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Change in power in Bangladesh may help NE militants

if it happens then i will suggest to turn the faces of the newly purchased apaches to bangladesh.
I work with many Bangladeshi and never realized that they want to be part of pakistan, if you want to be pakistan then why you fought for you independent...

who said 2 u that we want 2 b a part of pakistan ???

just bcoz we dont like india's dadagiri in our internal affairs

so we became razakar jamati etc etc :rolleyes:
North East "Militants" Hate Bangladeshis More than Anyone else on this planet . Maybe You have forgotten what Bodos Did in Assam . And Try meeting with Gaaro , Khansi and Jaintiya tribes some times . They will also teach you some valuable lesson in Geo-Politics .

Its a fact that ULFA used to have camps in Bangladesh,not sure if they are still operational.
These NE militants dont have any singular objective.There are various factions,each having their own agenda and infighting is quite rampant among them.
The presence of an armed guerilla,with the license to kill(read a gun in hand) and nobody to control them is not good for India,not good for its neighbouring countries- Bangladesh,Myanmar,Bhutan.They are actively involved in drug-peddling,gun-running,extortion and dacoity.
jus like WBs r not bengalis but indians ;)

Develop your own identity boss.And that does not come by verbally trying to undermine the identity of others.The Bengalis in West-Bengal are part of a well-integrated society and they dont really need confirmation from any tom harry or dick to be what they are.
Develop your own identity boss.And that does not come by verbally trying to undermine the identity of others.The Bengalis in West-Bengal are part of a well-integrated society and they dont really need confirmation from any tom harry or dick to be what they are.

i already have my own identity man thnx

yes yes i know they have their own society

but that doesnt change they r indians
1. Bangladesh and India are direct neighbours and it is in their interest to develop mutually beneficial relations including fair trade and connectivity this entails things such as:

- India not murdering unarmed Bangladeshi civilians on the border

- India not funding and arming separatists who seek to dismember Bangladesh e.g. the Shanti Bahini

- India not promoting false lies andpropaganda about "mass migration of Bangladeshis to India"

- India stopping water terrorism

- India not interfering in internal Bangladeshi affairs

- India not arranging the massacre of Bangladeshi arm officers et la Pilkhana

- Indian state terrorist organization, "RAW" not organizing attacks against Bangladeshi citizens of the Buddhist faith to blacken the image of Bangladesh

- India not violating Bangladeshi sovereignty by funding the Awami League to win elections as has been stated in respectable publications such as The Economist.

2. If India cannot behave like a responsible member of the international community and continues destabilizing the whole South Asia region as it has done in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and elsewhere, if India fails to stop sponsoring terrorism in the region as it has done in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka then Indian decision makers have carried out a grave mistake.

The sponsorship of terrorism by India and the intentional regional destabilization of South Asia will result in severe consequences for India which will ultimately undergo "Pakistanization". This process can be seen by current Indian regime chief, Manmohan Singh, saying quite recently in response to events in Assam that triggered nation-wide tension that India's "unity" was "at "stake"..

Alternatively if India does decide to abandon the path of terrorism and mischief-making it has embraced then we may see a peaceful South Asia with mutually beneficial Banglo-Indian relations with both states achieving double digit economic growth, a peaceful north-east India well integrated in to the rest of the country and both Bangladesh and India approaching the economic development standards of wealthier ASEAN members.

3. Indian terrorist chief, Sanjeev Tripathi and his terrorist masters such as Sonia Gandhi must make the decision to abandon terrorism and promoting instability in South Asia. Ultimately Gandhi must chose wisely or there may be consequences as both Rajeev and Indira found out
1. Bangladesh and India are direct neighbours and it is in their interest to develop mutually beneficial relations including fair trade and connectivity this entails things such as:

- India not murdering unarmed Bangladeshi civilians on the border
- India not funding and arming separatists who seek to dismember Bangladesh e.g. the Shanti Bahini
- India not promoting false lies andpropaganda about "mass migration of Bangladeshis to India"
- India stopping water terrorism
- India interfering in internal Bangladeshi affairs
- India arranging the massacre of Bangladeshi arm officers et la Pilkhana
- Indian state terrorist organization, "RAW"

I don't know why pakistani are so so so so so so ashamed of its identity....shame...
It is a normal Indian ploy to blame everybody else for their own internal weaknesses.

There are over 80 armed secessionist groups operating in NE India alone.

A country like Bangladesh can not control all such groups - it is beyond its capability.

Instead of sorting out her own problems India's blame all their neighbouring countries.

Such a news item may also be deliberately placed in the media by India's intelligence agencies to force their government to provide monetary support to Sheikh Hasina's partry.

Indian intelligence agencies have provided large amount of cash to her party on all previous elections and this is no secret.

They are at it again.

India shamelessly interferes in the internal affairs of their smaller neighbours and that too without any compunction.
1. Bangladesh and India are direct neighbours and it is in their interest to develop mutually beneficial relations including fair trade and connectivity this entails things such as:

- India not murdering unarmed Bangladeshi civilians on the border

- India not funding and arming separatists who seek to dismember Bangladesh e.g. the Shanti Bahini

- India not promoting false lies andpropaganda about "mass migration of Bangladeshis to India"

- India stopping water terrorism

- India interfering in internal Bangladeshi affairs

- India arranging the massacre of Bangladeshi arm officers et la Pilkhana

- Indian state terrorist organization, "RAW" organizing attacks against Bangladeshi citizens of the Buddhist faith to blacken the image of Bangladesh

- India violating Bangladeshi sovereignty by funding the Awami League to win elections as een stated in respectable publications such as The Economist.

2. If India cannot behave like a responsible member of the international community and continues destabilizing the whole South Asia region as it has done in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and elsewhere, if India fails to stop sponsoring terrorism in the region as it has done in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka then Indian decision makers have carried out a grave mistake.

The sponsorship of terrorism by India and the intentional regional destabilization of South Asia will result in severe consequences for India which will ultimately undergo "Pakistanization". This process can be seen by current Indian regime chief, Manmohan Singh, saying quite recently in response to events in Assam that triggered nation-wide tension that India's "unity" was "at "stake"..

Alternatively if India does decide to abandon the path of terrorism and mischief-making it has embraced then we may see a peaceful South Asia with mutually beneficial Banglo-Indian relations with both states achieving double digit economic growth, a peaceful north-east India well integrated in to the rest of the country and both Bangladesh and India approaching the economic development standards of wealthier ASEAN members.

3. Indian terrorist chief, Sanjeev Tripathi and his terrorist masters such as Sonia Gandhi must make the decision to abandon terrorism and promoting instability in South Asia. Ultimately Gandhi must chose wisely or there may be consequences as both Rajeev and Indira found out

There has been this persistent issue of Bangladeshi inflitration for better job opportunities in India,a trend that was set during the mass exodus starting in 1970,whether you agree with it or not.I have seen many of them working in smaller construction projects here in Mumbai.I speak Bengali,I can clearly identify their 'Dhakai' accent,which is different from what is spoken in India.The states like West Bengal,Assam etc have sizable population of them.
I dont think,as an Indian, I have any other problem.And its not like we will gain something out of shooting the Bnagladeshis across the border.Heck, a single round of bullet costs 150-300 INR.Why would we want that money to be spent on something for which there is no returns ??
I don't know why pakistani are so so so so so so ashamed of its identity....shame...

@ My dear friend who is Pakistani ?????

@ This Hammer-fist is pure Bengali. Do you have still doubt ?

@ If we get a chance, "Ham Bharat ko Cheer kar rakh denge, aap loge khud ko kia samajte hai ? Ham log sab budhdhu hai ?"

@ Go and see your face on the mirror, it would look like waste than "Honuman".

@ This Hammer-fist is just knew here and you would see your face through his writing soon.
I don't know why pakistani are so so so so so so ashamed of its identity....shame...

1. As per usual Indian posters refuse to comment on topic or the susbstance of a post but engage in direct personal attacks.

2. The anti-Bangladeshi poster above even brings Pakistan in to this when Pakistanis are not the subject of this thread.

3. The poster manages to insult both Bangladeshis and Pakistanis simultaneously.

I am tempted to report this low-quality off-topic personal attack and also attack on Pakistanis.

Re topic: Indian decision makers and terrorists such as Sonia Gandhi ad Sanjeev Tripathi must realize that the path of terrorism will ultimately destroy India. The far stronger Soviet Union went in to Afghanistan and ended up collapsing and being torn in to pieces in to 15 different states a a result of imperial overreach and hubris, India with its huge poverty, 60% without toilets, 200 million untouchables, 0.4 million girl temple prostitutes, 14,000 farmers commiting suicide per year is being run by corrupt thugs and terrorists who delusionally believe that India is some sort of global mega-power and should thus act accordingly and that this entails the bullying and sponsorship of terrorism against other smaller and more peaceful South Asian states.

Thugs and terrorists like Sonia Gandhi and Sanjeev Tripathi, current RAW terror chief, must realize that their hatred of India's lower classes and poor will just fuel support for Maoist rebels who are present in 1/3 of India and are the paralell government in some areas and have factories producing arms including rocket launchers to fight paramilitary and military organizations loyal to the New Delhi regime.

India's enemies are:

- Poverty, 60% of Indians wihtout toilets

- Discrimination and caste racism: 200 million untouchables treated worse than animals.

- Temple prostitution: Around 0.4 million girls in India are temple prostitues i.e. "sacred prostitutes"

- Internal racism and nationalism: Marathi nationalists expelling Biharis from Maharashtra and killing them and Raj Thackeray threatening them, a small group of Tamil nationalists talking of secession and an independent Tamil state or a southern "Dravinand"

There are also many other enemies and challenges that poverty-stricken and unstable India faces.

Hate-filled Indians on this forum who have openly stated they hate Bangladesh more than any other country in the world and even speak of invading Bangladesh, wiping out human life in Bangladesh with nuclear weapons must rein in their hatred of Bangladesh which borders on psycopathic and realize BANGLADESH IS NOT AN ENEMY STATE.

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