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China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death

Saw allot of racist and genocidal comments on Times of India saying Chinks should die or Chinese are the plague of the world, China has moved on from it's from it's past but Indians seem to have a chip on there shoulder obsessed and hate China.
^^^ I am not able to handle Chinese troll mob. But whatever I said is true. Don't bring op topic India to this discussion.
Pakistan can't fight war with Chines junk. Their tribal people can build better weapons.
^^^ I am not able to handle Chinese troll mob. But whatever I said is true. Don't bring op topic India to this discussion.
Pakistan can't fight war with Chines junk. Their tribal people can build better weapons.

Only true trolls can't see what they are doing. As for Chines Junk why does India buy billions worth of generators, and telecom gear from China? While the only super high quality Indian things China buys from India is iron ore. Not even processed iron.
Only true trolls can't see what they are doing. As for Chines Junk why does India buy billions worth of generators, and telecom gear from China? While the only super high quality Indian things China buys from India is iron ore. Not even processed iron.

Did I say Indian products are super quality? Don't bring op topic India here.
Chinese don't seem to give a rats about 1962 heck India isn't even reported in Chinese news while Indians iv met have a grudge against China, every Indian article on china is that it's building it's military and backing Pakistan really sad Obsessed with china seems to be the cue
I re-posted earlier checking out times of India and saw racist hate filled genocidal comments against Chinese saying Chinks should die or Chinese are the plague of the world, Indians seem to hate China very much ,China has moved on from it's from it's past but Indians seem to have a chip on there shoulder obsessed and hate China
Chinese don't seem to give a rats about 1962 heck India isn't even reported in Chinese news while Indians iv met have a grudge against China, every Indian article on china is that it's building it's military and backing Pakistan really sad Obsessed with china seems to be the cue

Would you stop trolling over and over again..
Not really trolling just telling Indians hate Chinese as much as Pakistani's hate Indians better just let India-Pakistan keep fighting it out.
Burn baby burn...

1. Pakistan makes nukes
2. Pakistan smuggles rocket tech
3. Pakistan profiltrates nuke tech
4. Pakistan runs covert terrorist camps
5. Pakistan sends talibans in Afghanistan to kill collation forces.
6. Pakistan sends terrorist deep into Mumbai and they have a field day shooting out!
7. Pakistan tests rockets and weapons
8. Pakistan buys dozens of f-16 and get tons of toys as US millitary assitance
9. Pakistan get billions in aid to train some freedom fighters against India.
10. Pakistan openly fiddles in Kashmir!

Now we are going to sign strategic co-op agreement with GCC along with China and Man Mohan will continue to applaud his "successful" visit to Riyadh for convincing Saudi royal to sell petroleum at market prices! HA HA HA...

Is there any nation with soo much credits and still standing strong???

In contrast, Iran is only guilty of developing nuclear tech for peaceful use, Saddam allegedly had WMD, North Korea still does not have the ability to attack USA. Ohh and be it Syria or Iran or Sudan none of them have ever threatened USA directly neither posses the capability to do so!

God save your kinds !
Not really trolling just telling Indians hate Chinese as much as Pakistani's hate Indians better just let India-Pakistan keep fighting it out.

Indians don't hate Chinese..they hate China supporting Pakistan. Just because non state Pakistani actors doesn't attack your country doesn't mean you have to be inconsiderate to others troubles. All we ask is for Pakistan to take measures against such people. Is that too much to ask?
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