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China always has Mongolia

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It is better to take Mongolia part of China map, I wonder why China can't do something?
1. China has recognized the sovereignty of Mongolia. One sovereign country does not take over another sovereign country.
2. Mongolia is under Russian protection.
3. The historical context is that Mongols invade China, not the other way around.

Let's say the U.S. and China are at war and the U.S. Navy cuts off Middle Eastern oil. What is China's next move?
Surrender to the US, of course.
No I'm referring as to why Japan wanted to conquer China because it was an island nation and wanted to be independent on resources. Is history going to repeat itself if China invades Mongolia in the eyes of Asia and the rest of the world?

You don't understand that Japan was still too small to annex the big weak ROC despite they were militarily stronger.

If PRC really wants to annex Outer Mongolia, it is only a matter of minutes. :coffee:
1. China has recognized the sovereignty of Mongolia. One sovereign country does not take over another sovereign country.
2. Mongolia is under Russian protection.
3. The historical context is that Mongols invade China, not the other way around.

Surrender to the US, of course.
You are wrong,our mighty manchus brothers have beaten them up and ruled them for more than 200 years.
That's not what I said. I said China always has the option of annexing Mongolia if the U.S. Navy cuts off China's Middle Eastern oil. That is very different from what Japan did. Under this scenario, the U.S. is responsible for China's annexation of Mongolia.

Annexing, conquering it don't matter to me. You want to blame on U.S. for that, it be going on deaf ears to the rest of the world. Be prepared for sanctions just like Japan experienced prior to Dec. 7, 1941.

1. U.S. chokes off China's Middle Eastern oil. The U.S. knows full well China will have to acquire another supply of energy.


2. China annexes barely populated Mongolia out of the need to survive. If you have no food (or energy), you are justified to secure a supply of food (or energy).


3. U.S. chokehold on Chines Middle Eastern oil leads to the predictable result of Chinese annexation of Mongolia. Thus, the U.S. forced China's annexation of Mongolia. The U.S. is responsible.

Do you follow the logic?

education time:because those Mongols were the first group of Eastern Asian people the Europeans met,so they gave that name to all Eastern Asian people.it is just an western name and doesnt mean anything scientifically.
Agreed, Han Chinese are a Burmese race from Burma, not Mongolians.


The Sino-Tibetan languages are a family of some 250 languages of East Asia, Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia, including the Chinese and Tibeto-Burman languages. They are second only to the Indo-European languages in terms of the number of native speakers. The internal classification of the family is debated.
Annexing, conquering it don't matter to me. You want to blame on U.S. for that, it be going on deaf ears to the rest of the world. Be prepared for sanctions just like Japan experienced prior to Dec. 7, 1941.




I see that you did not understand the logic or appreciate the critical historical difference. Anyway, this is a low-probability scenario and you shouldn't get too upset.

I'm simply discussing with my fellow armchair generals about an obvious option in annexing Mongolia in the event of an emergency.


I do enjoy discussing these unlikely scenarios with you fellows. I look forward to more interesting discussions in the future. Adieu.
You are wrong,our mighty manchus brothers have beaten them up and ruled them for more than 200 years.

Yet Manchus decided to hand over the Eastern half of Manchuria to Korea, and nothing changed in Korea before and after. Koreans wore same dress and hairdo, and spoke same language. Chinese on the other hand wore totally different dress and hairdo, and was forced to speak a foreign language called Mandarin.

A very different experience.
It's simple mathematics.

1.3 billion Great Hans say this land is part of China.
Those six territories have a few million people living on them. You get one guess who prevails.

You know it is politically unacceptable to just swallow a country. China needs a good reason. Ironically, China needs the help of neo-cons at the Pentagon to justify annexing all 1.56 million square kilometers of Mongolia.

China needs the neo-cons to use the reasonable excuse: "They shut off my Middle Eastern oil. They made me do it. It's not my fault."

Who is hans?? 1.3billion+ pakistan- world population speaks otherwise???? :rofl::rofl::rofl: expansionism... and these fellows saying Americans as evil..............:rofl: funny............. you people are trying to see others low.... then More advanced weapons, only super power and biggest economy in the world- Americans will have all right's to crush those who eva come in their way..... Ain't china picking same path????? pathetic moron's............. with growing wealth china should behave mature..... but growing china means increasing threat....
^^^ as per you....ok... you will invade mongolia, then????? you will see Mongolians as slaves for great hans.............. and will dictate their future as you are doing in tibet...
I see that you did not understand the logic or appreciate the critical historical difference. Anyway, this is a low-probability scenario and you shouldn't get too upset.

I'm simply discussing with my fellow armchair generals about an obvious option in annexing Mongolia in the event of an emergency.

You would have gotten fired immediately if you were advising such scenario. Would just have made it worse with sanctions imposed on China and turn many nations that may be neutral in hypothetical Sino-U.S. war to side with U.S. Get it? Thats why I don't understand the logic of that idea.

But hey, do what you have to do to win or survive.
You would have gotten fired immediately if you were advising such scenario. Would just have made it worse with sanctions imposed on China and turn many nations that may be neutral in hypothetical Sino-U.S. war to side with U.S. Get it? Thats why I don't understand the logic of that idea.

You misunderstand.

The Chinese annexation of Mongolia is in response to U.S. chokehold on Chinese oil from the Middle East. We are way past sanctions. We are at the stage of war.

That's why I also highlighted Mongolia's mineral resources. Economic sanctions don't mean a thing. Who cares about little bits of pieces of paper money during a war? Only resources matter.

There are 2,285,000 active Chinese troops. China will probably mobilize another 100,000,000 troops. Who wants to fight China and against a mechanized PLA in a land war?
You misunderstand.

The Chinese annexation of Mongolia is in response to U.S. chokehold on Chinese oil from the Middle East. We are way past sanctions. We are at the stage of war.

That's why I also highlighted Mongolia's mineral resources. Economic sanctions don't mean a thing. Who cares about little bits of pieces of paper money during a war? Only resources matter.

So for that you want kill Mongolian's.... Do you know the meaning of sovereignty???
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