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China and India partners not opponents: Chinese premier

same way india dont accept unified china(tibet,taiwan,japan,vietnam,AP)

i would like india government help these countries out

frnds we should save this to people who want freedom from china(uighyr muslims,tibet)

You can rant as much as you want. But India does not have political and military capability to request "freedom" from China. Not even the US is officially supporting that. The "fee tibet" crowd are the wacko fringe and Hollywood idiots who know nothing about Tibet except using it for thier on career promotion. As matter of fact, many of these guys cannot even point out Tibet on the map. So all the talk about splitting up China to you should be like a someone talk about splitting up India. You should know how improbably that would be.
^^^^same way china can rant as much as it wants to break india into pieces but it cant
tat is highly improbable. india dont have military and political capabilitis but still india will fight for its survival till its last breath
^^^^same way china can rant as much as it wants to break india into pieces but it cant
tat is highly improbable. india dont have military and political capabilitis but still india will fight for its survival till its last breath

My dear freind, defeating China is a cake walk I tell you. Just drop a few Ballistic missiles over CCP HQ and china is no more in the world map. The chinese trolling here are just barking D$$s. I dont want to offend anybody but the Indian saying - Apne Maalik ke saamne to ***** bhi sher hota hai- hold true for these ppl. As somebody has said- freedom is the Virtue of the Brave souls, cowards can never know the meaning of being FREE.
You can rant as much as you want. But India does not have political and military capability to request "freedom" from China. Not even the US is officially supporting that. The "fee tibet" crowd are the wacko fringe and Hollywood idiots who know nothing about Tibet except using it for thier on career promotion. As matter of fact, many of these guys cannot even point out Tibet on the map. So all the talk about splitting up China to you should be like a someone talk about splitting up India. You should know how improbably that would be.

A day is a day and a night is a night no matter what you and your type of people thinks. The Han Chinese and barbaric communist have killed thousands of innocent Tibetans and occupied their land.

Now you are dreaming to break India stop having wet dreams. Go and look into mirror the whole china is controlled by severe dictatorship but soon it will break into pieces. Muslims Uighur, Tibetans etc. will be free from illegal occupation.
[SIZE=""]let me post some amusing stuff about our curry friends.!!![/SIZE]

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid - Boy held for slandering Sonia on Orkut

Read more: Techie jailed due to Airtel mistake: police (Lead) - Monsters and Critics

[SIZE=""]OMG, language abuse towards our great party and great leaders is the favourite hobby of chinese netizens. if I were in democratic india i would have served the jail for countless times. not to mention their horrific jails of slumdog style[/SIZE] :hang2:

Grow up kid, if you have no answer then shut up don't derail the thread. Everyone knows about the freedom of religion, freedom of expression, SMS, Internet, prison rapes, corruption, crimes etc. in China don't make me start it all, then you will feel sorry for it.
first of all, the term india/indian will never be accepted by most Chinese.

there was no unified country named india, thus it should not be kept as a unified one in the future. people living there should have the rights to decide whether they want to seek independence or not, actually a lot of them are doing so, e.g. Maoists in the northern part..

Secondly, I would be happy to see more support from China on such movement.

friends? that is the term we reserve for those Maoists.


Hey man, how can you be so funny?? "THE RIGHT TO DECIDE" !! Coming from a Chinese !! :rofl::rofl:
Dont tell me you are really from china.You are acting like a parrot being taught to abuse India and Indians. As if Unless you troll against India, you will not be allowed to have your Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner by CCP. :china:
You have an Impeccable sense of humor I must say.I cant keep my laughter under control..:rofl::rofl::rofl:
first of all, the term india/indian will never be accepted by most Chinese.

there was no unified country named india

By your logic, there was no unified country named China either.

thus it should not be kept as a unified one in the future.

Who are you to tell us whether we should be unified? As China one upon a time was under Mongol rule, perhaps in the future China should be unified with Mongolia.

people living there should have the rights to decide whether they want to seek independence or not, actually a lot of them are doing so, e.g. Maoists in the northern part..

Maoists do not want independence. Did Mao want independence when he was fighting against the KMT? :rolleyes:
My dear freind, defeating China is a cake walk I tell you. Just drop a few Ballistic missiles over CCP HQ and china is no more in the world map. The chinese trolling here are just barking D$$s. I dont want to offend anybody but the Indian saying - Apne Maalik ke saamne to ***** bhi sher hota hai- hold true for these ppl. As somebody has said- freedom is the Virtue of the Brave souls, cowards can never know the meaning of being FREE.

This is what bother a lot of none Indians in here. When it comes to war scenarios, India only consider what is in the Indian military and do not consider what its adversary have. This is like playing chess and moving your queen in front of the other guy's queen, hoping that he doesn't see it and then hoping to capture opponents's queen on your next turn. :rofl:

I wonder if it ever worked for you guys:blink:
A day is a day and a night is a night no matter what you and your type of people thinks. The Han Chinese and barbaric communist have killed thousands of innocent Tibetans and occupied their land.

Now you are dreaming to break India stop having wet dreams. Go and look into mirror the whole china is controlled by severe dictatorship but soon it will break into pieces. Muslims Uighur, Tibetans etc. will be free from illegal occupation.

So are you saying that if its a democratic ROC in charge of China, then Uighurs and Tibetans should be part of the China? So are you against CCP only? The current DL was appointed by Chiang Kai Shek so I can imaging him totally against Chicoms.
I wish every Indian would think the way you are thinking and you guys shake hands with China and I bet every other country of the region would join the club. Russia, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka can make an alliance similar to NATO and have common friends and enemies.
:wave: rightly said my friend but the thing is both india and pakistan claim kashmir as their own and all further discussion stops there.if we could all be satisfied with what we have and keep the kashmir issue aside then the west would be in great trouble:cheers:

Pakistan was Pro-American because of Afghan Invasion of Russia but now the pages of history has been turned. There isn't a single Pro-American country in the region but India is on the way of creating an anomely. Fcuk America out and lets make an alliance that no B@stard could think to counter with. But India has developed its own independent perspective and thats going to cost whole region. Learn from Pakistan, we have lost a lot and gained nothing in the friendship of America. America is the meanest country on the face of the earth and you are going to find it at some stage. Better be careful now and support whole region.
when pakistan was pro america india was pro soviet pakistan got backstabbed not india and if you look from indian prespective i think that even you will agree that we should trust indian diplomats rather than pakistani.Nations have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Only permanent interests.
i agree with you that we cant trust the americans but we cant trust the chinese too.:no:
Better safe together than being alone.

If every pakistani and indian could understand this then no need to form an alliance with anyone just INDO-PAK vs REST OF THE WORLD:sniper: :lol: :pakistan::india: (no indian flag partiality:sick:)
By your logic, there was no unified country named China either.

Who are you to tell us whether we should be unified? As China one upon a time was under Mongol rule, perhaps in the future China should be unified with Mongolia.

Maoists do not want independence. Did Mao want independence when he was fighting against the KMT? :rolleyes:

Mao took over the whole country of China except Taiwan. In the future, China and Mongolia might be together as a country again. Who knows what the future holds.
A day is a day and a night is a night no matter what you and your type of people thinks. The Han Chinese and barbaric communist have killed thousands of innocent Tibetans and occupied their land.

Now you are dreaming to break India stop having wet dreams. Go and look into mirror the whole china is controlled by severe dictatorship but soon it will break into pieces. Muslims Uighur, Tibetans etc. will be free from illegal occupation.

Don't talk big, we are very welcome your "Free Tibetan" army to invade China, dare your army?
A group of coward!
Grow up kid, if you have no answer then shut up don't derail the thread. Everyone knows about the freedom of religion, freedom of expression, SMS, Internet, prison rapes, corruption, crimes etc. in China don't make me start it all, then you will feel sorry for it.

It's none of your business!
As we Chinese don't care you to be western countries' dogs.
Chinese didnot give any importance to this news...
Polician say these things just like saying hello, no more further meaning.:chilli:
India is not some tiny island country, they are a rising country with great potential, not to mention they share borders with China. So I don't believe this is empty words on the premier's part. It would be great if Chinese members here can look out for China's interest, which is to form friendly relationship with people of all nations regardless of the past.
India is not some tiny island country, they are a rising country with great potential, not to mention they share borders with China. So I don't believe this is empty words on the premier's part. It would be great if Chinese members here can look out for China's interest, which is to form friendly relationship with people of all nations regardless of the past.

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