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Burning of Church in National Capital Delhi

wait for the investigation to conclude but I'm leaning toward it being an accidental fire as well.
Just pray that it is just a case of accidental fire or else it would become very difficult for Government to face opposition as well as international media.
Its not only Christians who were protesting there. People from other religions also took part in that protest..

I am not denying that. Who says everybody is a fanatic? Its some fringe elements. First of all its not yet clear whether its a case of accident or not. If it isn't, it dosent make everyone accused. Whoever is culprit should be brought to book.

[ QUOTE="Saheli, post: 6500311, member: 163185"]The angle you have been seeking to promote the whole time since you posted this thread is even more disgusting! Double shame on you.[/QUOTE]
I have just posted the news from Hindustan Times. My comment in italics is pretty neutral.
I have just posted the news from Hindustan Times. My comment in italics is pretty neutral.

Yeah your comment lamenting about hatred in the society by communal forces who are seeking to burn down churches everywhere is very very neutral. Why, are you sure you are not Baby Innocent? Why do I suspect you sound so much like Mama Shakuni from Mahabharat? The eternal troublemaker.
Secularism at its best

Hail PDF.....the only place where a Chinese lectures on Democracy and an Pakistani on Secularism. LOL

Suspicious fire....arson suspected....could be accidental too. Churches always have hundreds of candles lit day and night. Those are potential risks...secondly nobody in India gives a damn about their electrical connections...the usual chalta hai attitude...which again are one of the leading causes of fire. To me this is nothing but an accident blown out of proportion by the secular brigade to earn some brownies right before the elections.
Secularism at its best

Investigations are just beginning and you start spreading your pathetic comments? How ridiculous... at least no one in India gets punished by the law (even by death?!) for "blasphemy" in the 21st century.

Think about that before writing immature and stupid comments.
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