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China amends rules to improve Party work in armed forces

Optimism in one sampling frame does not mean the same as another sampling frame. I still have not seen what sampling strategy they took. From the bolded part, they are most likely samples from major urban areas who benefited most from the economic boom. In times of economic woes however, government faults will magnify. Shortcomings are meant to be corrected, not swept under the rug. Political reforms are a way to ensure future stability of society.

"The annual Edelman Trust Barometer released on Wednesday shows China and Brazil drive the rise in the trust in government among the world's top 10 GDP countries, with China boasts the highest rate of 88 percent.

Edelman inquired 5,075 people from 23 countries. The subjects, aged between 25 and 64, all reported significant media consumption and engagement in business news and public policy.

The survey shows considerable increase in Chinese citizens' faith in almost all four pillars from the previous year, with the government winning 14 percent more faith."

I'm nor sure what your point is? that the people might one day be unhappy?
I'm nor sure what your point is? that the people might one day be unhappy?
That would assume that all people are happy under CCP, which obviously is not the case. The point is social discontent is kept from a tipping point by a booming economy. If the economy slows significantly or enters stagnation, those discontent will surface one way or the other. Without proper political mechanism to demand changes in the goverment, people are likely to turn to riot and violence. It has been seen in the USSR, Eastern Europe and recently in Middle East. The consequences of a violent overthrowing of the government is often extremely harmful to a country.

This is why democratic reforms are neccessary. To ensure the people would not have to resort to violent means as a way to demand change should their livelihood worsen. An independent judiciary ensures people can seek remedy for their grievances. An open media ensures public will be able to keep track on what the government is/isn't doing, forcing greater transparency. A nationalized, politically neutral military would mean no political party could use it to reinforce their grip on power. These things are the corner stones for a stable society, not chaos.
So where is this actual poll? I searched the survey section back to 2000 and nothing.

I cannot speak for Chinese people anymore than a single poll can. Not everyone shares the same sentiment in China regarding CCP.

The Chinese Celebrate Their Roaring Economy, As They Struggle With Its Costs | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Note the problems identified. Not one of them would be solved by your recommendation. Any politician that can make prices stop rising isn't going to be directly elected in any country. Can you elect the police?

That would assume that all people are happy under CCP, which obviously is not the case. The point is social discontent is kept from a tipping point by a booming economy. If the economy slows significantly or enters stagnation, those discontent will surface one way or the other. Without proper political mechanism to demand changes in the goverment, people are likely to turn to riot and violence. It has been seen in the USSR, Eastern Europe and recently in Middle East. The consequences of a violent overthrowing of the government is often extremely harmful to a country.

This is why democratic reforms are neccessary. To ensure the people would not have to resort to violent means as a way to demand change should their livelihood worsen. An independent judiciary ensures people can seek remedy for their grievances. An open media ensures public will be able to keep track on what the government is/isn't doing, forcing greater transparency. A nationalized, politically neutral military would mean no political party could use it to reinforce their grip on power. These things are the corner stones for a stable society, not chaos.

The media is already much more free than even 8 years ago. How many negative stories do western media get to report on China that's not already reported by Chinese media?

I'm not sure what an independent judiciary has to do with "democracy". You don't vote for judges, lawyers, or the police. They're still appointed.

A nationalized military will occur once Taiwan is reunified. There's a political technicality here dating back to the civil war.
That would assume that all people are happy under CCP, which obviously is not the case. The point is social discontent is kept from a tipping point by a booming economy. If the economy slows significantly or enters stagnation, those discontent will surface one way or the other. Without proper political mechanism to demand changes in the goverment, people are likely to turn to riot and violence. It has been seen in the USSR, Eastern Europe and recently in Middle East. The consequences of a violent overthrowing of the government is often extremely harmful to a country.

This is why democratic reforms are neccessary. To ensure the people would not have to resort to violent means as a way to demand change should their livelihood worsen. An independent judiciary ensures people can seek remedy for their grievances. An open media ensures public will be able to keep track on what the government is/isn't doing, forcing greater transparency. A nationalized, politically neutral military would mean no political party could use it to reinforce their grip on power. These things are the corner stones for a stable society, not chaos.

Except for the a neutral military, I've seen great strides made by China on the rest, still a ways to go but people are pushing and the government is giving ground. What's wrong with this?
I'm not sure what an independent judiciary has to do with "democracy". You don't vote for judges, lawyers, or the police. They're still appointed.

It does and it doesn't, an independent judiciary, just means that the court can rule against the government without the government just telling it to shut up or making a new law that says the old law is nullified.
Except for the a neutral military, I've seen great strides made by China on the rest, still a ways to go but people are pushing and the government is giving ground. What's wrong with this?

A neutral military has this problem:

Taiwan is part of China.
The PLA is the military of all China (if neutral).
What now? How do we talk about Taiwan?

Occupied land by a foreign military? No, they're Chinese. Part of the PRC? Then what is the NRA? If the PLA is the military of all China then by definition, it must cover Taiwan. But it doesn't in fact. Therefore Taiwan must be occupied by either terrorists, or a foreign military. This means we must take it back immediately according to the Anti-Secession Law. But we aren't willing to. By calling the PLA a "national" military it means that, essentially, Taiwan is not part of China.

An easier definition is to define it as a civil war, with the PLA fighting against the NRA commanded by their respective parties. Then there are no issues and it gives more strategic flexibility. The fact remains, it's the same. Nothing would change. You think in 1989 the army wouldn't crack down if it was a "state" instead of "party" military? No way, they'd still do it.

It does and it doesn't, an independent judiciary, just means that the court can rule against the government without the government just telling it to shut up or making a new law that says the old law is nullified.

This already happens. If a court makes a decision against a Party leader, they'll still be punished. Politburo members were convicted before. The problem is, the judges themselves often are biased and corrupt, and that's something that's not solvable by "democracy".
This already happens. If a court makes a decision against a Party leader, they'll still be punished. Politburo members were convicted before. The problem is, the judges themselves often are biased and corrupt, and that's something that's not solvable by "democracy".

You're right, it doesn't get solved by democracy, it will be solved by better educated judges and lawyers and this is already happening according to the foreign lawyers who work in China.

These are two very popular english blogs kept by American lawyers, they cover legal issues in China and they both talk about how the judicary has progressed through the year (but still with flaws)

The way you talk about CCP clearly indicates you are either 民运 or 轮子.

I am surprised that we still have members who are dealing with your craps.

If you are that interested in overthrowing the authoritarian power CCP holds, go ahead and do it.

At least, go to TianAnMen Square and protest like a man.

You want to fight for political freedom for all of Chinese, at least go to China and start to do the work.

Those 民运 or 轮子 are just sissy and have no guts at all.

At least when KMT ruled in the past, CCP members and supporters dare to give up their lives for their causes.

Now let's see what you dare to offer???

BTW, this will be my last post dealing with this nutcase. I consider it totally waste of time even reading his posts. I simply will just ignore what he writes there. I strongly suggest all our Chinese members here are doing the same.

Then he will shut up himself afterwards.

Like I said, people are less likely to openly rebel if livelihoods aren't threatened. When it becomes so, demands for political freedom can be a catalyst force that topples totalitarian governments. In fact, we witnessed two cases just recently.

If one opposes CCP, that must mean one is either 民运 or 轮子. Amazing how simple minded you are. I am certainly getting my kicked NOT living in a authoritarian regime run by an oligarchy, with restricted political freedom.
The way you talk about CCP clearly indicates you are either 民运 or 轮子.

I am surprised that we still have members who are dealing with your craps.

If you are that interested in overthrowing the authoritarian power CCP holds, go ahead and do it.

At least, go to TianAnMen Square and protest like a man.

You want to fight for political freedom for all of Chinese, at least go to China and start to do the work.

Those 民运 or 轮子 are just sissy and have no guts at all.

At least when KMT ruled in the past, CCP members and supporters dare to give up their lives for their causes.

Now let's see what you dare to offer???

BTW, this will be my last post dealing with this nutcase. I consider it totally waste of time even reading his posts. I simply will just ignore what he writes there. I strongly suggest all our Chinese members here are doing the same.

Then he will shut up himself afterwards.

Let's not get too personal with this. S10 can be reasoned with and I think it helps us understand our personal beliefs by examining for example, if we disagree, why do we disagree?
That's right. CPC members were willing to die for their cause and millions did. What did wheelies do?
What part of reasons does he accept from your side after you have reasoned with him for so long???

Let's not get too personal with this. S10 can be reasoned with and I think it helps us understand our personal beliefs by examining for example, if we disagree, why do we disagree?
S10 should not 民运 or 轮子. 民运 or 轮子 do not have such a clear head.

I support the independence of the judiciary.

About media issues.
I agreeit, but must after resolving the Taiwan issue, and perfect Media Law.

About military issues.
I support the CPC.
民运 or 轮子 does not mean they are actually stupid.

Does not wang dan get his Ph.D. from Harvard?

Anyway, suit yourself when you entertain him. :)

S10 should not 民运 or 轮子. 民运 or 轮子 do not have such a clear head.

I support the independence of the judiciary.

About media issues.
I agreeit, but must after resolving the Taiwan issue, and perfect Media Law.

About military issues.
I support the CPC.
民运 or 轮子 does not mean they are actually stupid.

Does not wang dan get his Ph.D. from Harvard?

Anyway, suit yourself when you entertain him. :)

Fck, Wang Dan could have been mentally handicapped with a speech impediment and Harvard would still have given him a PhD. Ivy league universities are all about image and prestige, and having a "hero of Tienanmen" is worth the PR. The people who leave China claiming to be refugees are greedy opportunist who couldn't cut it in China or leave the country legitimately.
Fck, Wang Dan could have been mentally handicapped with a speech impediment and Harvard would still have given him a PhD. Ivy league universities are all about image and prestige, and having a "hero of Tienanmen" is worth the PR. The people who leave China claiming to be refugees are greedy opportunist who couldn't cut it in China or leave the country legitimately.

He'd get a dual PhD with a speech problem and retardation. Then he can claim that big bad commies are beating up retarded kids in wheelchairs, kicking kittens and laughing as they torture ants with a magnifying glass.
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