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Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

I'm not sure about the timelines, but definitely it could be around the time when IAF inducts FGFA (~2020).

I'm showing you the roadmap.

One should not be sure about IAF keeping true to it's schedules. Like delay in Tejas attributed to IAF keep changing the requirements. IAF voicing displeasure on FGFA would might see delays as revisions occur in FGFA
Hahaha.... :rofl::rofl:
i think this is called chest thumping...
lol.... if i remember correctly., u were the one to say... f16 are better than eurofighter....:lol:
F 16 are better than eurofighter typhoon ? just he says so !
One should not be sure about IAF keeping true to it's schedules. Like delay in Tejas attributed to IAF keep changing the requirements. IAF voicing displeasure on FGFA would might see delays as revisions occur in FGFA

What FGFA? One who's design has not even been finalized? Or the Russian Air force PAK-FA which is flying
and has nothing to do with IAF requirements?

What all those articles show is the statements of an alleged IAF officer (no one knows how he is involved in FGFA
project), who is not even any representative or spokesperson of the said project. IAF officially never made any
statement about FGFA design, which is very much in the earlier stages and lots of development from both countries
is to be done before the final product is out.

And all those so-called statements are not from IAF press meet or anything, but from Ajai shukla articles and those
of other journos known for their debauchery and misinformation campaigns, first against Tejas, then Pilatus trainer,
then MMRCA, now FGFA. And other articles have just spawned using these "statements" as sources.

Not a mass production possible by 2020, maybe 2-3 per year. Mass production will only be possible by 2025.

I'm talking of induction. The missiles are likely to be in production in Russia by the time FGFA gets inducted.
(Reuters) - Western governments are rushing to visit India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, drawn by the prospect of multi-billion-dollar deals as the government prepares to open the nascent defense industry to foreign investment.

Senior politicians from France, the United States and Britain arrive over the next few weeks as Modi prepares to accelerate the modernization of the country's mostly Soviet-era weaponry.

Modi intends to build up India's military capabilities and gradually turn the world's largest arms importer into a heavyweight manufacturer - a goal that has eluded every prime minister since independence in 1947.

On the table is a proposal circulated within the new government to raise caps on foreigninvestment
- with one option to allow complete foreign ownership of some defense projects.

"All the countries are trying to make their case, especially as there is the sense that the Indian market will undergo a shift," said Harsh Pant, professor of international relations at King's College, London.

"They get a sense from their dealings that something dramatic is going to happen and they want first-mover advantage," said Pant, who specializes in Indian defense.

First to arrive in New Delhi will be French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, whose top priority is to close a stalled deal to sell India 126 Rafale fighter jets, built by Dassault Aviation AVMD.PA, for an estimated $15 billion. (Full Story)

Fabius, who arrives on Monday, will meet Modi as well as his most powerful minister, Arun Jaitley, who holds the twin portfolios of defense and finance - and can therefore decide both whether to sign the deal and when to release the money.

U.S. Senator John McCain is also due in India next week. McCain, whose Arizona constituency is host to some of Boeing BA.N and Raytheon's RTN.N most important defense businesses, told the Senate on Thursday that Washington should seek to help India's economic and military development.

"This is an area where U.S. defense capabilities, technologies, and cooperation - especially between our defense industries - can benefit India enormously," McCain said of India's drive to modernize the armed forces.


Meanwhile Britain is likely to send in Foreign Secretary William Hague and financeminister George Osborne in July, a British government source said on Friday.

Britain has drawn some cheer from the slow progress of the negotiations for the Rafale deal. The multi-national Eurofighter Typhoon was shortlisted along with the Dassault fighter before India announced the French jet was the winner.

Cost escalations and disagreements about building the Rafale in partnership with India's state-run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) have complicated talks with France, and London has never entirely given up hope that it will return to the race.

However, on Thursday, one source at the Indian defense ministry said the deal was likely to be finally closed during Fabius's visit and could be signed this year. A French foreign ministry source said talks were continuing, but declined to give any details.

Russia, for years India's top weapons supplier, has already sent Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to visit the new government in Delhi, two weeks ago. Washington last year replaced Moscow as India's top defense supplier, according to IHS Jane's.

The Western nations will have noted that India's foreign minister expressed displeasure with Russia's recent offer to sell Mi-35 attack helicopters to India's arch-rival Pakistan.

"I don’t think it’s a competition," U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Nisha Biswal said after an early post-election visit to New Delhi.

"India will have strong and positive relationships with a variety of countries and that is to be encouraged," said Biswal. "We want to see India taking on a stronger and a leadership role in the region and around the world so we welcome that."

U.S. government officials are pushing hard for $2.8 billion in delayed sales of Boeing's Apache attack and Chinook military transport helicopters to be among the first completed under the new government, according to sources familiar with the issue.

The $1.4 billion order for 22 AH-64D Apaches was first approved in December 2010. A separate deal for 15 heavy-lift CH-47F Chinook helicopters is also valued at $1.4 billion.Boeing declined to comment on the prospects for the two orders.


India spent some $6 billion last year on weapons imports. It makes few of its own weapons, beyond ballistic missiles and assembly lines for foreign jets.

On Thursday, the government signaled it was in the mood for liberalization by allowing manufacturers to build more defense components without licenses, making it easier for Indian firms to partner foreigners.

At present foreign companies can only invest 26 percent in Indian defense projects without committing to technology transfer, which has put off many investors.

Before the election, sources in Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party said there was a plan to increase the cap to 49 percent.

"For higher-tech intellectual property we would want to go over 50 percent to be in a position to share technology that we have significant investments in," said Phil Shaw, chief executive of Lockheed Martin India Pvt Ltd.

"An uplift from 26 to 49 percent maintains the status quo and may not be sufficientincentive
to make an investment here."

Lockheed Martin LMT.N already has a 26 percent investment in an Indian joint venture with Tata Advanced Systems that manufactures airframe components for the C-130J Super Hercules military transport plane.

India's Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion has circulated a discussion document that proposes allowing up to 100 percent foreign direct investment (FDI) in defense production, two government officials told Reuters.

The note suggested allowing 100 percent FDI in manufacturing of state-of-the art equipment, one of the officials said. It also recommends a cap of 49 percent for investments which do not involve transfer technology and a 74 percent ceiling in such cases where the foreign investor is ready to share technology know-how, the official added.

Last week, Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said foreign investment in the sector would help increase the defensive preparedness of the country and reduce its dependence on imports, saving billions of dollars in foreign exchange.

However, she said the government was yet to take a final call on increasing the FDI ceiling and the decision would be taken by Jaitley and Modi. The proposals also face pockets of resistance in India's industry, Modi's party and the military establishment.

A.K. Antony, who was India's longest serving defense minister until his Congress party's election defeat in May, said this week that allowing higher foreign investment in defense would be "suicidal".

(Additional reporting by Andrew Osborn in London, David Brunnstrom and Andrea Shalal-Esa in Washington, Alexandria Sage in Paris and; Rajesh Kumar Singh, Douglas Busvine and Nigam Prusty in New Delhi; Editing by Jeremy Laurence and Greg Mahlich)

Looks like India wants 120+ Rafale/Eurofighter jets as it possibly needs these to remain credible in face of an ever expanding chinese airpower.
When you have half the knowledge, then such things do happen..

Now for your information, in the operation opera, the ordinance was carried by f16 and the top cover to them was given by F15.. Now you must be knowing that F15 has RCS more than 10 meter square... I think rest of the things, you can predict by yourself....
Did you read that I chuckled all the BS coming from **** members I kept quiet but this one ! :laughcry:
You are dense aren't you, must i spoon feed you everything.... I posted a link to the news of Red Flag above the pictures....here's more and if you are that keen, , you can dig out more info from the PAF official website.

Pakistan Air Force trains at Nellis

Still There is No Participation in War Games It was Training Exercise Not War Games or Combat Excessive

"Red Flag has given the PAF the opportunity to deploy its assets and personnel around the world," said Group Captain Javad Saeed, the Pakistan Detachment commander. "It has also provided a contemporary air combat training environment for our less experienced aircrew members."

The PAF flew 57 air interdiction sorties in 12 days. "For PAF to participate in Red Flag, it required training and proficiency on air-to-air refueling operations," Captain Saeed said. The PAF, with U.S. Air Force support, was able to gain that proficiency and refuel 50 times for a total transfer of 110,900 pounds of jet fuel.

The captain said deploying to Nellis has given them the opportunity to interact and operate in a joint environment, allowing every person, unit and nation involved to learn from each other. He added that Red Flag provides a rich training environment shaped by different professional forces and nations."

Told you PAF is To Scared to Take Part In War Combat Exercise Rather they are Doing Training Exercises:rofl::rofl::disagree::disagree:

IAF Got Balls to go Against Worlds Best Fighters One On One Unlike PAF,Red Flag,Grundaa, Etc you Name it

Both Sources Are not Official Sources Its Rather Defense ForumWebsites
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F 16 are better than eurofighter typhoon ? just he says so !
ya bro, he think his f16 can beat any plane.... one of the fellas wanted to put satellite in orbit by jf17 a few months bqck.......:rofl::rofl:
You want official claim. Let's get you one. Chinese are deeply impressed by PAF aggressive combat style

Pak-China joint air exercise ‘Shaheen-III’ concludes

JF-17 pitted against SU-27. It achieved favourable results: JF-17 program Director verbatim quote

JF-17 pitted against J-10 this year: Chinese are deeply impressed by aggressive PAF combat style.

If this is JF-17 pilots skill level, than no wonder what F-16 pilots can achieve.

Yes MKI is superior, but can it escape HMDS wrath in WVR despite it's amazing manuverability ?
Point here is going Against World Top Air forces Usaf ,Raaf,French IAf Regularly Take Part War games One on One Against Best fighters in the World If Paf Fighters Are So Good What they Say They Must Take Part In War Games Against The Best
Yes MKI is superior, but can it escape HMDS wrath in WVR despite it's amazing manuverability ?
Against R-73 in Wvr If It Was That Easy I guess Dont Take offence With that Logic You can Also Say Jf-17 Can Also Superior to F-15 Loaded with Aim-9x (Big RCS) Logic And F-35 Against Su-35 Its Highly Speculative Debate
ya bro, he think his f16 can beat any plane.... one of the fellas wanted to put satellite in orbit by jf17 a few months bqck.......:rofl::rofl:

When Eurofighter Executives admit F-16 is better than Eurofighter in WVR, than who are you to make mockery ?

Point here is going Against World Top Air forces Usaf ,Raaf,French IAf Regularly Take Part War games One on One Against Best fighters in the World If Paf Fighters Are So Good What they Say They Must Take Part In War Games Against The Best

Dubai exercise, where Our F-7 PG participated and held exercises against F-22 Raptor and other contemporary aircrafts. Jordan F-16's. Turkish Anatolian exercises.
When Eurofighter Executives admit F-16 is better than Eurofighter in WVR, than who are you to make mockery ?
Sir EFT In Training Pitted Against 2 times F-15,One time F/A-18,F-16,Mirage F1 Etc All-time It Came out Superior
December 17, 2009

Six F-22 Raptor pilots returned Wednesday to Langley Air Force Base from a five-week training mission in the Middle East. Their trip marked the controversial aircraft's first extended test under harsh desert conditions.

The pilots, who are part of the 27th Fighter Squadron of Langley's 1st Fighter Wing, spent most of the deployment carrying out simulated combat missions at a training center in the United Arab Emirates, the Air Force said. They practiced against military pilots from Pakistan, Jordan, France and Britain.

F-22 Raptors return from training in Middle East | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
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