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China readies for a sharp short war with Japan

No they don't seek confrontation... they are very shrewd, and access to better life has made them wiser..... what they are doing right now is playing "the game," with their principal opponent America, for few favors here, few there....... has got nothing to do with you guys at the moment..... what they really are saying, is saying to America : "Hey, bitches, we have grown up. We need bigger piece of the cake".... that's about it.... they are by no means homocidal maniacs.... unlike the US / UK or France.

you are right. the rising of China changes everything and alters the balance of power in the region. I´m afraid the blow comes sooner than one expects. The Chinese seek confrontation as they feel confident with every day passes by.
you are right. the rising of China changes everything and alters the balance of power in the region. I´m afraid the blow comes sooner than one expects. The Chinese seek confrontation as they feel confident with every day passes by.

We are getting stronger day by day.

And you just brag how Japan got their fancy F-35.

But let me telling you, they will receive their initial batch of F-35 not until 2018.

While the midterm plan is explicit about a number of important new programs, it states only that Japan will buy 28 F-35s through Japanese fiscal 2018.

Future of F-35 Unclear as Costs Mount in Japan | Defense News | defensenews.com

And do you have the idea about the strength of China in 2018? It will be twice as much as the China of 2013.

So go ahead, let Japan feels assure with their F-35.
in any future conflict china can beat japan , they should not repeat the mistake they do in ww2 by attacking a country bigger than them in all aspects
Too bad that nutcase Abe doesn't have the leadership talent of Hitler.

So what if Japan re-militarizes themselves and becomes Nazi-Germany 2.0? They will be putting back again to their initial position.

So now you finally admit that Japan is more akin to the Germany of pre-WWII?
Japan is an overpopulated island with no natural resources and barely farm lands. without external trades and massive subsidies for the farmers, many Japanese will starve. But they are smart people and they know how to survive.

today Japan is seen as counterweight to China, regadless of you accept it or not. bashing them as Nazi does not change anything as you are not an angel, either. The more China engages with Japan, the more rooms to breath for Vietnam. :haha:
in any future conflict china can beat japan , they should not repeat the mistake they do in ww2 by attacking a country bigger than them in all aspects

They feel confident that they beat China's Qing Dynasty in 1895 and the Russian Empire in 1905, and both countries were bigger than they were.

They are like a gambler who feels they can win big if they decide to venture. And losing to USA was just a bad luck, so they want to try in 2014-2015 as they believe it would be their lucky year, 120 years away from 1894-1895.

Japan is an overpopulated island with no natural resources and barely farm lands. without external trades and massive subsidies for the farmers, many Japanese will starve. But they are smart people and they know how to survive.

today Japan is seen as counterweight to China, regadless of you accept it or not. bashing them as Nazi does not change anything as you are not an angel, either. The more China engages with Japan, the more rooms to breath for Vietnam. :haha:

If further proves that we are not interested in their land, but it is vice versa.

Since they can barely feed themselves, that's why they feel they need to invade again.

BTW, stop dreaming about how Japan gonna invade China again and let Vietnam to grab a piece of pie, because too much mental masturbation isn't good for your health.
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Japan needs few squadron of F-22 (which I guess is not possible but US may consider it in case of contingency) and assured availability of nukes with effective delivery systems and that’s it……..

I think, developing Nukes and delivery system is not a big deal for Japan provided their system/government decides to do so…

And most important thing, China is provoking Japan out of their frustrations on historical events, But today’s Japan has to think and take it more seriously than before as they are relying on allies, assurances and WW2 treaties which mite lead them to destruction..
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We are getting stronger day by day.

And you just brag how Japan got their fancy F-35.

But let me telling you, they will receive their initial batch of F-35 not until 2018.

And do you have the idea about the strength of China in 2018? It will be twice as much as the China of 2013.

So go ahead, let Japan feels assure with their F-35.
you forget the US, they have F-22s in Okinawa. Besides, America economy is still the largest in the world, and should it come to a blow, they can inflict huge damage on China.
The Aviationist » U.S. to deploy 12 F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets to Japan
you forget the US, they have F-22s in Okinawa. Besides, America economy is still the largest in the world, and should it come to a blow, they can inflict huge damage on China.
The Aviationist » U.S. to deploy 12 F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets to Japan

Do you truly believe that few F-22 Raptors can pose any serious threat to China?

Remember most of the Raptors are grounded, and US was even hesitated to use them during the war against Libya.

As I said, few strikes from China against the airports, it is all over. And China is the largest manufacturer and trader right now, USA will badly hurt their own economy if they wanna play tough with China.
Japan needs few squadron of F-22 (which I guess is not possible but US may consider it in case of contingency) and assured availability of nukes with effective delivery systems and that’s it……..

I think, developing Nukes and delivery system is not a big deal for Japan provided their system/government decides to do so…

And most important thing, China is provoking Japan out of their frustrations on historical events, But today’s Japan has to think and take it more seriously than before as they are still relying on allies, assurances and WW2 treaties which will lead them to destruction..
F-22 is a game changer, if America decides to give it to Japan. I think China stealth fighter development is still at least 10 years behind of America. Nukes are a good option to deter a nuclear attack on Japan.

yes, the Chinese have a long memory, they seek ways to revenge, that makes them unpredictable and dangerous.
F-22 is a game changer, if America decides to give it to Japan. I think China stealth fighter development is still at least 10 years behind of America. Nukes are a good option to deter a nuclear attack on Japan.

yes, the Chinese have a long memory, they seek ways to revenge, that makes them unpredictable and dangerous.

It is a standard 5th gen fighter, not a game changer.

This is a game changer. And this is only one of China's many lethal secret weapons.

U.S. Navy Sees Chinese HGV As Part Of Wider Threat

Even China is 10 years behind US, US still cannot take China lightly. Because they are fighting close to China's home turf, where China has enormous firepower to blow the entire USN and their air/naval bases.
Do you truly believe that few F-22 Raptors can pose any serious threat to China?

Remember most of the Raptors are grounded, and US was even hesitated to use them during the war against Libya.

As I said, few strikes from China against the airports, it is all over. And China is the largest manufacturer and trader right now, USA will badly hurt their own economy if they wanna play tough with China.
F-22 is the boss in air battle. The jet has no enemy, hence it is not needed until now. Libya is third rate enemy.
you can assume the air bases are defended by a massive anti missile shield.

F-22 is the boss in the air battle. The jet has no enemy, hence it is not needed until now. Libya is third rate enemy.
you can assume the air bases are defended by a massive missile shield.


Few strikes against the airports, you will have no place to takeoff or to land.

Even US themselves didn't think to threaten China with F-22.

This is what they want to use to threaten against countries like China and Russia.

Prompt Global Strike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nonsense. Not going to happen. Japan is no pushover especially if USA/NATO take their back. None of the neighbors of China would like such an invasion since they would feel threatened. It would also destabilize the region and I can only see USA winning from this.

I doubt that USA is going anywhere nor NATO.
They feel confident that they beat China's Qing Dynasty in 1895 and the Russian Empire in 1905, and both countries were bigger than they were.

They are like a gambler who feels they can win big if they decide to venture. And losing to USA was just a bad luck, so they want to try in 2014-2015 as they believe it would be their lucky year, 120 years away from 1894-1895.

If further proves that we are not interested in their land, but it is vice versa.

Since they can barely feed themselves, that's why they feel they need to invade again.

BTW, stop dreaming about how Japan gonna invade China again and let Vietnam to grab a piece of pie, because too much mental masturbation isn't good for your health.
come on, repeating the same stuff over and over again does not change the fact that Japan today is not Japan of the past. Moreover, Japan is not capable to invade China since things have changed.

You overhype the threat of Japan to increase defence spending. Nothing more.

since when 120 is a lucky number? 888 is a lucky number, isn´t it? :sarcastic:
come on, repeating the same stuff over and over again does not change the fact that Japan today is not Japan of the past. Moreover, Japan is not capable to invade China since things have changed.

You overhype the threat of Japan to increase defence spending. Nothing more.

since when 120 is a lucky number. 888 is a lucky number, isn´t it? :sarcastic:

But they still want to embrace their past, so it will provide us a perfect excuse to test our newest weapons on them.

Libya was a third rate weak nation, yet US missed its opportunity to test the F-22 on them, but China will likely test its ASBM and HGV on JSDF's navy.
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