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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
They might be coming, re-engined and full glass cockpit Mirages. We’ll have to rename them as nothing of the old mirage will be left in them.

If Egypt mirages are purchased then BVR capable mirage is possible.

Sorry forgot about the new AESA

If we are going like Zero hour airframe / Kfir NG then low cost Chinese AESA or even Grifo-E should be considered as it will add teeth and Mirage will become very capable force multiplier in air to air domain too also will be able to protect it self in war where PAF will need ever fighter to be available for its defined role instead of doing Escort of strike package.
If Egypt mirages are purchased then BVR capable mirage is possible.

If we are going like Zero hour airframe / Kfir NG then low cost Chinese AESA or even Grifo-E should be considered as it will add teeth and Mirage will become very capable force multiplier in air to air domain too also will be able to protect it self in war where PAF will need ever fighter to be available for its defined role instead of doing Escort of strike package.
What BVR you will integerate in Mirages after upgrade?


Weapon Mass is mentioned as greater than 1000kg. Is weapon=warhead?
You're right, my mistake. Weapon Mass =/= Warhead.

So, the warhead could still be around 600 kg.

How about SOM-J missile?
The SOM is a smaller ALCM (total mass: 500 kg / warhead mass: 230 kg). It definitely serves a role, but it would complement a Raptor III-like weapon (600 kg warhead mass).

Moreover, Pakistan shouldn't have a lot of trouble developing its own equivalent to the SOM: basically a lighter, shorter-ranged and more compact Ra'ad II. With SOM/Ra'ad ALCM designs, I like the idea of using them for niche roles, such as dropping sub-munitions (on runways and air defence), EMP warheads, etc.
Interesting. So the Raptor III can technically handle a warhead of up to 1,000 kg (vs. the H2/H4's 600 kg). Overall, it looks like a great package, and workable from the JF-17B/Block-III. It would be surprising if the PAF didn't buy it out.
and, it has a little turbofan/jet as range extender. I wonder If NESCOM can do it to H2/4!
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and, it has a little turbofan/jet as range extender. I wonder If NESCOM can do it to H2/4!
I say we should be switching from H2/H4 to the Raptor III.

I think the Raptor III design draws on the Tariq/Umbani tech. So, I do think the end-user can modularize shorter-ranged versions, e.g., a 120 km with rocket-booster (like H4) and a 60 km range glider (like H2). Basically all from one new platform that can fit under the wings of the JF-17.

However, we can go a step further and truly go next-gen. If we can at least develop a simple low-cost miniature turbojet engine at home, we could make 120 km / 60 km versions that can cruise. So now, the JF-17s can offer H2/H4-like capability, but with low-altitude launch.
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