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China’s J-10B fighter to Pak worries India

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Another brainwashed indian... Do u know the Kill rates of PAF against iaf? ud be embarassed.

I was talking about what happened in the wars. You know, things like losing half a country, biggest surrender since WW2 etc. And it was a reply to your claim of Pak always being ahead of India, so don't say that is irrelevant.
they are not worry they just record there worry so next they will got f-22 as there is nothing less for india in market every fighter is available for india lolz.
a lot of you talk about MM Alam but the PAF has never released his guncam to prove his claims in fact we only credit him with 4 aerial kills

Chuck Yeager was the one who said "the pakistani army would be in Delhi within a week" in 1971 besides he got all butt hurt when his beechcraft was destroyed by IAF bombers on a raid so anything he says is biased and therefore irrelevant

Gnats were superior to the Sabres? dude you guys had Aim-9 sidewinder missiles while we were still using machine guns and unguided rockets on our fighters! despite the Gnats being less qualitative they still owned the Sabres in the air earning them the nick name "Sabre Slayers"

and i'm talking about air to air combat most of our air losses were due to AA fire and lost on the ground

The Sunday Tribune - Spectrum

nonetheless despite the PAF having better equipment than the IAF we stopped you guys from achieving air superiority and performed remarkably on the ground

The world accepts MM Alam as an ACE...
Ur the same guys who bragged abt destroying half of PAF .. yet shut ur mouths when the flew on the Parade.
Yes Gnats were supperior...... infacts when a indian sikh pilot was forced to land on a Pakistani base he joked abt how PAF pilots would fly his surrendered Gnat.
Lol sabre slayer...

3:1 and still quarter of IAF got its behind handed over to them...

Air to Air kills of PAF against iaf!

Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info

Also.. im sorry MM Alam shot down 11 iaf jets... 5 in less then 1 minute.. and we have a few PAF aces frm 65-71 on PDF aswell... who shot down several iaf jets..........like Sir Murrad K.....

Anyways u can search PDF for this topic or start a new thread........ lets not derail this one.
The world accepts MM Alam as an ACE...
Ur the same guys who bragged abt destroying half of PAF .. yet shut ur mouths when the flew on the Parade.
Yes Gnats were supperior...... infacts when a indian sikh pilot was forced to land on a Pakistani base he joked abt how PAF pilots would fly his surrendered Gnat.
Lol sabre slayer...

3:1 and still quarter of IAF got its behind handed over to them...

Air to Air kills of PAF against iaf!

Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info

Also.. im sorry MM Alam shot down 11 iaf jets... 5 in less then 1 minute.. and we have a few PAF aces frm 65-71 on PDF aswell... who shot down several iaf jets..........like Sir Murrad K.....

Anyways u can search PDF for this topic or start a new thread........ lets not derail this one.

really the world? and who is in that world? Pakistanis? :rofl: PAF and Pak gov't claim this fairy tale but 40+ years later still no guncam and this is the gov't who lied to its populace about the outcome of the 1965 war and lies on a regular basis like OBL not in Pakistan so yes don't blame me if i am reluctant to accept GOP word :lol: our sources credit him with 2-4 aerial kills same with neutral sources

how were Gnats superior? the Sabres were a generation ahead of them and they were considered to be the best dog fighter of its era our gnats did not even use infra red missiles like the F-86 sabres did and yes i know the truth hurts go and find out about why they were called sabre slayers

3:1? yet at the end of the war we only lost 10% of our force while PAF lost 17% of its force didn't you read the article the attrition rate for the PAF was much higher than the IAF which meant had the war continued the IAF would have achieved air superiority

yes and i'm sorry your blabbing like a Idiot without any proof other than Pakistani sources with no gun cam :lol: 25 aircraft lost in aerial combat to the 17-19 you guys lost this is when we are using fighters that are of vintage post ww2 era

and i'm not the one derailing your the one who brought up the PAF vs IAF BS
really the world? and who is in that world? Pakistanis? :rofl: PAF and Pak gov't claim this fairy tale but 40+ years later still no guncam and this is the gov't who lied to its populace about the outcome of the 1965 war and lies on a regular basis like OBL not in Pakistan so yes don't blame me if i am reluctant to accept GOP word :lol: our sources credit him with 2-4 aerial kills same with neutral sources

how were Gnats superior? the Sabres were a generation ahead of them and they were considered to be the best dog fighter of its era our gnats did not even use infra red missiles like the F-86 sabres did and yes i know the truth hurts go and find out about why they were called sabre slayers

3:1? yet at the end of the war we only lost 10% of our force while PAF lost 17% of its force didn't you read the article the attrition rate for the PAF was much higher than the IAF which meant had the war continued the IAF would have achieved air superiority

yes and i'm sorry your blabbing like a Idiot without any proof other than Pakistani sources with no gun cam :lol: 25 aircraft lost in aerial combat to the 17-19 you guys lost this is when we are using fighters that are of vintage post ww2 era

and i'm not the one derailing your the one who brought up the PAF vs IAF BS

Just one question, can you name a SINGLE INAF pilot having five kills in a minute? It is far from a fairy tale as the video footage and log is considered as sufficient evidence by the global media, defense authorities to validate his authencity but you folks live in another world so you need a word from a mouth of Rajni Kanth to believe anything. :)
Just one question, can you name a SINGLE INAF pilot having five kills in a minute?

no, and nor does PAF its not like you guys have genuine proof to say so either.... claims are claims proof is proof show a guncam then please talk, we credit him 2-4 aerial victories but 5 in a minute? we know how truthful you guys are about military history like the military led gov't brainwashing the local pakistani populace about the outcome of the 1965 war

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will also look good in green :)
no way it might be 30 rather 300 sukhoi-30
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