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China amends rules to improve Party work in armed forces

It's more than one man. The Egyptian national assembly was disbanded because people did not want Mubarak's supporters in there. PRC is just a name for China, and can be changed. China will not burn in flames simply because CCP lost some power. No political party should have military and courts as its direct subordinates.

So you intend to destroy the People's Republic of China. The US and Japan could not be happier. And well, for China? We could care less what a Canadian says. Canadians have said worse. My suggestion is, if you want to destroy the PRC, demand it from your government, since it's a democracy I'm sure your voice would be listened to. Demand that they declare war on and destroy the PRC.
If Liu Xiaobo is against corruption, I support him.
But he said: "Chinese people should be colonized 200 years by Western colonial." Because no one supported him to against the gov, he was looking forward to the Western colonial!
And he incitement to violence to overthrow the gov.
Do you think I will support him?
He is just a speculator, he hoping to obtain the right through please the West.
I have already told you that Liu Xiaobo is not the subject. I asked you whether being anti-government is equal to treason. You said yes.

Now does that make people who oppose Mubarak in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisia traitors?
It's more than one man. The Egyptian national assembly was disbanded because people did not want Mubarak's supporters in there. PRC is just a name for China, and can be changed. China will not burn in flames simply because CCP lost some power. No political party should have military and courts as its direct subordinates. Those who make peaceful reformation impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

That is just what the West think. But we do not think so. We do not need revolution. We just need to slowly reform, not destroy the social stability.

1. Chinese people believe that, Prosperous life important than a single vote. We know Western media hopes that China has a bloody revolution, to terminate the rise of China, but that is impossible. In history, a good economy national, no country will be a revolution. China is no exception.

2. Ordinary Chinese people can become president, but not through the media to get the seat. You have to start from the most junior civil servants, You must through capacity and effort been promoted again and again, So he is definitely not a fool who can be president.
So USA had some good president, for example: Clinton, Bush(old)...and USA also had some bad president, for example(only my opinion): Bush(young), Obama...But the China National policy is very stable.

3. Wall Street can control USA gov through the media.
For example, family planning, state-owned enterprises reform, etc... these policies all can not implemented in the USA. Because selfish media will destroy it all, and USA President also did not dare to do it. But China can do it!

4. Does Hu Jintao have term limits ? Yes, 10 Years.
Does China's rights by one person to master it? No, nine people rule the country together. Hu Jintao's State Rights a lot less than Obama.

5. China will continue to increase democracy politics? Yes, Of course. China's model of democracy will be Nordic. We will continue political reform, never stops.
I have already told you that Liu Xiaobo is not the subject. I asked you whether being anti-government is equal to treason. You said yes.

Now does that make people who oppose Mubarak in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisia traitors?

Not violate the premise of the law, anti-government is not treason.
For example, Hanhan, Ai Weiwei...
So you intend to destroy the People's Republic of China. The US and Japan could not be happier. And well, for China? We could care less what a Canadian says. Canadians have said worse. My suggestion is, if you want to destroy the PRC, demand it from your government, since it's a democracy I'm sure your voice would be listened to. Demand that they declare war on and destroy the PRC.
People's Republic of China is a name. How does a country get destroyed by name change is beyond me. Did Canada get destroyed when it no longer use the name Dominion of Canada?
People's Republic of China is a name. How does a country get destroyed by name change is beyond me. Did Canada get destroyed when it no longer use the name Dominion of Canada?

This is not the issue at hand. The PRC is the lawful government of China and a sovereign state. If you would like to remove this sovereign state from power, there are 2 options.

1.) overthrow it.
2.) destroy it in a war.

Since your position does not have support and very few people will join you in a fight to overthrow the government, your other choice is to press for a war against the PRC. Come on, don't you want the Americans "liberating" us? You want "freedom" right? You want the Americans and maybe even Canadians "liberating" China?
People's Republic of China is a name. How does a country get destroyed by name change is beyond me. Did Canada get destroyed when it no longer use the name Dominion of Canada?

It is the law.
Undermine the credibility of the law Is to destroy the credibility of the State.
I find it funny that S10 has spent 1/4 of his post history, registered as a Chinese, calling for the complete destruction of the People's Republic of China. Even white supremacists like Truthteller and American radicals like Gambit have not called for that. We can see where these people's loyalties truly lie.
This is not the issue at hand. The PRC is the lawful government of China and a sovereign state. If you would like to remove this sovereign state from power, there are 2 options.

1.) overthrow it.
2.) destroy it in a war.

Since your position does not have support and very few people will join you in a fight to overthrow the government, your other choice is to press for a war against the PRC. Come on, don't you want the Americans "liberating" us? You want "freedom" right? You want the Americans and maybe even Canadians "liberating" China?
Simply because the population has not reach a tipping point, does not mean it has none. There are certainly enough cases of riots and anti-government activities in China to suggest there are a sizable discontent with CCP. No government lasts forever, and the day will come when it's CCP's turn.

Where did you get the idea that I want Americans to "liberate" China? Did you imagine that one again?
I find it funny that S10 has spent 1/4 of his post history, registered as a Chinese, calling for the complete destruction of the People's Republic of China. Even white supremacists like Truthteller and American radicals like Gambit have not called for that. We can see where these people's loyalties truly lie.
Where is the quote that I wish to "destroy" the PRC? Lying is not a good trait you know.
Simply because the population has not reach a tipping point, does not mean it has none. There are certainly enough cases of riots and anti-government activities in China to suggest there are a sizable discontent with CCP. No government lasts forever, and the day will come when it's CCP's turn.

Where did you get the idea that I want Americans to "liberate" China? Did you imagine that one again?

I thought it was a brutal dictatorship that suppresses all riots and discontent with force and imprisons all dissidents? Why are there riots, and most of all, why is it frequently that not one person involved in these riots even goes to jail? The government itself admits there are 50,000 protests per year in China, it's not worried at all. Even more funny: Are they rioting for democracy?
Where is the quote that I wish to "destroy" the PRC? Lying is not a good trait you know.

What a joke. It's simple logic. You want to remove the CPC from power. Fine, there's 2 ways to do it:

1.) Change the constitution to define CPC as not the government of the PRC.
2.) Destroy the PRC.

You are not interested in the first. So the only alternative is the second.
It is the law.
Undermine the credibility of the law Is to destroy the credibility of the State.
Laws can be changed without destroying the state, when peaceful means are available for reform. CCP is not allowing such means to threaten their power.
Laws can be changed without destroying the state, when peaceful means are available for reform. CCP is not allowing such means to threaten their power.

Let me ask you 1 truly honest question: Do you believe that by being a member of the CPC, someone automatically will gain power or have a voice in government?
Laws can be changed without destroying the state, when peaceful means are available for reform. CCP is not allowing such means to threaten their power.

You should go to change the law by peaceful means. Do not the same as Liu Xiaobo, incitement to violence.
But I do not support changing the name of country.
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