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China will not risk economic ties with India for Pakistan.

Do me a favor.

Try calculating the number of trucks required to pass through Karakoram highway to meet even 10% of China's current oil usage.

Then tell me if the figures don't make your eyes wide open.

Besides, the proposed karakoram highway will anyways be susceptible to Indian artillery in times of conflict.

I don't think the Chinese will be foolish enough to lay the entire lifeline of their country open to Indian Artillery regiments.

Tell me, how difficult would it be to bomb and destroy this highway in times of conflict?

China's gains
Zia Haider, an analyst at the Washington-based Stimson Center, writes that Gwadar provides China "a transit terminal for crude-oil imports from Iran and Africa to China's Xinjiang region". The network of rail and road links connecting Pakistan with Afghanistan and Central Asian republics that is envisaged as part of the Gwadar project and to which China will have access would provide Beijing an opening into Central Asian markets and energy sources, in the process stimulating the economic development of China's backward Xinjiang region.

The Pentagon report sees China's efforts to defend its interests along oil shipping sea lanes as "creating a climate of uncertainty" and threatening "the safety of all ships on the high seas". This perception overlooks the fact that China's "string of pearls" strategy has been triggered by its sense of insecurity. The United States' overwhelming presence in the Gulf and the control of its exercises over the Malacca Strait, through which 80% of China's oil imports pass, has contributed enormously to Beijing's fears that Washington could choke off its oil supply, in the event of hostilities over Taiwan.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

Further discussion will take us more off topic
captain sir though i feel your most points are valid but the fact near me is that China wants to be FUTURE super power but since India is also quite ambetious it is in chin's interests to keep india busy with OTHER things ...so comes in Pakistan withits very strategic loction...i think China will play a double game here...

Pakistan is a nuisance at best for India.

They can trouble us to certain extent but cannot cause much damage apart from that.

History proves this.

Besides, the India-China trade volume is a significant deterrence to have, isn't it??
Do me a favor.

Try calculating the number of trucks required to pass through Karakoram highway to meet even 10% of China's current oil usage.

Then tell me if the figures don't make your eyes wide open.

Besides, the proposed karakoram highway will anyways be susceptible to Indian artillery in times of conflict.

I don't think the Chinese will be foolish enough to lay the entire lifeline of their country open to Indian Artillery regiments.

Tell me, how difficult would it be to bomb and destroy this highway in times of conflict

sir if the roumors are to be believd Pakistan is going to do a russia-alaska-america job again this time it might be leasing of gilgit balistan to China for 50 years , iff that happens china will make air & land bases veery 100-200miles & might be able to lay a web of oil&gas pipeline all the way from western china to CAR's through gilgit balistan what will happen then will India in a time of conflict can even think of using any type of force against China?????? Think?????????
ok by indians logic here when we beat the sh@t out of india america will just stand there and watch cos they dont want to risk their economic ties with china for india, just like what we did to inida in 1962 may be?

Sad you mate.
China's gains
Zia Haider, an analyst at the Washington-based Stimson Center, writes that Gwadar provides China "a transit terminal for crude-oil imports from Iran and Africa to China's Xinjiang region". The network of rail and road links connecting Pakistan with Afghanistan and Central Asian republics that is envisaged as part of the Gwadar project and to which China will have access would provide Beijing an opening into Central Asian markets and energy sources, in the process stimulating the economic development of China's backward Xinjiang region.

The Pentagon report sees China's efforts to defend its interests along oil shipping sea lanes as "creating a climate of uncertainty" and threatening "the safety of all ships on the high seas". This perception overlooks the fact that China's "string of pearls" strategy has been triggered by its sense of insecurity. The United States' overwhelming presence in the Gulf and the control of its exercises over the Malacca Strait, through which 80% of China's oil imports pass, has contributed enormously to Beijing's fears that Washington could choke off its oil supply, in the event of hostilities over Taiwan.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

Further discussion will take us more off topic

Look. You are overestimating its worth.

A highway or a rail line or whatever in this region will be too risky for China to base its complete lifeline on.

What is to guarantee that in the event of a conflict, this highway and rail lines will be safe from IA artillery regiments?

I really don't think China can afford to take such a big risk.
Look. You are overestimating its worth.

A highway or a rail line or whatever in this region will be too risky for China to base its complete lifeline on.

What is to guarantee that in the event of a conflict, this highway and rail lines will be safe from IA artillery regiments?

I really don't think China can afford to take such a big risk.
Mere dost.....
paanv zameen par rahe to acha hai, samandar main to jahaaz bhi doob jaate hain....:D
sir if the roumors are to be believd Pakistan is going to do a russia-alaska-america job again this time it might be leasing of gilgit balistan to China for 50 years , iff that happens china will make air & land bases veery 100-200miles & might be able to lay a web of oil&gas pipeline all the way from western china to CAR's through gilgit balistan what will happen then will India in a time of conflict can even think of using any type of force against China?????? Think?????????

Tell me , how difficult is it for a Prithvi missile armed with a High Explosive, to destroy a highway or a railway line?
Tell me , how difficult is it for a Prithvi missile armed with a High Explosive, to destroy a highway or a railway line?

i know its not difficult but tell me what a hapeens if china retaliates by exploding a neuk along the himalyan glaciers in tibbet ??????

dont over estimate indian response & under estimate chinas retaliation ?????????
Tell me , how difficult is it for a Prithvi missile armed with a High Explosive, to destroy a highway or a railway line?

a jaguar loaded with cluster bombs will do the job better. HE is not used to destroy roads (HE is used to destroy bridges and buildings . underground complexes )

---------- Post added at 06:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

i know its not difficult but tell me what a hapeens if china retaliates by exploding a neuk along the himalyan glaciers in tibbet ??????

dont over estimate indian response & under estimate chinas retaliation ?????????

guru bhai thats never going to happen . people dont lob nukes just like that .:)
least of all the Chinese , they are a very calculated people.
It's better to be logical than be hysterical.
Kindly see the transit route from Africa and Middle east to China via Indian Ocean...look at the map, you will see atleast half a dozen countries having beef with China than one country India.....What's logical, taking chance with one enemy or six????
i know its not difficult but tell me what a hapeens if china retaliates by exploding a neuk along the himalyan glaciers in tibbet ??????

dont over estimate indian response & under estimate chinas retaliation ?????????

Dude nukes come very late into the picture.

I'm not underestimating China's response, you are overestimating China's response.

China will nuke India? Do you even know what that means?
some Chinese members on this forum must try to understand something . what ever their personal feelings might be , reality is different . china and India will continue to trade and it will continue to grow.
as the trade grows the distrust will decrease. its something others can learn from .:)

THis may apply to Chinese members.. Though a lot of them are actually not chinese.. :)
Kindly see the transit route from Africa and Middle east to China via Indian Ocean...look at the map, you will see atleast half a dozen countries having beef with China than one country India.....What's logical, taking chance with one enemy or six????


It's much easier for India to disrupt China's supplies in the Himalayas than in the IOR.

That's is why I believe that China will not overly rely on this Highway thingy.
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