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Yeah like I said :)

It is a relic....beileived to be a part of the original construction of the Kaaba!There are myths about cleansing your sins by kissing it(principal reason for attracting large crowds)....but it has no theological basis!It only has historic and emotional value!
Leave this thread. You will get banned due to whiny hindus and fake wannabe bollywood Muslims.

I'll handle it.

I was bout to leave but when hindus wanna act like they know our religion better than Muslims. :rolleyes:
Do you follow all the rules Mr Muslim? Going by the potty mouth you showcase here I have my doubts.

What does Islam say about the use of vulgar language?

Ask your wife and tell me. :lol:

Please do inform me.

Your wife does not even follow the pillars of Islam, but let's hear what she has to say about it.


She will follow you to hell.
Why is a stone held in high regard? What is its contribution to Islam? They bow in front of it and kiss it and like wise others do as part of their worship. Then why these thick skulled retards act such a hypocrites when blabbering about others!!

ur Chilling words reminded me of wahhabi mullahs
It is a relic....beileived to be a part of the original construction of the Kaaba!There are myths about cleansing your sins by kissing it(principal reason for attracting large crowds)....but it has no theological basis!It only has historic and emotional value!

Pardon me for asking a very basic question, not related to religion or such. All those thousands of people kiss the stone at the same place? Is there a method to wipe the stone clean (or disinfect it with some solution) after each person kisses it, before the next one can?
Ask your wife and tell me. :lol:

Please do inform me.

Your wife does not even follow the pillars of Islam, but let's hear what she has to say about it.


She will follow you to hell.

Am happy for you that you got a seat in heaven :rofl:
That's not very tolerant of him. your God. God should discriminate based on one's deeds right?

Yeah. Her deeds were that she married a stone worshiper, rather than a believer of Allah swt.

It is not allowed, according to Allah swt.
Please close this thread, its a defense forum.
Listen $hithead your family be giving birth to low iq kids and you are the prime example. Now go f.king blow yourself off.

Listen haramkhor if you were a chick your mother would have ended your pitiful existence and we wouldn't even be here. I am sure she regrets letting you get past age 5 now but randis like her don't have a choice when it gets that far along.
@mods-You got some serious cleaning up to do in this thread!
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Am happy for you that you got a seat in heaven :rofl:

I don't know If I am worthy of heaven, Allah swt will decide. But I have followed all within Islam. Unlike your supposed wife that married a stone worshiper.

There is no place in heaven for her, according to Allah swt.
Pardon me for asking a very basic question, not related to religion or such. All those thousands of people kiss the stone at the same place? Is there a method to wipe the stone clean (or disinfect it with some solution) after each person kisses it, before the next one can?

The stone is not kissable or touchable :cuckoo:
Its in a metal casing which pushes it back.
whoever told you people kiss it has never been to hajj
Listen haramkhor if you were a chick your mother would have ended your pitiful existence and we wouldn't even be here. I am sure she regrets letting you get past age 5 now but randis like her don't have a choice when it gets that far along.

Log off right now. I said, I got this.
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