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China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death

No country would invest in a failing venture.Everybody bails out of a sinking ship.
Pakistan has started to show omnious signs of being a sinking ship.
I say it with the least amount of patriotic fervor.I know relations are good between China and Pakistan,but then all relations are based on common mutual interests...and when your ally starts harboring the most wanted man in your country...you would have no option but to back-off...especially if your ally is more of a less powerful client than an equal.
You'd support the next best thing...a country which has a good rising economy....has excellent relations...provides something you want(oil,etc)...and doing business with which is seen as harmless...any of your african allies can fit into that description...many african countries have growth rates higher than that of India-China...and that is where most of your resources are coming through...
I nkow on this forum...you'd support the Pakistanis just as maybe I'd support ruskies in a ruskie forum...but the fact of the matter is nobody wants to start their reign as supporters of a losing cause.
No way, we get along well with Pakistan. They are our man in the region. They are much better than you Indians. Or British Empire. Or USA.

Pakistan-China alliance can be as effective as NATO. Especially if Russia and Iran joins too in the future. Then US forces will be defeated in Middle East and South Asia.

It now looks like India has rejected US attempts to bring it in into a South Asian military alliance because India rejected US in the MMRCA competition. India will probably just try to stay neutral, at least in name, though it may support USA in secret without being too obvious.
China goes all out to defend ally Pakistan

NEW DELHI: In the past week, as Pakistan's global image plunged to a historic low in the rest of the world, at least there was one country willing to stick its neck out to support Islamabad. Even down to criticizing India. China has lessons for the world about how to treat Pakistan, even as it acknowledged that sometimes, Islamic terrorists do come across from Pakistan to "disturb" China.

On Sunday, China's Global Times, which has a strong military presence, took its criticism to the West about their treatment of Pakistan. India came in for particular censure as a country with "extremist" views. Blaming the western media for setting a "bad" example for India, the state-run newspaper (which is monitored to get an idea of the establishment's opinions) said, "The media seems to lack restraint. Indian society's geopolitical observations about this region are worrisome. Extremism in India may stunt its efforts to become a more responsible power in South Asia."

On a more cryptic note, India's media is criticized for its "distortions". "Hard-won compromises between India and other governments are often distorted," it said, without reference to which these might be.

After the initial silence following the US raid and kill of Osama bin Laden, China used its Xinhua news agency to suggest that Pakistan's ISI was connected and had participated in the operation. That, unfortunately, did not find many takers. So China has given lessons on how to treat Pakistan, not as the West does by beating up on it but by "respect" and not "oppression."

Global Times said, "Being a populous country with nuclear weapons, Pakistan's stability is vital for the whole region. It would be ridiculous and wrong to force Pakistan to bend before external pressures: Respect rather than oppression from the West is what would help the nation realize modernization."

It went on, "Standing at the beachhead of the war on terror, the Pakistani government has taken risks beyond the imagination of the West in recent years. Pakistan has suffered huge losses from the war, making it a victim of social disruption and numerous violent incidents as well as the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, who was one of the most outstanding leaders of the nation."

It concluded that it was the infusion of American money into Pakistan that made the West treat Pakistan as "nothing but a country that has been bought and maneuvered by US dollars".

China goes all out to defend ally Pakistan - The Times of India
1959 is too ancient to even discuss. Coming to 2000's tell me were they Indian Tibetans? Were the attacks planned in India too? What charge did China leveled against us?

Tibetans aren't Indians, buddy. They are an ethnic minority in China.

Attacks were planned where they were planned. It doesn't matter on which soil it was planned in.

China didn't level charges against India. Did China ever blame India for those bomb attacks on Chinese civilians? No.
China wants Pakistan as leverage to India, I believe. Pakistanis are also naive enough to not see objective China wants to achieve. Pakistanis would bow down to any tiny, insignificant support China would give them and address them as their "brother" and likewise. Pakistan also desperately want support from any "India opposition" country, and does any better country exist than China exists to satisfy that purpose? I believe that Pakistanis don't see the enemy within China which blatantly exists.
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