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China readies for a sharp short war with Japan

Chinese propaganda. You lost badly in 1979. 62,500 Chinese soldiers were killed and over 50 percent of China’s military hardware destroyed.
1974 and 1988 were naval battles.

Vietnam still proud of Chinese skulls in the jungle - English pravda.ru

The 62500 figure is a gross exaggeration, since China has all the names of the soldiers on the list, it is around 20000.

Since Russia was on the side with Vietnam in this war, so the credible of their source is just as much as those of the West.
The 62500 figure is a gross exaggeration, since China has all the names of the soldiers on the list, it is around 20000.

Since Russia was on the side with Vietnam in this war, so the credible of their source is just as much as those of the West.
regardless the numbers...Chinese casualties would be much higher if Vietnam threw more regular army divisions into the battles, and ambushed when the PLA tried to retreat.

if anything then the PLA had hopefully learned a lesson of modern warfare in this war with Vietnam: flexible response, that may be helpful for you, should it come to a war with Japan.
regardless the numbers...Chinese casualties would be much higher if Vietnam threw more regular army divisions into the battles, and ambushed when the PLA tried to retreat.

if anything then the PLA had hopefully learned a lesson of modern warfare in this war with Vietnam: flexible response, that may be helpful for you, should it come to a war with Japan.

You have lost over 200000 militia members, so bragging about how you won big against PLA.
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Vietnam's war with China was puny compared to Vietnam war. The former being only a month or so. The latter being nearly two decades. China never intended to annex Vietnam like America did. :yes4: Besides, without China transferring Soviet arms to Vietnam by land, Vietnam would have been no match for American firepower.

Japan has a powerful navy, but its air force is weak, with only about 60 F-2 and about 150 F-15 single seat fighters. J-10B has technological advantage over them, and should be able to take air supremacy without much difficulty.
It will be a masterstroke if China captures the islands by force. The reasons are many -
i. USA will only protest and not take any military action. Reason? Treasury bonds. US economy has just started recovering. They won't risk it for some uninhabited islands of Japan.
ii. The present dilly-dallying of Taiwan will end and the show of force may show them that the PRC means business.
iii. It would send a shiver down the Indian establishment.
iv. It would tremendously boost the moral and position of Pakistan. With the US withdrawal and Chinese might, Pakistan may completely switch over to the Chinese side.
v. Once the US refuses to meddle(I am sure it won't), the 'neutral' countries of Asia will shift towards the Chinese block - including BD, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, etc. This means India and Vietnam will be checkmated.
Vietnam is an ally of China. Vietnam is a Communist country. China fought for nearly 20 YEARS to establish Communist rule in Vietnam.
Vietnam is an ally of China. Vietnam is a Communist country. China fought for nearly 20 YEARS to establish Communist rule in Vietnam.

Its big lie.

In cold war, Soviet Union was master of both.
And how would the USSR have been able to deliver arms to Vietnam if not through China? :yes4:

It was transit, from 1968 China limited to shake hand with USA, Soviet ships delivered to us over sea. So why US is blocked Haiphong port in 1972.
Vietnam's war with China was puny compared to Vietnam war. The former being only a month or so. The latter being nearly two decades. China never intended to annex Vietnam like America did. :yes4: Besides, without China transferring Soviet arms to Vietnam by land, Vietnam would have been no match for American firepower.

Japan has a powerful navy, but its air force is weak, with only about 60 F-2 and about 150 F-15 single seat fighters. J-10B has technological advantage over them, and should be able to take air supremacy without much difficulty.
yes, the first France-Vietnam war lasted 24 years. So the 3-4 weak long China-Vietnam war just a snapshot of time.

yes, of course without weapons from the Soviets and China, Vietnam had no chance against the superpower America. At that time, only the Soviet Union had the power to challenge the US hegemony.

a powerful army consists of good fighting personnel and good military hardware. usually lacking of one of them is very bad. Just claiming China will win the war against Japan because you possess more hardware than Japan is very risky assumption. see Vietnam.

Vietnam is an ally of China. Vietnam is a Communist country. China fought for nearly 20 YEARS to establish Communist rule in Vietnam.
yes and no, Vietnam was ally and later opponent of China.

where and when were Chinese combat troops in Vietnam?
I don´t mean the engineering troops.
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where and when were Chinese combat troops in Vietnam?
I don´t mean the engineering troops.

China provided training to Viet Cong and also enabled Soviet officers to get to Vietnam to train. A lot of the Viet Cong air defense were also manned by Chinese troops.

It was transit, from 1968 China limited to shake hand with USA, Soviet ships delivered to us over sea. So why US is blocked Haiphong port in 1972.

Transport ships would have been vulnerable to air strikes from American, South Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese air power. Without land transport through China, it would have been impossible to supply the huge amounts of arms and ammunition to Vietnam. The USSR and China were Communist. When it came to fighting a capitalist country like America, all Communists are brothers in arms. Indeed, China and the USSR had some differences, but they were united with regard to war efforts in Vietnam. :yes4:
sure, China has an upper hand. Japan is already highly indebted.

But beware, Nazi Germany was highly indebted, too, before the WWII. Adolf Hitler financed the spendings on economic recovery and military buildup by debts. Germany faced bankruptcy. So debts are not a decision factor. No, rather it was one of the reasons why Germany and Japan went to war.
LOL this explains the actions of the USA.
yes, the first France-Vietnam war lasted 24 years. So the 3-4 weak long China-Vietnam war just a snapshot of time.

where and when were Chinese combat troops in Vietnam?
I don´t mean the engineering troops.
Tell you some truth you don't know!
My father service as PLA soldier in 1960-1980 , the troop was PLA 65th antiaircraft cannon division . In late 60's, the whole Division moved into Vietnam to shoot the America planes,to protect Vietnamese Sky. But they were wearing Vietcong's uniform,pretend to be Vietnam Army.
If I have chance I'll scan the photo in which my father and his fellow soldiers took as memorial in Vienam wearing Vietcong's uniform.
We still keep a comb made of shot down American plane's alloy aluminum skin as a memorial souvenir.
Chinese Long Sword land attack cruise missiles can pummel Japanese and American air bases and naval ports in Japan. F-2, F-15, F-22 fighter jets would be mostly destroyed on the ground. All China has to do is use fighter jets, warships, subs, air defense to safeguard Chinese shores from which cruise missiles are launched. :yes4: Once enemy air bases are neutralized, maritime patrol planes and fighter jets can destroy enemy warships and subs. Finally land troops on islands, build houses, and populate with civilians.
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