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China readies for a sharp short war with Japan

It is a standard 5th gen fighter, not a game changer.

This is a game changer. And this is only one of China's many lethal secret weapons.

U.S. Navy Sees Chinese HGV As Part Of Wider Threat

Even China is 10 years behind US, US still cannot take China lightly. Because they are fighting close to China's home turf, where China has enormous firepower to blow the entire USN and their air/naval bases.
well, I am not a military expert but this stuff HGV still has to prove its effectiveness if it works in one day.

Do you really believe in a military conflict between China and Japan? What advantages would that give China? Would the economical, political, military etc. cost be worth it?

We already all know who is the most powerful country today of those two. China obviously.
well, I am not a military expert but this stuff HGV still has to prove its effectiveness if it works in one day.

Our HGV has succeeded twice in a row, since we got the biggest wind tunnel to test any flying object with the speed of Mach 10 or more. It can strike the globe within an hour with the devastating warhead (both nuclear and conventional) or sharp metal object.

It will only take few minutes to strike the entire Japan and toying their so-called missile defense like a joke.


Do you really believe in a military conflict between China and Japan? What advantages would that give China? Would the economical, political, military etc. cost be worth it?

We already all know who is the most powerful country today of those two. China obviously.

It will burst the military alliance between USA and Japan, so it results as USA no longer being able to stay in Asia.

Do you think that USA wanna take a MAD with China just for Japan?
Oh sorry, my bad, i think i misread it.

But again under WW2 surrender terms, Japan's is only a DEFENSIVE force & can't attack any other nation.
that is correct. the current constition forbits Japan to rage a war.

BUT it does allow Japan to have a strong army for self defence AND help allies and friends if they come under attack.
It will burst the military alliance between USA and Japan, so it results as USA no longer being able to stay in Asia.

Do you think that USA wanna take a MAD with China just for Japan?

How so? Only temporarily. I also doubt that USA/NATO and their regional allies will look silently back. In short I don't think that brute force works between military powers in this time and age. To the degree it once did.
How so? Only temporarily. I also doubt that USA/NATO and their regional allies will look silently back. In short I don't think that brute force works between military powers in this time and age.

The alliance between USA and Japan is just a paper tiger, all USA can do is to provide some lip service.

No way that they are going to take thousand nukes for Japan.
The alliance between USA and Japan is just a paper tiger, all USA can do is to provide some lip service.

No way that they are going to take thousand nukes for Japan.

You are not being realistic here my friend. Which nukes? No nukes will be involved. If China makes a short military statement it will only further alienate Japan from China. Once that statement has been made things will return to how they are today. In short you have nothing to gain from attacking Japan and a lot to lose by doing it.

Remember that NATO is by far the most powerful military intergovernmental military alliance.
You are not being realistic here my friend. Which nukes? No nukes will be involved. If China makes a short military statement it will only further alienate Japan from China. Once that statement has been made things will return to how they are today. In short you have nothing to gain from attacking Japan and a lot to lose by doing it.

We don't care it anymore, it is Japan who are the warmongers.

Even our biggest Japan cheerleader here did admit that Japan is like the Germany of pre-WWII, they want to embrace to their imperialist past. They are sitting on a volcano, so they are now looking for new land to invade.

And no one wants to invade Japan, China is not interested in their four tiny islands.

China can afford to play wait game, but they can't, since they feel that they have to take on China before we are getting too strong.

They wanna drag USA into the war, so it becomes China vs USA, an one stone and two birds for them.

USA wanna China and Japan to keep up the high tension, but they don't want an actual war to outbreak.

Now USA is pissing at Japan for ruining their Asia-Pacific pivot with their secret agenda.
Too bad that nutcase Abe doesn't have the leadership talent of Hitler.

So what if Japan re-militarizes themselves and becomes Nazi-Germany 2.0? They will be putting back again to their initial position.

So now you finally admit that Japan is more akin to the Germany of pre-WWII?

Hitler was actually a very good military man and a good leader. He wasn't all talk like any right wing politician you see nowadays. His actions speak louder than words.
LOL. According to you China is weak. Why vietnam don't invade China now? Why hesitate?
ha ha ha ...invading China, are you nuts?

as far as I know indeed Vietnam invaded China only one time...long time ago. As a preemptive strike on Southern China when you mobilized a massive army with the intention to invade Vietnam.
ha ha ha ...invading China, are you nuts?

as far as I know indeed Vietnam invaded China only one time...long time ago. As a preemptive strike on Southern China when you mobilized an massive army with the intention to invade Vietnam.

Preemptive strike against South China? LMAO

Before you wanna takeoff your puny number of Su-27/Su-30, our missiles are already aiming at your airports and other infrastructures.
ha ha ha ...invading China, are you nuts?

as far as I know indeed Vietnam invaded China only one time...long time ago. As a preemptive strike on Southern China when you mobilized a massive army with the intention to invade Vietnam.

Show us who's boss now then? :lol:
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