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China always has Mongolia

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Today the Mongolia is Outer Mongolia, and Inner Mongolia is a province of China

Outer Mongolia, today's Mongolia

Inner Mongolia ,an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China

****************Outer Mongolia******Inner Mongolia ********
area:************15.6million km2******11.8 million km2 ********
Mongolian Population:**22million(80%)*****42.3million(17%)******
GDP:**************$8.506 billion********US$ 218.75 billion *****
- per capita:*********$3,000************US$ 8,854 **********

China is the first export(92%) and import(30%) country of Outer Mongolia
Today the Mongolia is Outer Mongolia, and Inner Mongolia is a province of China

Outer Mongolia, today's Mongolia

Inner Mongolia ,an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China

****************Outer Mongolia******Inner Mongolia ********
area:************15.6million km2******11.8 million km2 ********
Mongolian Population:**22million(80%)*****42.3million(17%)******
GDP:**************$8.506 billion********US$ 218.75 billion *****
- per capita:*********$3,000************US$ 8,854 **********

China is the first export(92%) and import(30%) country of Outer Mongolia

Problem is Mongolians do not want to join China, if I am not mistaken, they would rather join their Buryat brothers in Russian Siberia.

Population figures above are wrong, they are 2.7 million and 24.7 million.
just because of Martian's thread and super duper battle plan,Mongolia is asking India to put few air bases in their country. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

though this thread proved fruitful as it is quite proven now how war mongers and greedy Chinese are.

maybe india isn't right country for them,but surely Russia/USA(not sure if they will put their assets so close to China/Russia) is...though India has strong military pact with them.
Actually pakistan is also rich in mineral resources. In case of an all out nuke war against China, India may as well nuke pakistan and occupy their resources. Since we may be getting nuked by China, it doesn't really matter if we get nuked by pakistan a few more times but in return we will get a handle on all their resources...

Great idea martian2.. thanks we will apply this idea to India also..
China Map 1850.

We should annex Mongolia, support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


China Map 1850


China Map 1880


Two map above which you note "China Map 1850" are the fake maps.
Look, on the 2 maps have so-called "nine-dotted line", and quoted at the lower right corner. But so-called "nine-dotted line" only began to appear in 1948, and first it has 11 segments.
This said that China love to show the fake "ancient" maps. :lol:

The nine-dotted line, U-shape line, or nine-dash map (Chinese: 南海九段线; pinyin: nánhǎi jiǔduàn xiàn; literally "Nine division lines of the South China Sea"; Vietnamese: Đường lưỡi bò; literally: "ox's tongue line") refers to the demarcation line used by the government of the People's Republic of China for its claim in the South China Sea, an area including the Paracel Islands (occupied by China but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan) and Spratly Islands disputed by the Philippines, China, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, who each either claim all or part of the Spratlys, which are believed to sit on vast mineral resources, including oil.[1] According to Chinese sources the line first appeared in February 1948 as an eleven-dotted U-shape line in a map appearing in a private publication in the Republic of China.[2]

Aside from endless coal and minerals, Mongolia possesses strategic value


Annexing Mongolia will allow China to station its camouflaged mobile-launched ICBMs a lot closer to the United States. This reduces fuel consumption and increases the warhead throw-weight.


In other words, China can place bigger megaton thermonuclear warheads or more MIRVs on each intercontinental ballistic missile.

Mongolia is a valuable strategic asset to China.

1. Mongolia is estimated to have 100 billion tonnes of coal. This is basically an endless supply of energy.

2. Mongolia has a large variety of valuable minerals, including iron ore.

3. Mongolia is half-the-size of India, a subcontinent. China can hide hundreds of camouflaged mobile ICBM launchers with MIRVed warheads in Mongolia and they're virtually impossible to find.

Now, we just need to sit back and wait for the neo-cons to attack ships carrying oil to China. Invoking the principle of self-defense/survival, China can roll into Mongolia the next day. If only the neo-cons will hurry up and cooperate.

War is a win-win for both sides. The neo-cons can claim they're tough on China. China will get Mongolia as compensation.


Comparison of really large land masses.

India: 3,287,263 km2

Alaska: 1,717,854 km2

Mongolia: 1,564,115.75 km2 (Mongolia is 2.25 Texases or 3.7 Californias.)

Texas: 696,241 km2

California: 423,970 km2



India: India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alaska: Alaska - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mongolia: Mongolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas: Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

California: California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Problem is Mongolians do not want to join China, if I am not mistaken, they would rather join their Buryat brothers in Russian Siberia.

Population figures above are wrong, they are 2.7 million and 24.7 million.
Problem is China do not want let Mongolia join in too, and population data comes from Mongolia org site,
"Population: 2.754.314 people with density of 1.8 person/sq km"
wait untill Mongolia feels threatened again, they will come back to capture their lost territories from china. :lol:

Inner Mongolia was Never Part of China

By Oyunbilig

Inner Mongolia, as a part of the Great Mongol Empire, had never been part of China. From the day Genghis khan founded the Great Mongol Empire in 1206 to the death of the last Grand Khan of the Mongols, Ligdan Khan in 1634, the Mongol nation had been an independent state for more than 400 years.

During the Ming Dynasty of China (1368-1644), the Mongols and the Chinese wared each other and tried to rule over each other, but the China's dominance had never reached beyond the Great Wall. Once the Mongols even captured an Emperor of China. (In 1449, Esen Taiji defeated Chinese army near Peking and took Chinese emperor Ying-tsung (or Ying Zong) prisoner). Also during the Ming dynasty, Fearing from the Mongol’s invasion, China took great efforts to rebuild the Chinese ancient fortification ---the " Ten thousand miles of " Great Wall. The Mongol Empire lasted outside of the Great Wall until the Jorchid (later known as Manchu) people took over the entire Inner Mongolia in 1634.

During the Manchu rule, the Mongols had never given up their effort to reestablish an independent Mongolia. Galdan Boshogtu (1645-1697) of Dzungar Mongol once succeeded to unite all the Dzungar Mongols (or western Mongols) and the Khalkha Mongols (Outer Mongols) and almost seized Peking, the Capital of the Manchu Empire.

In 1644, Manchu people took over entire China and Emperor Shuen-chih (or Shun-Zhi) proclaimed the Great Ching Empire (Tai Ching). We have enough reason to say that Mongolia was not part of China during this historical period of time, because Mongolia (Including Inner, Outer, Dzungar Mongols) and China were both ruled by a foreign nation during the time . Chinese people didn’t have their own state or government, and China, just like Mongolia, was part of the Empire established by the Manchu people.

In 1911, following the collapse of the Manchu Empire, there was a great chance for all the Mongols to reestablish a independent state once again. However, the Chinese warlords, took the advantage of the Mongol nation’s weakness at that time, tried to take the Mongols under their rule. After 10 years of strive, Outer Mongolia (or Khalkha Mongol) proclaimed their independence in 1921 as People's Republic of Mongolia. But Inner Mongolia, a major part of the Mongol land, was under the Chinese warlords’ tight control and hundreds of years of dream as an independent nation was unable to come true for millions of Mongols living in Inner Mongolia. It is injustice and outrageous that the Chinese, as soon as they gained their freedom, turned to rule over other nation.

Since China’s takeover of Inner Mongolia, millions of peasants were settled to Inner Mongolia. Excessive cultivation backed by the warlords turned the great grassland into vast desert. The Mongols, totally depended on the grassland to survive, were forced to abandon their homeland and move to remote places. Meanwhile, those people who held courage to fight for the freedom of their homeland eventually fell down under the guns of the invaders and buried into their beloved land. (Gada Meiren, "Shineh Lama "--- Uljijirgal and Togtokh Baator were the most famous heroes among them).

Prince Demchegdongrov (or De Wang, Teh Wang), however, almost succeeded in establishing an independent Inner Mongolia. Born as a direct descendent of Genghis Khan, he dedicated his whole life to establish a self-ruling, even an independent Inner Mongolia. On July 26, 1933, De Wang held his first Conference on Inner Mongolian Self-rule, declared the Inner Mongolian government as a highly self-ruling government. This self -ruling government lasted until 1945. By the end of the WWII, to force the Japanese to end the War, Soviet-Mongolian joint army entered into Inner Mongolia. Despite the Inner Mongolians expressed strong will to be an independent country, or even willing to reunite with Mongolia (Outer Mongolia), Joseph Stalin handed Inner Mongolia over to China, according to the Yalta treaty reached by the US, Great Britan and the Soviet Union.

On May 1, 1947, the Chinese Communist Party declared their first puppet Autonomous Region--- the current Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region after the PLA took control over most part of the Inner Mongolia. Since then, the Inner Mongolians suffered the most brutal rule they had ever experienced:

Over 250,000 Mongols were killed and executed (It was almost 10% of the population at the time) and almost all of the thousands of Mongolian Buddhist temples were destroyed during the waves of political movements;
The central government has settled large number of Chinese people into Inner Mongolia and the Mongols have became absolute minority in their homeland;
Wanton agrarian practices by the Chinese settlers have caused severe desertification in Inner Mongolia and the region's ecological balance was totally destroyed;
The central government has emptied the abundant natural resources of Inner Mongolia without any compensation to the Mongols;
The Chinese government has totally destroyed the rich cultural heritages of the Mongols under the name of clearing feudalism;
As a long-term policy of sinicization, the Chinese government has been forcing the Mongols to learn Chinese language and Chinese culture;
Also as a policy of limiting the Mongol population, the Chinese government has been imposing birth control policy to the Mongols;
In fearing of the Mongols’ opposition to their rule, Chinese government has been cracking down on any tiny signs of the "separatist" activities. They put thousands of Mongols into jail simply charging them of being "counterrevolutionaries" or " separatists", a crime exclusively designed for the minorities;
Under the Chinese government’s slogan of " Political stability is the top priority", Inner Mongolia has become the most backward region in China;

It is very clear that Inner Mongolia was never part of China and, in fact, China never fairly treated the Inner Mongolians as a part of their own people.
inner mongolia was never part of China

Give back the land of Inner Mongolia to Mongolia, than to some han chinese.
Aside from endless coal and minerals, Mongolia possesses strategic value


Annexing Mongolia will allow China to station its camouflaged mobile-launched ICBMs a lot closer to the United States. This reduces fuel consumption and increases the warhead throw-weight.


In other words, China can place bigger megaton thermonuclear warheads or more MIRVs on each intercontinental ballistic missile.

Mongolia is a valuable strategic asset to China.

1. Mongolia is estimated to have 100 billion tonnes of coal. This is basically an endless supply of energy.

2. Mongolia has a large variety of valuable minerals, including iron ore.

3. Mongolia is half-the-size of India, a subcontinent. China can hide hundreds of camouflaged mobile ICBM launchers with MIRVed warheads in Mongolia and they're virtually impossible to find.

Now, we just need to sit back and wait for the neo-cons to attack ships carrying oil to China. Invoking the principle of self-defense/survival, China can roll into Mongolia the next day. If only the neo-cons will hurry up and cooperate.

War is a win-win for both sides. The neo-cons can claim they're tough on China. China will get Mongolia as compensation.


Comparison of really large land masses.

India: 3,287,263 km2

Alaska: 1,717,854 km2

Mongolia: 1,564,115.75 km2 (Mongolia is 2.25 Texases or 3.7 Californias.)

Texas: 696,241 km2

California: 423,970 km2



India: India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alaska: Alaska - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mongolia: Mongolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas: Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

California: California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you wan't launch ICBM on US......:what:..............:blink:

Do you really want another world war.......

waste of time guys.... please don't respond......

he want launch ICBM on US..... and he is expecting USA the super power will neva respond to these missiles:rofl::rofl:.... funny isn't it.....................zillion lolz martian-2 .... all hail................
Do you wan't launch ICBM on US......:what:..............:blink:

Do you really want another world war.......

waste of time guys.... please don't respond......

he want launch ICBM on US..... and he is expecting USA the super power will neva respond to these missiles:rofl::rofl:.... funny isn't it.....................zillion lolz martian-2 .... all hail................

You shouldn't take my posts personally, especially since it's unrelated to India.

Armchair generals are like chess players. Given a certain scenario (or chess board set-up), we examine the best counter moves.

In this thread, I believe I am the first person on the Internet to suggest that China should annex Mongolia. This Chinese counter-move is a splendid response to an U.S. blockade of Chinese oil shipped from the Middle East.

Additionally, I have analyzed the situation further and noted that China would gain a better launch location for its DF-31A MIRVed ICBMs (and the upcoming DF-41 10-MIRVed ICBMs).

I have no idea why you're upset. My military analysis makes sense.
Aside from endless coal and minerals, Mongolia possesses strategic value


Annexing Mongolia will allow China to station its camouflaged mobile-launched ICBMs a lot closer to the United States. This reduces fuel consumption and increases the warhead throw-weight.


In other words, China can place bigger megaton thermonuclear warheads or more MIRVs on each intercontinental ballistic missile.

Mongolia is a valuable strategic asset to China.

1. Mongolia is estimated to have 100 billion tonnes of coal. This is basically an endless supply of energy.

2. Mongolia has a large variety of valuable minerals, including iron ore.

3. Mongolia is half-the-size of India, a subcontinent. China can hide hundreds of camouflaged mobile ICBM launchers with MIRVed warheads in Mongolia and they're virtually impossible to find.

Now, we just need to sit back and wait for the neo-cons to attack ships carrying oil to China. Invoking the principle of self-defense/survival, China can roll into Mongolia the next day. If only the neo-cons will hurry up and cooperate.

War is a win-win for both sides. The neo-cons can claim they're tough on China. China will get Mongolia as compensation.

Wait, you live in the US and are jizzing about the prospect of China launching missiles on your country?
Are you retarded?
Wait, you live in the us and are jizzing about the prospect of China launching missiles on US?
Are you retarded?

You guys are completely clueless. A good chess analyst is objective. He doesn't side with white or black. He simply points out the best geo-political (chess) move.

You Indians can't seem to understand this concept.

Anyway, I've given up on you guys and this is my last response on this topic.
You guys are completely clueless. A good chess analyst is objective. He doesn't side with white or black. He simply points out the best geo-political (chess) move.

You Indians can't seem to understand this concept.

Anyway, I've given up on you guys and this is my last response on this topic.

Your analysis is nothing but wet dreams about China.
Go jack off to more of your BS, you racist pig!
You guys are completely clueless. A good chess analyst is objective. He doesn't side with white or black. He simply points out the best geo-political (chess) move.

You Indians can't seem to understand this concept.

Anyway, I've given up on you guys and this is my last response on this topic.

Sir you are living in USA not in China ....so please find a safe place when china going to attack USA with ICBM etc........ other wise we will miss you........
@on-topic: Mongolians united all chinese provinces....... They formed united China.... that too not in 18th century...... You are claiming china had Mongolia as per 18th century map...... But they invaded all chinese provinces in 13th century itself..... they formed yuan dynasty..... so they do have all patent over china ......

Mongolians are great warriors.... better let the Lions in sleep.....
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