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Can Vietnam resist China?

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Hej, you maybe can cheat others, but dont make me rude ok! Yes, I admit there is pollution in China now because of industry development, and I also admit the rice in VN is quite good! However, when the Typhoon Haiyan destroyed the small house of my father and mother in law in Haiphong, where was the support from the government? Old people like to save money at home, and everything was destroyed! Where was your nice food and other support? Even the hospital still asked for a lot of money! I was there at that time and we rebuilt home with ourselves again! After that I took the whole family to Shanghai and prepared to stay with my parents during the spring festival. Where was your Su30? Where was your good food and nice government?!
Ur family in VN is not poor, and there r a lot of poor waiting for aid after the storm. For the hospital, do ur family buy insurance ?? if u buy, Im sure ur prescription will reduce at least 50 %
I understand every country has own problem, but China is a country where has a quite different in different area! You can come Thuong Hai and see with your own eyes! Dont make yourself look like a countryman, and dont say that you like your motherland! If you want, continue buying your Su30, dont talk with me again! shamed on you!
China still a third wolrd nation, ur Thuong Hai (Shang Hai) cant help ur country to change the rank . China is still poor, still dirty, polluted in general
Ur family in VN is not poor, and there r a lot of poor waiting for aid after the storm. For the hospital, do ur family buy insurance ?? if u buy, Im sure ur prescription will reduce at least 50 %
China still a third wolrd nation, ur Thuong Hai (Shang Hai) cant help ur country to change the rank . China is still poor, still dirty, polluted in general
Hey, I've just said China is a country that different places are quite different and I've never said China is a country that is very rich and very good. Everybody knows China has so many problems, no doubt. But campared with 1978, when China had just begun to develop, who can deny this country has changed a lot, whatever in economy or human rights. Something cannot be changed so rapidly, and people and the whole government need to adjust and adjust, or we can see the Syria or Egypt, which is an another example. About VN, the same situation, since 1986 the government decided to open the door, VN also develops very rapid, but Everything needs process and time! Can China or Vietnam become USA or Sweden such country only one night? No, impossible! People needs more knowledge or lessons and governments need more experiences. So stop blaming each other. Yes, in China also have some people called "愤青" who always thinks how fine the Chinese weapon is, China can beat USA or Japan just a piece of cake. While Mister, I think you are not such guys. arent you? Every family has difference, just go to the road which is suitable of the family or country.
Yeah, The USA ranks no.1, buy for me, Made in USA still cannot campared with Made in Germany. Even EU isnt the strongest, who cares. No one in the world says Germany or Danmark are worse than USA.

Hey, seem that you like weapon or something else very much? Can Vietnam people eat weapon instead of food? India has had Su30 now, but who thinks India is a successful country? After WW2, Japan even cannot have strong offensive weapons, while who says Japan is a failed country? If you guys are really love VN, love your motherland, so stop talking those nonsense and work hard on your postion from tomorrow,ok!

Japan is not a failed country only because it's a US lapdog. Chinese people do not want to be another country's lapdog. We were there before during the last days of Qing dynasty. 8 countries tried to split us up. Than the Japs invaded and pillaged and the useless KMT didn't do jack shit.

Therefore, we learn our lesson and will never let it happen again.
Japan is not a failed country only because it's a US lapdog. Chinese people do not want to be another country's lapdog. We were there before during the last days of Qing dynasty. 8 countries tried to split us up. Than the Japs invaded and pillaged and the useless KMT didn't do jack shit.

Therefore, we learn our lesson and will never let it happen again.
Dont teach me history because I'm Chinese, btw, the topic here is finnished, not so clever to continue.
No need to start this type of stupid thread. China has neither intention nor agenda to invade vietnam. Do not fight each other over the air for nothing.

It is simply stupid.
No need to start this type of stupid thread. China has neither intention nor agenda to invade vietnam. Do not fight each other over the air for nothing.

It is simply stupid.
But u r stepping on our islands in SCS (east sea), if u dont return them to us, it means u r trying to invade VN.
Agree to stop such meaningless thread like this
Agree to stop such meaningless thread like this
Yes, so do I. I dont know the detailed terms in the international law, so I dont know if there is a definition such "the warship sailing in sea is also a part of a country's territory" I dont know, so say sorry here if there isnt such definition. but I'm sure if a warship of USA or Russia had came across such situation, they would do the same. If someone says that is so impolite, I can only say, I'm not navy, you are not navy either. What I said today is only to state what happened in that area, and I think USA navy is not idiot.
As what they describe, US Cowpens tried to practice all needed signal to avoid the collision, while the Chinese tank ship acted what not allow to avoid collision.

So to the public, the interception of Chinese tank ship and J8 aircraft of Wang Wei pilot ... has the same effect "Make harm to others while they are in free navigation" . In the case of EP-3 aircraft, all crews also in danger cause them must make the sudden landing
But u r stepping on our islands in SCS (east sea), if u dont return them to us, it means u r trying to invade VN.
The SCS belongs to no one, you stupid brain-dead piece of sh*t. Stop claiming the sea to SUPER DUPER Vietnam and feed your own people, who are dying in the filthy streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh.
The SCS belongs to no one, you stupid brain-dead piece of sh*t. Stop claiming the sea to SUPER DUPER Vietnam and feed your own people, who are dying in the filthy streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh.

SCS and East sea Disputes = Chinese Doom
Two sides both claimed the victory but Vietnam is the one to have got burned and destroyed,suffered tremendous economic loss.no slightest damage on the Chinese side of the land.
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