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Can Vietnam resist China?

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Two sides both claimed the victory but Vietnam is the one to have got burned and destroyed,suffered tremendous economic loss.no slightest damage on the Chinese side of the land.
Ur daddy US said u lost in 1979. All Western countries said China lost badly too.
. The Vietnamese fought the Chinese with local militia, not bothering to send in any of the regular army divisions that were then taken up with the occupation of Cambodia. Indeed, Hanoi showed no sign of withdrawing those troops, despite Chinese demands that they do so: the subsequent guerrilla war in Cambodia would bog down Vietnam's soldiers and bedevil its foreign relations for more than a decade. The towns captured by the Chinese were all just across the border; it is not clear whether China could have pushed much farther south. Having lost so many soldiers in taking the towns, the Chinese methodically blew up every building they could before withdrawing

Read more: A Nervous China Invades Vietnam - TIMEA Nervous China Invades Vietnam - TIME
Yup, the incursion of 1979. I remember that. As an American, my opinion is one should NEVER underestimate Vietnamese military prowess. Don't believe me? Ask the French. Heck, if you could go back in time, you could ask the Chinese of AD 938.
Ur daddy US said u lost in 1979. All Western countries said China lost badly too.

Who are all western countries?


To reduce Vietnam's military capability against China, the Chinese implemented a "scorched-earth policy" while returning to China, causing extensive damage to the Vietnamese countryside and infrastructure.Although Vietnam continued to occupy Cambodia, China successfully mobilized international opposition to the occupation, rallying such leaders as Cambodia's deposed king Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian anticommunist leader Son Sann, and high-ranking members of the Khmer Rouge to deny the pro-Vietnam regime in Cambodia diplomatic recognition beyond the Soviet bloc. China improved relations with ASEAN by promising protection to Thailand and Singapore against "Vietnamese aggression". In contrast, Vietnam's decreasing prestige in the region led it to be more dependent on the Soviet Union, to which it leased a naval base at Cam Ranh Bay.

Border skirmishes continued throughout the 1980s, including a significant skirmish in April 1984.

Armed conflict only ended in 1989 after the Vietnamese agreed to fully withdraw from Cambodia.

This conflict also saw the first use of the Type 81 assault rifle by the Chinese and a naval battle over the Spratly Islands in 1988. In 1999 after many years of negotiations, China and Vietnam signed a border pact, though the line of demarcation remained secret.There was a very slight adjustment of the land border, resulting in land being given up to China, which caused the widespread complaints within Vietnam.
Who are all western countries?
Our infrastructure were built by China's MONEY, we just simply count in to ur loan
China and Vietnam signed a border pact, though the line of demarcation remained secret.There was a very slight adjustment of the land border, resulting in land being given up to China, which caused the widespread complaints within Vietnam.
Which part of land we gave to u ?? Can u prove that it belong to Vn from ancient time ??
We dont wanna fight, we've had so many wars already. but its China who push VN into conrner and forces us to prepare to war again.

If 1979 lesson is not hard enough for ur stupid army, then we will teach u one more lesson . One more war will not a big problem for VN but a big problem for China now. important sea lane passing by our EEZ in SCS(east sea) will be coverd wt sea mine, China's economy will collapse . That lesson surely will hard enough to make China deeply memorize it by heart :pop:

stop your important sea lane will cover with mines crap. This will incur international condemnation and Vietnam will be made a bad guy by all countries.
Sino-Vietnamese War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China. Both China and Vietnam claimed victory in the last of the Indochina Wars of the twentieth century; as Vietnamese troops remained in Cambodia until 1989 it can be said that the PRC failed to achieve the goal of dissuading Vietnam from involvement in Cambodia. China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy. China also achieved another strategic objective of demonstrating to its Cold War foe, the Soviet Union, that they were unable to protect their Vietnamese ally. As many as 1.5 million Chinese troops were stationed along China's borders with the USSR at the time and were prepared for a full-scale war.

Bruce Elleman "one of the primary diplomatic goals behind China's attack was to expose Soviet assurances of military support to Vietnam as a fraud. Seen in this light, Beijing's policy was actually a diplomatic success, since Moscow did not actively intervene, thus showing the practical limitations of the Soviet-Vietnamese military pact.... China achieved a strategic victory by minimizing the future possibility of a two-front war against the USSR and Vietnam."

Our infrastructure were built by China's MONEY, we just simply count in to ur loan

Which part of land we gave to u ?? Can u prove that it belong to Vn from ancient time ??

I don't know,ask your foreign minister.

Our infrastructure were built by China's MONEY, we just simply count in to ur loan
Really,since a lot of your infrastructure was built by our money,do you imply we can always kick open your door and go to burn them down?
Vietnam is a filthy, impoverished sh*thole ruled by a sh*tty communist government.

Its no doubt that both Vietnam and China are poor and backward. But that is still a relative term. China is now much more advanced than Vietnam. Why Vietnamese call China poor and backward when Vietnam itself is even more so. If Vietnamese members want to make such a statement, they should be at least equal or more wealthy than China. But so far, their biggest export to China is mail order bride to alleviate female shortage in China and that do not look too respectful.

Vietnam has already defeated China once in 1979. They surely can do it again

Vietnamese fighters are respected all over the world. Sure can't say the same about Indians. But crime against woman in India is known all over the world. Even tolerated in this forum as its a big international news.
Ur daddy US said u lost in 1979. All Western countries said China lost badly too.
US China's daddy? No! US is our b1tch. Last I checked you guys were sucking up to Americans for military hardware and a resolve on SCS.
even with almost 100 million people, Vietnam's GDP would be at the bottom level if in China,can only compare to a couple of sparsely populated desert provinces which have very few people.

Vietnam GDP:141.7 billion USD (2012)

China GDP by provinces
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Its no doubt that both Vietnam and China are poor and backward. But that is still a relative term. China is now much more advanced than Vietnam. Why Vietnamese call China poor and backward when Vietnam itself is even more so. If Vietnamese members want to make such a statement, they should be at least equal or more wealthy than China. But so far, their biggest export to China is mail order bride to alleviate female shortage in China and that do not look too respectful.

Vietnamese fighters are respected all over the world. Sure can't say the same about Indians. But crime against woman in India is known all over the world. Even tolerated in this forum as its a big international news.
Hey, how much time have you been in US?
Sino-Vietnamese War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China also achieved another strategic objective of demonstrating to its Cold War foe, the Soviet Union, that they were unable to protect their Vietnamese ally.
First: we dont need Soviet protection even to fight against mighty US, so let alone weak, useless and poorly trained PLA

Second: China came to US and begged for US's protection, and Soviet didnt wanna waste her time kill US's dog, thats why she didnt care to attack a coward like u.
Hanoi believed, however, that the Vietnamese army had taught the Chinese army a lesson. One [People's Army of Vietnam] general said that China lost militarily and beat a hasty retreat: “After we defeated them we gave them the red carpet to leave Vietnam.” As Henry J. Kenny points out, “Most Western writers agree that Vietnam had indeed outperformed the PLA on the battlefield, but say that with the seizure of Lang Son, the PLA was poised to move into the militarily more hospitable terrain of the Red River Delta, and thence to Hanoi.” Kenny, however, points out that Lang Son is less than twelve miles from the Chinese border but is twice that distance from the delta. Moreover, at least five PAVN divisions remained poised for a counterattack in the delta, and thirty thousand additional PAVN troops from Cambodia, along with several regiments from Laos, were moving to their support. Thus the PLA would have taken huge losses in any southward move toward Hanoi.
What the PLA Learned in Vietnam, 1979 | Far Outliers

beijingwalker said:
Really,since a lot of your infrastructure was built by our money,do you imply we can always kick open your door and go to burn them down?
bcz u didnt fight like human, u didnt declare war before attacking VN, and we also didnt think u can fight like animal, so we got some lproblem when war suddently happen.

Ofcourse u cant, but its still ur money, we didnt lose any infrastructure coz it was not built by our money.
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