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Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

Don't be desperate. If this link means something, EU project bigwigs won't be comparing WVR performance of it with F-16 and claiming it has upper hand in dog fighting. A single HUD claim.
oh!! then.post the article where the chief says f16 is better than eft....
we all need proof.... and till now i am just llistening, but haven't posted a single saying so.... where f16 killed eft in wvr

^ F-16 Killing EU 3 times in WVR. This is what we call a Real HUD FOOTAGE
Rafale killing F/22 in Wvr See Check this:enjoy::enjoy:
Sir Fake Videos Are All Over Youtube If you Want More it Can Post it
Sir It Was F-16 of the Turkish Air force Not PAF Show A Article with Picture Proofs

I'm just proving my Point F-16 can fleece Euro fighter and Euro fighter Project directors are worried about F-16 dog fighting and WVR capability.

So next time, when someone makes a fun about F-16 fleecing a super duper EU is the joke of 21st century, My post would just reminder for those that F-16 in capable hand can do wonders and our PAF F-16 boys are most capable pilots and can easily handle EU when they would face them.
Don't be desperate. If this link means something, EU project bigwigs won't be comparing WVR performance of it with F-16 and claiming it has upper hand in dog fighting. A single HUD claim.
oh!! then.post the article where the chief says f16 is better than eft....
we all need proof.... and till now i am just llistening, but haven't posted a single saying so.... where f16 killed eft in wvr
@Bratva in exercise F/A-18G are the one who killed F-22s more then once and that picture of those kills on that plane painted has been posted on PDF, and that earned them some reputation.

And I m waiting for new link to watch that video.
oh!! then.post the article where the chief says f16 is better than eft....
we all need proof.... and till now i am just llistening, but haven't posted a single saying so.... where f16 killed eft in wvr

Check 164, your wish is granted. I hope you stop posting repetitive and stupid commentary. It makes you look dumb and yeah EU project director is more capable and knowledgeable than you to make a comment that F-16 is better than EU in dog fighting.
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lol, when was Su-30MKI "war-proven"? Which war?

Su-30MKI is good on paper. 3000 range and blah blah...but in real combat mission, it hardly matters.

Say for example India plans to conduct an air-strike on nuclear-sites of enemy 2500km away. Su-30MKI, with 3000km range and 4.5 combat endurance comes to mind.

But can india use this bird?

It is such a BIG aircraft with such a massive RCS that enemy radars will pick it up hundreds of kilometers away from border.....and then enemy fighters will be air-borne.

Israelis were able to destroy Iraq's nuclear-plant using F-16s....If they had used Su-30MKI, they would have had failed.

A smaller fighter-jet, armed with advance avionics, AESA radar, jammers, and loaded with smart weapons is way more lethal than anything like that of Su-30MKI.

Therefore jets like Eurofighters, Rafale, and F-16 block 60 E/F are much more sophisticated/better aircrafts for airforces around the world.

This is a much more dangerous threat for an enemy


compared to this


What is the role of F15 flight eagle in UASF?? F16 was and will be used for ground attack. There is a reason why they didn't use F-15 for such strike. Each fighter is unique to its ability. You must not compare F-16 with Su 30 MKI. They are two different fighter altogather.
How WVR or BVR combat is fought @Chogy & @gambit can tell better as it is know fact that whoever is able to dictate its rules in a fight will have huge chance of winning it, its not just plane vs plane.
@Bratva in exercise F/A-18G are the one who killed F-22s more then once and that picture of those kills on that plane painted has been posted on PDF, and that earned them some reputation.

Sir jee, we know that, you know that, but some persons are just arguing for the sake of keeping up their ego's. First they were like show us any air force praised PAF, then they were like PAF never trained against western countries. Dubai exercise, Antolian 2012 where PAF F-16 participated against EU-2000 and other aircrafts, then they were like EU scored a hit against F-16 and I showed them F-16 3 kills against EU. Let's see where discussions further go ;)
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I'm just proving my Point F-16 can fleece Euro fighter and Euro fighter Project directors are worried about F-16 dog fighting and WVR capability.
So next time, when someone makes a fun about F-16 fleecing a super duper EU is the joke of 21st century, My post would just reminder for those that F-16 in capable hand can do wonders and our PAF F-16 boys are most capable pilots and can easily handle EU when they would face them
Sir No one is Saying Eft is Invincible Yeah Veteran Pilot Can Give Fighter Run For His Money But Its Does Not Mean Technical Superiority Can't Be Counted
Rafale killing F/22 in Wvr See Check this:enjoy::enjoy:
Sir Fake Videos Are All Over Youtube If you Want More it Can Post it

You got to be kidding me. This a real video. Leaked by French on another forum. Key publishing, ask anyone of your learned members

Sir No one is Saying Eft is Invincible Yeah Veteran Pilot Can Give Fighter Run For His Money But Its Does Not Mean Technical Superiority Can't Be Counted

Ok :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
I dont know what people say, but the sukhoi like the f-15 is an expensive difficult to maintain,tuff to keep toys.
People keep saying how the f-15 is a better air combat fighter than the f-16 by its combat record.But we have to keep in mind it the USAF which used f-15 mostly for air to air combat and restricted f-16s mostly to bombing because it wanted to protect the f-15s production and almost all(and the very few other just beyond WVR) of the F-15 kills were WVR(even with sparrows and AMRAAMS) against poorly trained,obsolete airforces.

1.Their combat agility ITR(Instantaneous turn rate) is terrible because of higher wing loading,TVC will improve ITR hugely but only at lower speeds as at higher speeds the g lock will make the pilot unconcious
2.STR(sustained turn rate) lower due to lower thrust to weight ratio,drag and the use of TVC will make it worse.After using TVC a low thrust to weight ratio fighter like the sukhoi will make make it a sitting duck.

3.Their RCS is defenitely going to affect their survivability no matter what others say,their high power radars,heavy ECM make them easily detectable by RWR,ESM at far higher distances than the radar can scan (because of scattering,distance to travel).Asystem with range only radar and accurate wideband RWR can accurately locate the plane with ease without it being detected.

4.Their huge IR emissions mean they cant fly at MANPAD(which ironically will be one of the most abundant anti air weapon) altitudes.They can be easily detected by IRSTs.

5.Their roll rates and instantaneous maneuver capability can never match single engined fighters as their power plants are located away from their center of gravity but TVC can handle it by diverting some thrust but that will be detrimental to the already low T/W ratio.

6.Many say twin engined fighters are more survivable, but in combat when your one engine is lost ,chances are that you lose the other to the same fire(unless it is located like an A-10) or control issues due to asymmetry(A-7 has better survivability than the f-4 in vietnam),also chances are that you will face higher engine flameouts in any one of your twin engines than one engine. F-16,gripen have a better safety than record than any double engined fighter.(stories about mig-25 being more survivable than mig-23 in afhanistan is false as mig-23 mission profile was more dangerous and the 25 flew higher and faster,if it conducted low level missions then things would have been different).

7.The procurement costs,manainability(twin engine fighter have alot of difficult to reach internal areas),lesser training hours will be a big issues for double engined fighters,range is not a function of payload capacity but fuel fraction which can also be factored into single engined fighters.

8.Honestly, in contested air spaces of the future ,air operations deep into the enemy territory will mean your will lose more than you take out(like in vietnam,kososvo), so this high internal and payload capacity(need for targetting,navigation,comm etc etc) doesnt make much sense and in air combat most of the engagements till today mostly dint last more than a few minutes which means having large number of missiles is not a huge concern.

Single engined,reliable,lethal,maintable,affordable fighters should fill the inventory instead of these twin engined handicaps. Gripen NG or LCA(after FOC) will add value to IAFs strength than sukhois or rafales.
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