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China amends rules to improve Party work in armed forces

He'd get a dual PhD with a speech problem and retardation. Then he can claim that big bad commies are beating up retarded kids in wheelchairs, kicking kittens and laughing as they torture ants with a magnifying glass.

My point is these people all they did after coming to America was talk, write, and give lectures about Tienanmen. It didn't matter if they were physics students, chemistry students etc, the only things they did were about Tienanmen from then on.
Yes. They were by no means stupid people of course. They went to college in 1980's when only 2% of the population went to college. They were China's elite. They are just parasites and traitors.
The way you talk about CCP clearly indicates you are either 民运 or 轮子.

I am surprised that we still have members who are dealing with your craps.

If you are that interested in overthrowing the authoritarian power CCP holds, go ahead and do it.

At least, go to TianAnMen Square and protest like a man.

You want to fight for political freedom for all of Chinese, at least go to China and start to do the work.

Those 民运 or 轮子 are just sissy and have no guts at all.

At least when KMT ruled in the past, CCP members and supporters dare to give up their lives for their causes.

Now let's see what you dare to offer???

BTW, this will be my last post dealing with this nutcase. I consider it totally waste of time even reading his posts. I simply will just ignore what he writes there. I strongly suggest all our Chinese members here are doing the same.

Then he will shut up himself afterwards.
I do not associate with any so called 民运 or wheels. They are either on American payroll or borderline insane, or both. I've been called an Indian, wheels, 逗士 and even gambit all in the same day. It's quite funny actually.

However, if you are going to be a complete emotional twat and try to classify me as such simply because I do not like communists in power, then I suspect millions of Chinese around the world are also such according to you.

How do you know I am not doing something about it? Do I need to report to you my political activities? You'd be surprised how much connection one builds with like-minded college students from China. Piece of advice: do not underestimate student clubs in major Chinese universities.
I do not associate with any so called 民运 or wheels. They are either on American payroll or borderline insane, or both. I've been called an Indian, wheels, 逗士 and even gambit all in the same day. It's quite funny actually.

However, if you are going to be a complete emotional twat and try to classify me as such simply because I do not like communists in power, then I suspect millions of Chinese around the world are also such according to you.

How do you know I am not doing something about it? Do I need to report to you my political activities? You'd be surprised how much connection one builds with like-minded college students from China. Piece of advice: do not underestimate student clubs in major Chinese universities.

I never underestimate them. The officials of the student clubs are already practicing soft bribes and theft for when they do hard bribes and real corruption in the real world.
I never underestimate them. The officials of the student clubs are already practicing soft bribes and theft for when they do hard bribes and real corruption in the real world.
Heh there was a classmate I knew back in university that went to China with a bunch of Christian missionaries, under the guise of "student exchange". A Chinese university hosted them (not going to name which one) and accomodated them in the dorms. During the 1 year time period, they went around rural areas setting up underground churches, building connections with other "illegal" Christian groups, right under the nose of school officials.

Compare to those people, a few guys like me who dislike communists are the least of your worries.
Heh there was a classmate I knew back in university that went to China with a bunch of Christian missionaries, under the guise of "student exchange". A Chinese university hosted them (not going to name which one) and accomodated them in the dorms. During the 1 year time period, they went around rural areas setting up underground churches, building connections with other "illegal" Christian groups, right under the nose of school officials.

Compare to those people, a few guys like me who dislike communists are the least of your worries.

I wonder how the US cracks down so efficiently on Islamic extremism, that people are caught before they even commit a crime. Always amazes me, seems like they keep surveillance on everyone.
I wonder how the US cracks down so efficiently on Islamic extremism, that people are caught before they even commit a crime. Always amazes me, seems like they keep surveillance on everyone.

Patriot Act

What is the Patriot Act?

They can do everything from tap your phone to check what library book you took out last week.

The NSA has a very large computing facility that can pattern trace specific tonnes and tonnes of data for words like bomb, Osama, Allah, etc etc
I wonder how the US cracks down so efficiently on Islamic extremism, that people are caught before they even commit a crime. Always amazes me, seems like they keep surveillance on everyone.
Every internet service provider in United States are required by law to provide anything suspicious to law enforcement agencies. It's been a while since I've taken cyber crime class, so I don't recall the name of the law. So yes, what you say are being monitored.

Not this one, I will try to find my old textbooks later. Canada tried to pass similar legislation, but got shut down in the House of Commons.
Not this one, I will try to find my old textbooks later. Canada tried to pass similar legislation, but got shut down in the House of Commons.

Well he asked about the states, of course it didn't get passed here.
Well he asked about the states, of course it didn't get passed here.
Even if it did, I am pretty sure majority of the population would not know about it. It's not something that attracts major media attention, eventhough I find it a gross violation of rights. The U.S. government itself does not monitor the internet activities, but the ISP themselves must keep vigilance. I don't know the technical details on how they do it, but I do know they have it in place.
Even if it did, I am pretty sure majority of the population would not know about it. It's not something that attracts major media attention, eventhough I find it a gross violation of rights. The U.S. government itself does not monitor the internet activities, but the ISP themselves must keep vigilance. I don't know the technical details on how they do it, but I do know they have it in place.

I can't see how it wouldn't have attracted media attention considering how big a stir the FISA wiretap caused in the US.
Why can't China do something like this? We have the supercomputers to do this.

Well, should we do it? The US can crack down on any dangerous dissidents or terrorists easily with this law. They are the leading edge of 21st century dissident management technology.
Cleary wang dan is not that case.

He is from PKU which indicates he indeed has the top-notch intelligence in China already.

There is no need to deride about his intelligence.

Fck, Wang Dan could have been mentally handicapped with a speech impediment and Harvard would still have given him a PhD. Ivy league universities are all about image and prestige, and having a "hero of Tienanmen" is worth the PR. The people who leave China claiming to be refugees are greedy opportunist who couldn't cut it in China or leave the country legitimately.
Heh there was a classmate I knew back in university that went to China with a bunch of Christian missionaries, under the guise of "student exchange". A Chinese university hosted them (not going to name which one) and accomodated them in the dorms. During the 1 year time period, they went around rural areas setting up underground churches, building connections with other "illegal" Christian groups, right under the nose of school officials.

Compare to those people, a few guys like me who dislike communists are the least of your worries.

democracy would work alot better if it wasn't for all the religious retards.
Let the Koreans be a lesson to us about Christianity and Asians.

PASTOR and two Bible studies teachers bashed a 19-year-old Korean woman because they thought she had been disrespectful to her parents and had stopped attending church.

Chi Yeong Yun, a junior pastor at the Open Door Presbyterian Church in Chatswood, and Bible study teachers James Kang and Tom Chae-Young Lee pleaded guilty yesterday to assaulting Angela Kim at a park at Sydney’s Bobbin Head in July last year.

The NSW District Court heard the men believed the young woman had stopped going to church, had been disrespectful to her elders and had been spending too much time on her web page.

Kang, who the court heard stood 180cm tall and weighed more than 130kg, had telephoned Ms Kim at the request of Yun and arranged to meet her at Waitara railway station in northern Sydney.

Kang and his friend Lee picked her up about 9pm and drove her to the Bobbin Head park where they and Yun beat her and kicked her over a two-hour period.

She suffered extensive bruising to her head, arms, buttocks and legs.

All three men said they now realised what they had done was wrong and against the law.

“For a person like me, 180cm, 130kg, it’s just not hard hitting a girl. Hitting a girl, it just isn’t right,” Kang said.

He said he had heard through the Open Door Church that Ms Kim had “showed disrespect to her parents, and did some trouble”.

“She had no idea of respect, she was just hanging around with her friends,” Lee said.

Acting Judge Gibson today sentenced the men from Chatswood’s Korean Open Door Presbyterian Church to prison terms of up to one year, saying protecting their culture was not an excuse to break the law.

He told the men their steps to stop their culture being eroded could not be taken against women, who could not be coerced or beaten to comply.
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