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China amends rules to improve Party work in armed forces

Why democracy? Because freedom.
What is freedom? The most important freedom is thought freedom and trade freedom!

When USA embargo on other countries, it undermines the trade freedom!
When you said: "Because it is communist, it is wrong! You are 五毛!", it undermines thought freedom!

plz remember my words: The world have not wrong values, only have different values.
How Chinese people think the USA? We do not trust the USA. If one politicians to accept USA's help, we will abandon him, we will think he is a traitor. For example, Liu Xiaobo, his political life has finished.
Liu Xiaobo received Western aid, so he will service the West interests, not our interest. We will not trust him.

Why is that so? China has a traditional Ruling Ideology, that is "内圣外王".
That is why most Chinese people do not trust the USA. Because the USA is that "内圣外王"! We are too familiar with the practice of the USA. We have 5,000 years to play "内圣外王".

What is "内圣外王"?
make easy, "内圣" is "protect own citizens, defend their interests", "外王" is "unfair treatment of foreign, implementation imperialism."
内圣外王 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
So USA democracy is only democracy in the American people. Other countries democratic, have or have not, the decision by the US's interests.

Therefore, Chinese people will see "Dictatorship" or "Democracy" as the USA to develop rules of the game.
Britons have rules "The transmission of civilization", use it to colonial the world.
Crusader have rules "Holy war", use it to invasion of the Middle East.
Ancient China also have rules "教化蛮夷", we certainly is not a good neighbor...

So We will not follow the rules of the USA, we will draw up own rules.
USA media can not deceive us. It wants us to do, not necessarily in our interest, just consistent with USA interests.
We will find own way, to develop new rules of the game, protect our own interests.
Well, if you are so confident, you can make decisions on behalf of the Chinese people.

I see you hate the Cultural Revolution. Do you know what the Red Guards of the error?
Communism? No, error is paranoid.
The world have not wrong values, only have different values.

You are just a new era of Red Guards.

the old Red Guards said: "Proletarian revolutionary!"
You said: "Western-style democracy!"

the old Red Guards said: "You are the counter-revolutionary!"
You said: "You are 五毛!"
Is it part of your tactics to make false accusations? Where did I say China must use United States' political system. Yet do you deny that their people have greater political freedom? What Chinese value is it to be kept silent?
it seems they want to sent china back to the good old days when the could sell opium to them to keep them dopes up and "negotiate" "treaties" with warlords granting them "concessions"....
No, Chinese military should be kept strong and the country's interests should be upheld. However, the military should not be the property of a political party. It should be loyal to the state and nothing else.
Why democracy? Because freedom.
What is freedom? The most important freedom is thought freedom and trade freedom!

When USA embargo on other countries, it undermines the trade freedom!
When you said: "Because it is communist, it is wrong! You are 五毛!", it undermines thought freedom!

plz remember my words: The world have not wrong values, only have different values.
I do not remember imprisoning him for his political views, can't say the same for CCP though.
Is it part of your tactics to make false accusations? Where did I say China must use United States' political system. Yet do you deny that their people have greater political freedom? What Chinese value is it to be kept silent?

Not use USA political system?
I am sorry. What political system do you want?
No, Chinese military should be kept strong and the country's interests should be upheld. However, the military should not be the property of a political party. It should be loyal to the state and nothing else.

Constitutionally, the Communist Party IS the state. There. Now you've been educated and can sleep in peace.
Not use USA political system?
I am sorry. What political system do you want?
Independent judiciary, nationalized military and reduced restriction of media would be a good start.
I do not remember imprisoning him for his political views, can't say the same for CCP though.

Your mean is "Liu Xiaobo"?
Liu Xiaobo is crime of treason, he formed the anti-government organizations.

There is a restriction of speech freedom. For example, the U.S. Black Panther Party and African-American Liberation Army and American Indian Movement...
They all stay in the U.S. prison.
Constitutionally, the Communist Party IS the state. There. Now you've been educated and can sleep in peace.
The Chinese state existed long before Communist Party, and will long after its collapse. A constitution written by CCP for its own grip on power does not make it so. For a person that cannot tell the difference between a political and state, you sure have alot of guts telling others to educate themselves. Did not pass elementary school?
The Chinese state existed long before Communist Party, and will long after its collapse. A constitution written by CCP for its own grip on power does not make it so. For a person that cannot tell the difference between a political and state, you sure have alot of guts telling others to educate themselves. Did not pass elementary school?

The state known as the Qing Dynasty existed before the communist party. It collapsed in 1911. The Republic of China also existed on the mainland previous to 1949. It also collapsed. The current state, the People's Republic of China, has a constitution written in 1982 defining the Communist Party as the state and leader of the state, People's Republic of China. If you want to legally argue that CPC is not the state, you can start by recommending legislature to change the constitution. That's the legal way. The illegal way would be to riot and rebel. Then the CPC, defined by the constitution as the state, will put the riot down.
Your mean is "Liu Xiaobo"?
Liu Xiaobo is crime of treason, he formed the anti-government organizations.

There is a restriction of speech freedom. For example, the U.S. Black Panther Party and African-American Liberation Army and American Indian Movement...
They all stay in the U.S. prison.
No, not specifically him. There are thousands of people being harassed daily, and government crimes being swept under the carpet in the name of stability. Being anti-government does not automatically equate treason, otherwise Egypt and Tunisia would be full of traitors.

Do Americans imprison people for opposing the ruling Democratic party?
Independent judiciary, nationalized military and reduced restriction of media would be a good start.

Independent judiciary --- I agree it.
reduced restriction of media --- I agree it, but not now, after we improve media law.
nationalized military --- I dont agree it. "CPC master the forces" is a guarantee of stability in the country.
No, not specifically him. There are thousands of people being harassed daily, and government crimes being swept under the carpet in the name of stability. Being anti-government does not automatically equate treason, otherwise Egypt and Tunisia would be full of traitors.

Do Americans imprison people for opposing the ruling Democratic party?

No but it sure as hell imprisons people for opposing the actual rulers: Wall Street. You think democrats and republicans are different? Same different toilet.

See McCarthyism.
No but it sure as hell imprisons people for opposing the actual rulers: Wall Street. You think democrats and republicans are different? Same different toilet.

See McCarthyism.

Independent judiciary --- I agree it.
reduced restriction of media --- I agree it, but not now, after we improve media law.
nationalized military --- I dont agree it. "CPC master the forces" is a guarantee of stability in the country.

I'm in favor of independent judiciary and national military, after Taiwan independence. Media however must be carefully managed. Propaganda is more dangerous than enemy bombs and planes.
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