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China and India partners not opponents: Chinese premier

I guess somewhere something is burning. :flame:

I support the initiative. It might reduce the lack of trust between India and China.
There is a visible inease in western nations regarding China/India particularly. They assumed India will be doing things against China. But we, the evil sons of Chanakya, are more clever than they thought. :D
There is a certain rise of Asia be in China, India, Russia or any other nation in all spheres. And it is happening very fast. This is a cause of insecurity specially when all western designs are getting failed.

Biggest Hoax of western work today is .. GLOBAL WARMING!!.. They almost got India and China.to agree on Emission cuts.. Thay would have taken these countries behind on the path of Industrialization.
Smart sons of Chanakya.. told the west ..you give us the money to compensate .Or give the technology for FREE(IF THERE IS)..
Well done INDIA / CHINA
It is time to sleep, and I will show you some indian baby death rate, death rate coused by starving...and HIV ,carrying rate, HIV death rate and etc...to you tommorrow. I think you will enjoin it.:rofl::rofl:

something new have u said? Repeating everytime same thing doesnt make u bored? Making fun of HIV AIDS doesn't make you smart one. There is no cure for HIV AIDS as if now. HIV AIDS started from Africa. It spread in india and latest studys shown indians anti disease system is weak. Now india supplies cheap cost HIV AIDS medicine all over the world. HIV AIDS number came down now. My one advice to u mr. Dont make fun of disease. China number1 is disease and deaths by earth quakes. Even the swine flu started from china because u people dont live without eating pork. U should avoid making fun of disease if possible.
You mean to say, their is no religious descrimination, no rape, no sex in china.

Torture, beatings, executions, illegal imprisonment, forced labour, psychiatric abuses, and live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China

Document - China: The crackdown on Falun Gong and other so-called "heretical organizations" | Amnesty International

FalunInfo.net - U.S. Congress Unanimously Passes Resolution Calling on Jiang Zemin Regime to Cease Persecution of Falun Gong


I have some heinous pictures and videos....but that would be against forum ethics...I can send them to anyone who needs a link to the same.

The very same Chinese are teaching Indians about Cast System and Religious Discrimination.
one thing is sure india nad china can never be partners

though it would be best cenario to be frnds
No Indian really thinks of China as an enemy but..... my grandfather told me when i was a kid. Chinese are bad, we fought a war with them, :blah:
Think about it., who started the Sino-Indian war, not long ago. And Tibet, Arunachal issue. I bet you, this is why our government doesn't show itself as china's allies. We have a threat from them. They started a war with us, what guarantee is there that they won't again.

Same with Pakistan. You started 3 wars with us. What guarantee is there that you won't again? Leave aside us 'illigeally occupying' kashmir. Who started bloody conflicts? wars?

India, China, Russia will make the 21st century turn into the Asian Century if these three were to be stronger than now.

Maybe in my mind ,I have readed so many history books. After 1949,China have not started any war. The war between China and india on 1962 is not started by china. In fact it was started by India. The leader of india thinked he was better stronger than china. We love peace, The war would threat every one life.
Torture, beatings, executions, illegal imprisonment, forced labour, psychiatric abuses, and live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China

Document - China: The crackdown on Falun Gong and other so-called "heretical organizations" | Amnesty International

FalunInfo.net - U.S. Congress Unanimously Passes Resolution Calling on Jiang Zemin Regime to Cease Persecution of Falun Gong


I have some heinous pictures and videos....but that would be against forum ethics...I can send them to anyone who needs a link to the same.

The very same Chinese are teaching Indians about Cast System and Religious Discrimination.
Wow....thats below the belt.....please ...we should not behave like some trolls ...who are tolerated in the name of friendship...
Denial....oh sweet denial......



:rofl::rofl: :rofl:my little curry friend, you should two extra additional "0" behind these figures. that sounds more music to you.
let me post some amusing stuff about our curry friends.!!!

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid, a twenty-two year old boy from Gurgaon in Haryana was arrested last Friday by the cyber crime cell of Pune for posting some inappropriate content on the social networking website Orkut about the Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Under the IT act, posting vulgar and inappropriate content is punishable. This boy had posted on Orkut under a community titled "I hate Sonia Gandhi".

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid - Boy held for slandering Sonia on Orkut

Lakshmana Kailash K. was picked up from Bangalore Aug 31 on the suspicion of having posted insulting images of Chhatrapati Shivaji on Internet networking site Orkut. He was brought to Pune and put behind bars. It was later found that he was innocent
Read more: Techie jailed due to Airtel mistake: police (Lead) - Monsters and Critics

OMG, language abuse towards our great party and great leaders is the favourite hobby of chinese netizens. if I were in democratic india i would have served the jail for countless times. not to mention their horrific jails of slumdog style :hang2:
let me post some amusing stuff about our curry friends.!!!

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid - Boy held for slandering Sonia on Orkut

Read more: Techie jailed due to Airtel mistake: police (Lead) - Monsters and Critics

OMG, language abuse towards our great party and great leaders is the favourite hobby of chinese netizens. if I were in democratic india i would have served the jail for countless times. not to mention their horrific jails of slumdog style :hang2:

enough of ur crap.... u are using derogatory words like bhangees/ curry munchers etc for the Indian ppl now for quite a few posts....
i think it is tolerable in 1 or 2 posts.... but by using such poor language in all ur posts u r showing ur level.... if u want to refer everyone use "Indians".....:angry:

p.s: i have not reported ur posts so far for this.... but mind ur language now...
A gaya aukat pe.......I knew this is the only thing you could come up with......

This is what you do...run away when confronted....but you love to throw numbers on others......

But let me remind you....the numbers you will throw at me are our shortcomings... .and not of the murders committed by Government.....

We will get rid of our shortcomings soon....but how will you get rid of your murderer regime...that keeps you in dark about anything and everything.

Well that really depends, which one is greater? Unfortunately, as of now, Gov. intervention<Shortcomings so I'm sure where people would rather stay.
enough of ur crap.... u are using derogatory words like bhangees/ curry munchers etc for the Indian ppl now for quite a few posts....
i think it is tolerable in 1 or 2 posts.... but by using such poor language in all ur posts u r showing ur level.... if u want to refer everyone use "Indians".....:angry:

p.s: i have not reported ur posts so far for this.... but mind ur language now...

so what? you started all these **** and now you complain being abused?

your troll has been reported.
one thing is sure india nad china can never be partners

though it would be best cenario to be frnds

first of all, the term india/indian will never be accepted by most Chinese.

there was no unified country named india, thus it should not be kept as a unified one in the future. people living there should have the rights to decide whether they want to seek independence or not, actually a lot of them are doing so, e.g. Maoists in the northern part..

Secondly, I would be happy to see more support from China on such movement.

friends? that is the term we reserve for those Maoists.
something new have u said? Repeating everytime same thing doesnt make u bored? Making fun of HIV AIDS doesn't make you smart one. There is no cure for HIV AIDS as if now. HIV AIDS started from Africa. It spread in india and latest studys shown indians anti disease system is weak. Now india supplies cheap cost HIV AIDS medicine all over the world. HIV AIDS number came down now. My one advice to u mr. Dont make fun of disease. China number1 is disease and deaths by earth quakes. Even the swine flu started from china because u people dont live without eating pork. U should avoid making fun of disease if possible.

I am not making fun of disease, I just wanna show indian how good and how superpower their country is. Even you own people dont care about these people, how can you blam others??? And your polician just know making fun with infancy girls like AV:tdown: How can your gvot solve these problem effectivlly???
first of all, the term india/indian will never be accepted by most Chinese.

there was no unified country named india, thus it should not be kept as a unified one in the future. people living there should have the rights to decide whether they want to seek independence or not, actually a lot of them are doing so, e.g. Maoists in the northern part..

Secondly, I would be happy to see more support from China on such movement.

friends? that is the term we reserve for those Maoists.

same way india dont accept unified china(tibet,taiwan,japan,vietnam,AP)

i would like india government help these countries out

frnds we should save this to people who want freedom from china(uighyr muslims,tibet)
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