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China readies for a sharp short war with Japan

Chinese propaganda. You lost badly in 1979. 62,500 Chinese soldiers were killed and over 50 percent of China’s military hardware destroyed.
1974 and 1988 were naval battles.

Vietnam still proud of Chinese skulls in the jungle - English pravda.ru

:lol: Vietnam got crushed in 1979, we killed 90% of the Vietnamese soldiers and dismantled the spine of the Vietnamese military. All those skulls were not Chinese soldiers, they were Viet soldiers successfully killed by the PLA.

Keep believing the propaganda your regime and the west have brainwashed you.

Pipe dreams is the only way Vietnam will ever defeat the PLA.

You got crushed back then, and will get crushed now. If the PLA decides to use full force without any regard for Vietnamese civilians, there won't be Vietnamese human beings living in Vietnam.

There is nothing in the Vietnamese military arsenal that even remotely worries us and everything in our arsenal can bomb you back to the stone age.
China provided training to Viet Cong and also enabled Soviet officers to get to Vietnam to train. A lot of the Viet Cong air defense were also manned by Chinese troops.

Transport ships would have been vulnerable to air strikes from American, South Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese air power. Without land transport through China, it would have been impossible to supply the huge amounts of arms and ammunition to Vietnam. The USSR and China were Communist. When it came to fighting a capitalist country like America, all Communists are brothers in arms. Indeed, China and the USSR had some differences, but they were united with regard to war efforts in Vietnam. :yes4:

Propaganda in China brainwashed Chinese people with lies.

Only few North Korean volunteer pilots joined with Vietnamese pilots in air defense for training.

Chinese troops were logistic troops to build road from China to border provinces of Vietnam. Chinese didn't joined directly in fighting. From 1968 china withdrawal such troops when Vietnam war was going brutally, to normalize diplomacy relation with USA.

In 1979, China troops attacked Vietnam in the same roads they built.
Bro....why do you think China haven't attacked Taiwan till now?? Taiwan, Japan, SK, Australia are under Defense/Nuclear cover of US. Yes, a China-US war is unimaginable in 21st century but US is bound by it's laws to protect the sovereignty of these nations.

Well, because China read Sun Tzu Art of War. Which tell them that the ultimate victory is winning a fight without a war / spill the blood. For now, they still can achieve that objective, so why would they choose worse type of victory and attack Taiwan? Let we pretend that you have the opportunity to date the prettiest girl in your class, so why would you rape her in order to get her?
:lol: Vietnam got crushed in 1979, we killed 90% of the Vietnamese soldiers and dismantled the spine of the Vietnamese military. All those skulls were not Chinese soldiers, they were Viet soldiers successfully killed by the PLA.

Keep believing the propaganda your regime and the west have brainwashed you.

Pipe dreams is the only way Vietnam will ever defeat the PLA.

You got crushed back then, and will get crushed now. If the PLA decides to use full force without any regard for Vietnamese civilians, there won't be Vietnamese human beings living in Vietnam.

There is nothing in the Vietnamese military arsenal that even remotely worries us and everything in our arsenal can bomb you back to the stone age.
stop inhale the smog...that is not good for you.

Well, because China read Sun Tzu Art of War. Which tell them that the ultimate victory is winning a fight without a war / spill the blood. For now, they still can achieve that objective, so why would they choose worse type of victory and attack Taiwan? Let we pretend that you have the opportunity to date the prettiest girl in your class, so why would you rape her in order to get her?
Chinese have a suicidal tendency.

On one side, they are smart and hard working people, on the other side, they are arrogant and aggressive. For the sake of a whatever dumb ideology, they are always willing to throw 2,000 years Chinese cultures and custom into the next trash bin. That is China. :(
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Our HGV has succeeded twice in a row, since we got the biggest wind tunnel to test any flying object with the speed of Mach 10 or more. It can strike the globe within an hour with the devastating warhead (both nuclear and conventional) or sharp metal object.

It will only take few minutes to strike the entire Japan and toying their so-called missile defense like a joke.

It will burst the military alliance between USA and Japan, so it results as USA no longer being able to stay in Asia.

Do you think that USA wanna take a MAD with China just for Japan?

You should ask this question, did China want to risk MAD with USA over Japan?

You need to remember, MAD work both direction, You cannot expect a nuclear war with Japan and not get US involved

Fighting a war with Japan in any form will only benefit US in anyway, if you are talking about a conventional war, Japan will lose and they will draw closer to the US, and worse still, all other intermediate country in the world will look at US for protection rather then being submit to China, you also need to realise a war with Japan will not just involve a few thousand missile fired, an actual running war will damage both Japan and China economically, while one economy is dead in water while the other is a rising star, it will actually do more damage to China than Japan

If China are going to fight a nuclear war with Japan, then expect a total lost of everything in China. And the world.
Being a good military guy, you had to capitalize on your opportunities. He did. He just messed up attacking Russia in winter and that cost him the war. Had he waited until summer, things would be different.

Actually, hilters biggest mistake is he try to fight 3 fronts at the same time, he should have waited until British felt then he could invade Russia, he started the war with Russian before he can isolate America, you don't fight America and Russia at the same time.
Actually, hilters biggest mistake is he try to fight 3 fronts at the same time, he should have waited until British felt then he could invade Russia, he started the war with Russian before he can isolate America, you don't fight America and Russia at the same time.
US got involved thanks to the japs attack on pearl harbour.
:lol: Vietnam got crushed in 1979, we killed 90% of the Vietnamese soldiers and dismantled the spine of the Vietnamese military. All those skulls were not Chinese soldiers, they were Viet soldiers successfully killed by the PLA.

Keep believing the propaganda your regime and the west have brainwashed you.


China did everything to force Vietnam withdraw some of their elite troops in Cambodia, In case China kill 90% of Vietnamese soldiers, and Vietnam still not retreat some of their troops in Cambodia back ... Vietnam must be crazy ...

Please study what you said

Keep believing the propaganda your regime and the west have brainwashed you.

Tell you some truth you don't know!
My father service as PLA soldier in 1960-1980 , the troop was PLA 65th antiaircraft cannon division . In late 60's, the whole Division moved into Vietnam to shoot the America planes,to protect Vietnamese Sky. But they were wearing Vietcong's uniform,pretend to be Vietnam Army.
If I have chance I'll scan the photo in which my father and his fellow soldiers took as memorial in Vienam wearing Vietcong's uniform.
We still keep a comb made of shot down American plane's alloy aluminum skin as a memorial souvenir.

Thanks for your father support to Vietnam.
Actually, the uniform of Vietnam by Chinese clothes, even tailored in China ... so it looks like same ... no need to change to Vietcong uniform at all.

PLA AA almost protect themselves because the task for them is build or repair the roads network, and road network is also the target for America aircrafts.

Every factory in North of Vietnam has their machine guns for AA ... even some guys claim shot down aircraft by their carabines ...

My parents in army since 1964, they said that ... at first Chinese soldiers don't care about bombing, they shout out some things like Cheering President Mao, and not hide under heavy bombing to shoot America airforce, so they got heavy casualty ...
Sometimes After that, in the same case, after the America aircraft passed, they climb up the hideout and shoot for nothing ... not forget to shout out something cheering President Mao ...
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