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Change in power in Bangladesh may help NE militants

@ Indian made drones !!!! Oo it will never reach in our territory rather !!!!!!!

Ontopic: lol are you comparing Indian Arm forces with BD's non existing forces..(if you are bangaladeshi) look like you have forgotten 1971, you can't get your independence independently and you are comparing about Indian arm forces and BD arm forces..lollll

I saw a documentary about the role of Al-Badr in 1971. Gangs of Jamatis attacked a tea plantation in Sylhet and raped every woman on the plantation irrespective of they being Hindu or Muslim.

that what they can do....
1. As per usual Indian posters refuse to comment on topic or the susbstance of a post but engage in direct personal attacks.

Lest face facts now.

Re topic: Indian decision makers and terrorists such as Sonia Gandhi ad Sanjeev Tripathi must realize that the path of terrorism will ultimately destroy India.

Read the whole thread again. Your country men are in favor of supporting Militants not Us. BTW how many terrorists died in Pilkhana Massacre??

I guess you got the point. Respect the leaders of other country.

The far stronger Soviet Union went in to Afghanistan and ended up collapsing and being torn in to pieces in to 15 different states a a result of imperial overreach and hubris,

Because there a superpower known as USA was involved.
India with its huge poverty, 60% without toilets, 200 million untouchables, 0.4 million girl temple prostitutes,

BD with $750 per year income, Least developed country status, Prostitution hub of SA, with underemployment rate of 40% is still much worse.

14,000 farmers commiting suicide per year is being run by corrupt thugs and terrorists who delusionally believe that India is some sort of global mega-power and should thus act accordingly and that this entails the bullying and sponsorship of terrorism against other smaller and more peaceful South Asian states.

Stupid people are on both sides. Some people here think that BD is a land of Milk and Honey.....they were even happy bcz their national capital was ranked worst city to live in while Lucknow could not make it to the list of worst cities.

Thugs and terrorists like Sonia Gandhi and Sanjeev Tripathi, current RAW terror chief, must realize that their hatred of India's lower classes and poor will just fuel support for Maoist rebels who are present in 1/3 of India and are the paralell government in some areas and have factories producing arms including rocket launchers to fight paramilitary and military organizations loyal to the New Delhi regime.

Jamati terrorist and Heroes of Pilkhana Massacre must be armed again to deal with terrorist BNP of BD.

India's enemies are:

- Poverty, 60% of Indians wihtout toilets

Working on it.

- Discrimination and caste racism: 200 million untouchables treated worse than animals.

It has been proved that even MUSLIMS have seizable population of DALITS.

- Temple prostitution: Around 0.4 million girls in India are temple prostitues i.e. "sacred prostitutes"

Practice has been long ago.

- Internal racism and nationalism: Marathi nationalists expelling Biharis from Maharashtra and killing them and Raj Thackeray threatening them, a small group of Tamil nationalists talking of secession and an independent Tamil state or a southern "Dravinand"

Not a big issue. Politics and nothing else.

There are also many other enemies and challenges that poverty-stricken and unstable India faces.

Still an Indian is earning more than a BD.

Hate-filled Indians on this forum who have openly stated they hate Bangladesh more than any other country in the world and even speak of invading Bangladesh, wiping out human life in Bangladesh with nuclear weapons must rein in their hatred of Bangladesh which borders on psycopathic and realize BANGLADESH IS NOT AN ENEMY STATE.


Read all the posts again to know who has more hate...when you guys will blame RAW even for a mosquito death in BD, what else do you suggest?
that what they can do....

Moreover, they converted schools or colleges into personal torture cells. A wellknown freedom sympathizer was publicy lynched by mob led by jamatis and thrown in the pond near his house and after that his widow was beaten up.
@ Indian made drones !!!! Oo it will never reach in our territory rather !!!!!!!

Nah !! your air defence is still very primitive to be able to do anything :undecided:, on second thought, we could have simply use the sukhois and migs, but our political leaders are weaker than earthworms:cry::cry: ..so we `r dependent on your mdm Hasina to act:cheesy:
There has been this persistent issue of Bangladeshi inflitration for better job opportunities in India,a trend that was set during the mass exodus starting in 1970,whether you agree with it or not.I have seen many of them working in smaller construction projects here in Mumbai.I speak Bengali,I can clearly identify their 'Dhakai' accent,which is different from what is spoken in India.The states like West Bengal,Assam etc have sizable population of them.
I dont think,as an Indian, I have any other problem.And its not like we will gain something out of shooting the Bnagladeshis across the border.Heck, a single round of bullet costs 150-300 INR.Why would we want that money to be spent on something for which there is no returns ??
There are almost 2 million illegal Indians are there in BD. On a recent talk show ex-DG OF BGB Fazlur Rahman said," In the year 2000,i ran a survey in Dhaka and its adjacent areas where i found out more than 5 lakh illegal Indians were living there and now its close to 1.5 million."Even Relatively poorer places like Khulna,Borishal always face a significant number of infiltrations from Indian side mainly because those areas have plenty of fish and many of the illegal trespassers have their relatives in those as a large amount of hindu population live there.
Nobody cared about the illegal Indians in BD untill the recent Assam violance happend and Bangladesh is being blamed without any proper evidence.I think in coming days we'll be able to see more reports with further investigation on the illegal Indians in BD as people are now concerened about this particular fact specially after the Assam violance.
Regarding the accent,most Indian bengali people of the border areas which are adjacent to Bangladesh speak in Bangladeshi accent.And original old Dhakaiya accent sounds like Urdu.
BD never backed/funded ULFA militants unfortunately but they managed to get shelter here. They justifiably got some sort of monetary support from China but even that wasn't enough as china wasn't too proactive. These freedom fighters are fighting for their motherland and their oppressed brothers and sisters who are undergoing tyranny by the Bharmins Hindutva hegemonist in delhi. Had China and BD truly funded and backed ULFA and other NE freedom fighters, then NE would have been 7 independent states today which would have been perfectly in line with BD's interest (lets face, an independent NE would have reduced BD's strategic threat that it faces from hindutva hegemonist completely). But unfortunately for us, we are ruled by Idiots who care jack about BD's interest.Indian hegemonist should rather be grateful to us as it is, rather than farting crap $hits all the time.:)

Now we have nothing to do with NE. India should catch those freedom fighters by themselves and they can forget about BAL fagots coming to power again. Its our moral duty to help the struggle of the oppressed people of NE which is in our strategic interest. Inshallah the next gov, won't help India in such immoral and inhuman activity.

You have no idea how much hindu bangalis hate Bangladesh,thats the reason the ULFA never became anything worthwhile?

Meanwhile,the ULFA is long dead and our home ministry IAS officers are hard nutted Bhumihars,you can dream as much as you want.
Are you sure NE is not an economically deprived area? Is not it the main reason for this region's revolt? Yes, if BSF is strong enough, then do not make another conspiracy Pilkhana style. Come like tigers, we will see how brave your BSF troops are. Also, ask BSF to do no more celebrate the Pilkhana Carnage Day. It is a shame BSF cannot face BGB along the border but celebrate the killing of BGB officers.

Cowards think they are brave on their way, no point arguing with them .
There are almost 2 million illegal Indians are there in BD. On a recent talk show ex-DG OF BGB Fazlur Rahman said," In the year 2000,i ran a survey in Dhaka and its adjacent areas where i found out more than 5 lakh illegal Indians were living there and now its close to 1.5 million."Even Relatively poorer places like Khulna,Borishal always face a significant number of infiltrations from Indian side mainly because those areas have plenty of fish and many of the illegal trespassers have their relatives in those as a large amount of hindu population live there.
Nobody cared about the illegal Indians in BD untill the recent Assam violance happend and Bangladesh is being blamed without any proper evidence.I think in coming days we'll be able to see more reports with further investigation on the illegal Indians in BD as people are now concerened about this particular fact specially after the Assam violance.
Regarding the accent,most Indian bengali people of the border areas which are adjacent to Bangladesh speak in Bangladeshi accent.And original old Dhakaiya accent sounds like Urdu.

Can you give us the link of the talk show???
There are almost 2 million illegal Indians are there in BD. On a recent talk show ex-DG OF BGB Fazlur Rahman said," In the year 2000,i ran a survey in Dhaka and its adjacent areas where i found out more than 5 lakh illegal Indians were living there and now its close to 1.5 million."Even Relatively poorer places like Khulna,Borishal always face a significant number of infiltrations from Indian side mainly because those areas have plenty of fish and many of the illegal trespassers have their relatives in those as a large amount of hindu population live there.
Nobody cared about the illegal Indians in BD untill the recent Assam violance happend and Bangladesh is being blamed without any proper evidence.I think in coming days we'll be able to see more reports with further investigation on the illegal Indians in BD as people are now concerened about this particular fact specially after the Assam violance.
Regarding the accent,most Indian bengali people of the border areas which are adjacent to Bangladesh speak in Bangladeshi accent.And original old Dhakaiya accent sounds like Urdu.

throw the out,I could not care less.The way illegal immigrants are a threat to India,the same way they may be a threat to Bangladesh.I dont consider the presence of illegal immigrants in BD as some sort of balancing of equation.

AND BTW,Dhakaiya is an accent and Urdu is a language. What will be the accent if you say something in Bengali but in Urdu accent ?? Type something for example....
throw the out,I could not care less.The way illegal immigrants are a threat to India,the same way they may be a threat to Bangladesh.I dont consider the presence of illegal immigrants in BD as some sort of balancing of equation.

AND BTW,Dhakaiya is an accent and Urdu is a language. What will be the accent if you say something in Bengali but in Urdu accent ?? Type something for example....
I am talking about the accent of the people of old Dhaka who are by the way the original Dhakaiyas. It surely sounds funny and very distinct from the rest.They use a lot of Urdu words.
New Dhaka is formed with people from different parts of the country and all of them have different dialects.So if your talking about Dhakaiya accent then it should be old dhakaiya because new dhaka doesn't have any accent or dialect of its own.
@ You are behaving like real Che Guevara ???? Look man most of the Bangladeshi people hate India even more than any Pakistani. Keep this thing in your mind we never never consider India is our friend. Forget about 1971 situation ? It was a inevetable situation.

@ About genocide and rape in the then East Pakistan these are all bulshit, one sided propaganda. Ofcourse, there was a killing and raping by the Pakistani Army and the Beharies but the way it is portrated which is absulately wrong.

Behaving like Che completely opposes the national identity indian. If any indian behaves like Che, that guy loses national identity :cry: .
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