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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
It's remarkable how the PAF have managed to keep the Mirages looking so sleek and pristine after 50 years in service, a real testament to the skills at PAC and MRF. After the Viper, the Mirage is the second love of the PAF.
Well Done Mr Zohaib Malik.
A snap shot worth keeping.
This is how PAF is maintaining its valuable inventory.
A proof of professionalism, skill, dedication and hard work of PAF engineering staff.
I've often considered whether one of those Defra canons could have been removed and an LDP hardpoint installed in its place, which would have given the Mirage decent strike capability.
I've often considered whether one of those Defra canons could have been removed and an LDP hardpoint installed in its place, which would have given the Mirage decent strike capability.
Yes those can easily be removed. We had done it for two M3 for very long range recce ops to reduce weight.
These I believe are the no. 8 Haider's birds. With their agave radars and exocet missiles tasked with sea born strikes. Bought new in 1979.
no way to externally differentiate the 5PA2 and 5PA3 unless you know the serial numbers
The problem with the H-4 is that it still requires the host platform to guide the missile to target, meaning the time on target for the pilots is too high and therefore there is much greater risk than a true stand off platform.

The REK is fire and forget. H-4 is not.

If they could upgrade the targetting to be autonomous, then there is still value in the H-4, otherwise it is time to move on to other platform..

Given the miniaturization in modern electronics, it is a project that PAF and Pakistani industry could attempt to undertake, and in doing so, preserve weapon stockpiles of this platform..
The problem with the H-4 is that it still requires the host platform to guide the missile to target, meaning the time on target for the pilots is too high and therefore there is much greater risk than a true stand off platform.

The REK is fire and forget. H-4 is not.

If they could upgrade the targetting to be autonomous, then there is still value in the H-4, otherwise it is time to move on to other platform..

Given the miniaturization in modern electronics, it is a project that PAF and Pakistani industry could attempt to undertake, and in doing so, preserve weapon stockpiles of this platform..
What if US stops GPS facility to Pakistan during escalation....
One of the viable solution to this problem is to use small drones as comm boosters connected on both sides, weapon and control centre (may be 1000 miles away)
The problem with the H-4 is that it still requires the host platform to guide the missile to target, meaning the time on target for the pilots is too high and therefore there is much greater risk than a true stand off platform.

The REK is fire and forget. H-4 is not.

If they could upgrade the targetting to be autonomous, then there is still value in the H-4, otherwise it is time to move on to other platform..

Given the miniaturization in modern electronics, it is a project that PAF and Pakistani industry could attempt to undertake, and in doing so, preserve weapon stockpiles of this platform..
What if you don’t have accurate intelligence or latest satelitte data or they jam ur GPS
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