Corpse"!

Look at how they undermined the peaceful borders by repeated excursions which were totally unnecessary and easily avoidable.

And don't ever forget - China permanently harmed our interests by arming Pakistan with Nuclear weapons! How would they like India to arm Vietnam with nuclear weapons?

On the contrary, I think we may one day, be able to reduce Pakistan to a much lesser nuisance than they are today!
and I love to agree..what you have mentioned is true..
but china don't hate us on the basis of religion.. And that means some day we can improve.. But with pakistan..we will NEVER improve..
According to India's previous Defence Minister George Fernandes: "China is India's number one enemy".

So there is your answer. :cheesy:

For Gods sake , you are a TT. Your posts have always been mature.

Please apply yourself. Could there have been greater enemies than Germany and UK / France or US & Japan ?

Nothing stays permanent - not even enmity.
For Gods sake , you are a TT. Your posts have always been mature.

Please apply yourself. Could there have been greater enemies than Germany and UK / France or US & Japan ?

Nothing stays permanent - not even enmity.

the absence of any comment by chinese government on indo-pak firing clearly says that china is not going to favour pak over india. china knows the consequence of such favoring.

he is not understanding the geo political realities and rants as if he represents chinese government.
According to India's previous Defence Minister George Fernandes: "China is India's number one enemy".

So there is your answer. :cheesy:
Didn't expect this tripe from you! Times have changed. Much water has flowed under the bridge since George Fernandes who uttered these words more than 15 years ago. He's history.

The new world order will revolve not around the US of A, but China-India-Russia. That's the emerging new paradigm.

The author forgot to mention that the Sino-Pak relationship is just to keep India engaged and secure China's flank. Nothing less, nothing more. But that's gradually changing seeing the shifting geostrategic equations.

Trade between China and Pakistan in spite of their 'all weather friendship' is $14 billion. In contrast Sino-Indian trade is zooming. Presently at $70 billion, it is slated to reach $100 billion by 2015 and $500 billion by 2020, which is nearly twice Pakistan's GDP! But yes, the balance of trade needs to be addressed.

For both India and China, economic transformation is the mantra, not petty squabbles that will impede growth, unlike Pakistan who's only mantra is Kashmir which is their be-all and end-all, never mind if their economy is heading towards disaster. Their misguided notion that Kashmir would make them a super power needs to be abandoned - the sooner the better - and follow the example set by the burgeoning Sino-Indian relationship.
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Didn't expect this tripe from you! Times have changed. Much water has flowed under the bridge since George Fernandes who uttered these words more than 15 years ago. He's history.

The new world order will revolve not around the US of A, but China-India-Russia. That's the emerging new paradigm.

The author forgot to mention that the Sino-Pak relationship is just to keep India engaged and secure China's flank. Nothing less, nothing more. But that's gradually changing seeing the shifting geostrategic equations.

Trade between China and Pakistan in spite of their 'all weather friendship' is $14 billion. In contrast Sino-Indian trade is zooming. Presently at $70 billion, it is slated to reach $100 billion by 2015 and $500 billion by 2020. But yes, the balance of trade needs to be addressed.

For both India and China, economic transformation is the mantra, not petty squabbles that will impede growth, unlike Pakistan who's only mantra is Kashmir which is their be-all and end-all, never mind if their economy is heading towards disaster. Their misguided notion that Kashmir would make them a super power needs to be abandoned - the sooner the better - and follow the example set by the Sino-Indian relationship.

he is not able to come to terms that india and china can be partners. hence he rakes up 2000 bc, 1500 ad, 1962 ad and now George Fernandes. he need to grow up.
For Gods sake , you are a TT. Your posts have always been mature.

Please apply yourself. Could there have been greater enemies than Germany and UK / France or US & Japan ?

Nothing stays permanent - not even enmity.

We're constantly being taught by our so-called 'ally' india that Pakistan is our perpetual enemy. At certain places preaching that enmity is not permanent and at some other places preaching that enmity is perpetual, please pardon me for my arrogance, but isn't that hypocrisy?
We're constantly being taught by our so-called 'ally' india that Pakistan is our perpetual enemy. At certain places preaching that enmity is not permanent and at some other places preaching that enmity is perpetual, please pardon me for my arrogance, but isn't that hypocrisy?

Sir, evidently you are new to the world of international diplomacy.
Sir, evidently you are new to the world of international diplomacy.

You mean 'chanyakkamacy', right? No, we're not new to it, matter of fact, we're regularly 'inundated' by your 'chanyakkamacy', your 54 dams around BD on international rivers are just one example of it.
Interesting article.

China can lure Pakistan for having an unchallenged access to South Asia and Arabian Waters just like America did thruout 20th century. A great medium for Chinese Strategic and geopolitical gameplan.

But, on the other hand, India which has a huge untapped potential, a buzzing middleclass waiting to get doubled in very near future waiting for investments from all corners of the world, can be the best bet for Chinese on economic front. Indian rule of law and stability earns it a great selling point and with Modi in centre, the only weakness of red tapism is seeing its brutal demise. Now, why would any nation, be it China, not want to wash its hands on the Indian opportunity. Bottom Line is, in next decade, India provides the maximum RoI to China than any other country alive.

Said that, It becomes even more pertinent for China to look towards India owing to USA's role. In simple words, India is just waiting for moolahs. Be it Yanks or Chinks. Whoever pounces on the opportunity takes back home that many bags of meat.

Obviously, Americans are obliging.........Do Chinese too?

Now talking bout Pakistan, even they have a very good opportunity to have someone like China on their side which is waiting to invest its largest in the world reserves. Pakistan can but will they provide that environment to Chinese what Indians are already upto.

If Chinese dont choose Pakistan more than India, it will be completely Pakistan's shortcoming.

I dont get why you got negative rating.

You are living in a time-warp, dude. George Fernandes is not only not Defence Minister now, he is dead and gone.
So wake up and live in the present! :rofl:

He still lives with us.
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You mean 'chanyakkamacy', right? No, we're not new to it, matter of fact, we're regularly 'inundated' by your 'chanyakkamacy', your 54 dams around BD on international rivers are just one example of it.

Are you refering to Chanakya niti ?

That has more to do with statecraft , not diplomacy.

The Dams are on Indian soil and okayed by law. Just coz a river flows across a border it does not mean India must not utilise it.

You may like to blame Jinnah for poor real estate selection back in 47.
Whichever country can serve national interest of China is important for her.

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