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China amends rules to improve Party work in armed forces

No, not specifically him. There are thousands of people being harassed daily, and government crimes being swept under the carpet in the name of stability. Being anti-government does not automatically equate treason, otherwise Egypt and Tunisia would be full of traitors.

Do Americans imprison people for opposing the ruling Democratic party?

Liu Xiaobo is sedition. You dont recognize?
If you denied that, you can go to court prosecution it.
The state known as the Qing Dynasty existed before the communist party. It collapsed in 1911. The Republic of China also existed on the mainland previous to 1949. It also collapsed. The current state, the People's Republic of China, has a constitution written in 1982 defining the Communist Party as the state and leader of the state, People's Republic of China. If you want to legally argue that CPC is not the state, you can start by recommending legislature to change the constitution. That's the legal way. The illegal way would be to riot and rebel. Then the CPC, defined by the constitution as the state, will put the riot down.
Why did I not think of that before? I mean somebody could have written a proposal to Nazi Germany's legislature and tell them to stop killing Jews. All that war and rebelling should have been put down.
Liu Xiaobo is sedition. You dont recognize?
If you denied that, you can go to court prosecution it.
Do you equate anti-government as treason? This is not about Liu Xiaobo.
Why did I not think of that before? I mean somebody could have written a proposal to Nazi Germany's legislature and tell them to stop killing Jews. All that war and rebelling should have been put down.

You're comparing our government with Nazi Germany?

"The process of demoralization is complete, total and irreversible. Even if presented with facts, the brainwashed are unable to objectively process this information."
No but it sure as hell imprisons people for opposing the actual rulers: Wall Street. You think democrats and republicans are different? Same different toilet.

See McCarthyism.
I'm not certain whether you being serious that United States prosecutes voice of dissent to the same extent as the Communist Party does in China.
You're comparing our government with Nazi Germany?

"The process of demoralization is complete, total and irreversible. Even if presented with facts, the brainwashed are unable to objectively process this information."
Since you suggested the ridiculous idea that CCP would willingly give up power through its rubber stamp assembly, why couldn't Nazi Germany do the same? It's not like they crave more control over the people.
Well than Egypt and Tunisia are full of traitors for overthrowing their governments.

Their governments were more traitorous. You seriously comparing Mubarak and Nazis to CPC?

Since you suggested the ridiculous idea that CCP would willingly give up power through its rubber stamp assembly, why couldn't Nazi Germany do the same? It's not like they crave more control over the people.

That is the legal procedure. If you want to get it done legally, that's the way to do it. Otherwise, you can propose a way to get it done, illegally, and the CPC will have a way to suppress it. It's not 1989. There are so many ways to suppress a riot without killing even 1 person today.
Their governments were more traitorous. You seriously comparing Mubarak and Nazis to CPC?
Why not? I mean did people need to rebel? They could have simply done it in the legislature in those governments according to you. They would have given up power willingly.
If they are in China, that is treason.
China needs stability, unlike Egypt and Tunisia.

Most importantly, our values and their is different.
So you would support a corrupt and oppressive government rather than go against it.

Good to know where you stand.
Why not? I mean did people need to rebel? They could have simply done it in the legislature in those governments according to you.

This is a fake argument. You are arguing for the removal of one man. The removal of the CPC is not so simple. It is defined in the constitution to be part of the state of the PRC. It cannot be legally removed without destroying the PRC, or changing the constitution.

Now, here's the real question: Do you want to destroy the PRC or change the constitution?
So you would support a corrupt and oppressive government rather than go against it.

Good to know where you stand.

If Liu Xiaobo is against corruption, I support him.
But he said: "Chinese people should be colonized 200 years by Western colonial." Because no one supported him to against the gov, he was looking forward to the Western colonial!
And he incitement to violence to overthrow the gov.
Do you think I will support him?
He is just a speculator, he hoping to obtain the right through please the West.
This is a fake argument. You are arguing for the removal of one man. The removal of the CPC is not so simple. It is defined in the constitution to be part of the state of the PRC. It cannot be legally removed without destroying the PRC, or changing the constitution.

Now, here's the real question: Do you want to destroy the PRC or change the constitution?
It's more than one man. The Egyptian national assembly was disbanded because people did not want Mubarak's supporters in there. PRC is just a name for China, and can be changed. China will not burn in flames simply because CCP lost some power. No political party should have military and courts as its direct subordinates. Those who make peaceful reformation impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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