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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

I have a feeling the '2016' engines are not AL-31 to begin with.

Unpainted AL-31 engines look like this. We've seen it before on the original J-20 prototypes.


J-20 2016 engines look like this.




The funny thing is :devil:, I think we both will fight this issue until an official statement is given by either CAC, the PLAAf or the engine manufactor !

Anyway IMO they are the same, especially the first image with the last two ... they only got rid of this anti-IR-painting/-coating on the silver engines.

Anyay ... up to our next round ! :meeting:

Guys ... plesae take a look, what images are already posted !!!

All of them were already posted within the last days more than once ! ... even more not every new image has to be posted by everyone in a new tread ! take a look, what topic fits to Your post and then post it ...

Thank You,

J-20 2016 - 18.9.15 maiden flight - 8.jpg
J-20 2016 - 18.9.15 maiden flight - 9.jpg
J-20 2016 - 18.9.15 maiden flight - 10.jpg
J-20 2016 - 18.9.15 maiden flight - 11.jpg
J-20 2016 - 18.9.15 maiden flight - 12.jpg
A few more nice images ...
J20 still under running changes on its appearance, so it's too early to expect its mass production, @cnleio
there need many things to complete before that.
The next focal point of interest should be the flight trials of the WS-15 on a J-20。
The prototype #2011 was unveiled two years ago. The latest is #2016 with new engine, modified DSI inlet and modified tail.


looks stealthy but i dont feel that "X" factor of F22 or PakFa . Just my personal view
Due to its large internal fuel tanks, it looks chubby from side angles unlike the more slender design of F-22 or T-50. If you switch the angle a bit it does look more pleasing.





cool . I will wait for final product or atleast final specs . I guess it will be for Shoot and scoot role unlike PakFa or F22 which can tail any versatile aircraft
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