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Burning of Church in National Capital Delhi

This is about to change. The only safe place for Christians in India is in a foreign. Embassy.
And are you willing to let them take asylum in your country?
Is USA willing to do that?There will be many seeking asylum in USA if USA is willing to let them in.
If not STFU!
So they are getting funds for day to day activities directly from heaven or Jesus??...Donations are the prime money source of every other religious institutions and establishments,be it padre,baba or moulavi...Churches are getting funds and donations enormously from inside and outside India..its a reality...

You just dont know anything about Catholic Churches. Better dont speak.

Are you serious? I mean seriously serious? o_O
You mean all the Christian/Evangelical trusts run on a 'massive network of quality educational institutes'?

I am not talking about random itsy-bitsy Evangelical churches that people make in their two room houses. I am talking about Roman Catholic Church. The largest Church in the World in terms of followers.

Check you first post you talked about polarization.polarize who?2% of population?
Coming to mehnat ki kamai yeah we all know how mehnat and white the money is.They get donations and hand outs from government which controls Hindu temple boards & the money generated by them and that money is spent on.minority institutions instead of fully spending it on Hindu temples & Organizations.
While no minority institution is taxed or under govt. Control. Why is our money used for your benefit instead of our money being used for us?

Its not me my dear, who talks about polarization. Its Hindustan Times. One of the most respected newspaper in India. My comment is in italics. Read carefully again. Dont compare small evangelical churches to Roman Catholic churches. Even we despise the activities of such shady churches.
You just dont know anything about Catholic Churches. Better dont speak.

I am not talking about random itsy-bitsy Evangelical churches that people make in their two room houses. I am talking about Roman Catholic Church. The largest Church in the World in terms of followers.

Its not me my dear, who talks about polarization. Its Hindustan Times. One of the most respected newspaper in India. My comment is in italics. Read carefully again. Dont compare small evangelical churches to Roman Catholic churches. Even we despise the activities of such shady churches.

"Desecrating and burning a place of worship just to incite communal violence. I am deeply appalled to see so much hatred in our society. Christians are one of the most peaceful communities in India along with Parsis, Jains etc.

St Sebastian Church, Dilshad Garden, Delhi will not be the first and only Church burned in India until we nab the culprits and nip this sick mentality in its bud."

What was this in your post? or was it newspaper?
What is there to incite communal violence for ? you dont even figure out as a vote bank just 2% of population and what will we get out of inciting communal violence among a 2% population?
Every church, minority institution be it medical,educational are tax exempted and they are supported by government, who takes the money from our temples and spends them on you.
Why should we let that happen?
Are you serious? I mean seriously serious? o_O
You mean all the Christian/Evangelical trusts run on a 'massive network of quality educational institutes'?
Yes,You are right...Reg-funds..They(mainly evangelical/pentacostal) mainly run on foreign funds...I have heard that they are getting lot of money in the name of charity donations from ford foundations and other American organizations etc..A good portion of it are using for convertion,purchasing lands and for building colleges,hospitals etc..A close monitoring under the supervision of government is needed...Apart from Christians of Kerala,Mostly all other Indian Christians are overhemly from poor backgrounds...They need funds to raise these all...All church assets/properties and transactions should be come under the government...

You just dont know anything about Catholic Churches. Better dont speak.
Sorry..I am an Indian citizen and have every rights to speak about churches of India...
Reg- topic..It seems more like an accident due to short circuit..You hyper actives are giving unnecessary religious touch...
Yes,You are right...Reg-funds..They(mainly evangelical/pentacostal) mainly run on foreign funds...I have heard that they are getting lot of money in the name of charity donations from ford foundations and other American organizations etc..A good portion of it are using for convertion,purchasing lands and for building colleges,hospitals etc..A close monitoring under the supervision of government is needed...Apart from Christians of Kerala,Mostly all other Indian Christians are overhemly from poor backgrounds...They need funds to raise these all...All church assets/properties and transactions should be come under the government...

Sorry..I am an Indian citizen and have every rights to speak about churches of India...
Reg- topic..It seems more like an accident due to short circuit..You hyper actives are giving unnecessary religious touch...
Well, I want the State looking into all donations but after that religious institutions including the Church should be free from any Government interference. We should try to be truly secular and detach State from religion.
"Desecrating and burning a place of worship just to incite communal violence. I am deeply appalled to see so much hatred in our society. Christians are one of the most peaceful communities in India along with Parsis, Jains etc.

St Sebastian Church, Dilshad Garden, Delhi will not be the first and only Church burned in India until we nab the culprits and nip this sick mentality in its bud."

What was this in your post? or was it newspaper?
What is there to incite communal violence for ? you dont even figure out as a vote bank just 2% of population and what will we get out of inciting communal violence among a 2% population?
Every church, minority institution be it medical,educational are tax exempted and they are supported by government, who takes the money from our temples and spends them on you.
Why should we let that happen?

Sorry my mistake. It was not to incite communal violence but "SATTA/POWER KA NASHA"

It has been confirmed by the Police that it was a case of arson and fire was intentional.

You can check the following link:

I know most of us don't want to expose the ugly side of our society in front of Pakistanis and Chinese. I believe rather than making silly excuses and acting like ostriches, we should make sure that whoever did such a crime is brought to the books.

Sorry..I am an Indian citizen and have every rights to speak about churches of India...
Reg- topic..It seems more like an accident due to short circuit..You hyper actives are giving unnecessary religious touch...

Check youtube link of NDTV I have posted. Case of Arson has been confirmed by the Police.
It has been confirmed by the Police that it was a case of arson and fire was intentional.

You can check the following link:

I know most of us don't want to expose the ugly side of our society in front of Pakistanis and Chinese. I believe rather than making silly excuses and acting like ostriches, we should make sure that whoever did such a crime is brought to the books.
It is suspected! wait for the results before jumping to the conclusion, i dont believe it was done for polarization as 2% doesn't even figure out anywhere in the voting results.
I would have believed arson if it was the case of orissa and other places like Jharkhand,AP etc.
But Delhi no way.
Think of it logically,what will the ruling party get out of a vote bank which is less than 2% in case of Delhi?
It's not as if Hindus are going to be polarized against Christians who pose no threat and start voting enmasse as a bloc for BJP or hindu parties no it doesn't happen like that.
For polarization to happen there needs to be friction of past and present,without such factors which it cannot happen,its hard to convince the majority to become polarized without such factors and cause.
Incase you noticed there were many hindus and sikhs who were protesting, if polarization was the intended result of the suspected arsonists as you assume,then the reverse of it happened,whoever it wasassuming arson as you say, just did a self goal.
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Goodwill my foot What happened to Vatican funds? Why should others pitch in?View attachment 160495

and this is just by 4% of the population most of whom are lower caste converts? impressive
Well, I want the State looking into all donations but after that religious institutions including the Church should be free from any Government interference. We should try to be truly secular and detach State from religion.
I am not talking about the main stream Catholic or Orthodox churches,Their activities are somewhat transparent,though not satisfactory..My main concern is with the evangelical and numerous independent church missions...For eg-A self proclaimed bishop of an independent church in Kerala owned a wealth of 3000 crores..He is handling it as his own ancestral property...Do you think that it should be free from government interference??
It is suspected! wait for the results before jumping to the conclusion, i dont believe it was done for polarization as 2% doesn't even figure out anywhere in the voting results.
I would have believed arson if it was the case of orissa and other places like Jharkhand,AP etc.
But Delhi no way.
Think of it logically,what will the ruling party get out of a vote bank which is less than 2% in case of Delhi?
It's not as if Hindus are going to be polarized against Christians who pose no threat and start voting enmasse as a bloc for BJP or hindu parties no it doesn't happen like that.
For polarization to happen there needs to be friction of past and present,without such factors which it cannot happen,its hard to convince the majority to become polarized without such factors and cause.
Incase you noticed there were many hindus and sikhs who were protesting, if polarization was the intended result of the suspected arsonists as you assume,then the reverse of it happened,whoever it wasassuming arson as you say, just did a self goal.

It could very well be a case of arson, mostly by members of church and AAP members. The only way they can counter BJP is by scaring Delhi public about fascist communal Hindutva party and Delhi has a large segment of morons who will buy such nonsense.
It could very well be a case of arson, mostly by members of church and AAP members. The only way they can counter BJP is by scaring Delhi public about fascist communal Hindutva party and Delhi has a large segment of morons who will buy such nonsense.
I don't know that Christians are such an influence vote bank in Delhi....
Poor compliance to fire safety is a big problem in the north. Especially Delhiites who have a sense of 'chalta hai re' mindset. They'd rather bribe an inspector than use that money to upgrade fire safety mechanisms.

So what's the next news by our Pakistani friends going to be?

Man falls in drain?

An old building demolished?

Two cars collided with each other?
I am not talking about the main stream Catholic or Orthodox churches,Their activities are somewhat transparent,though not satisfactory..My main concern is with the evangelical and numerous independent church missions...For eg-A self proclaimed bishop of an independent church in Kerala owned a wealth of 3000 crores..He is handling it as his own ancestral property...Do you think that it should be free from government interference??
Ok, like Rampal... yes they need to be monitored. :agree:
I don't know that Christians are such an influence vote bank in Delhi....

Christians are not such an influence, but they do try to exceed their limit in trying to influence polls. The church's antipathy towards BJP is well known. Their collusion with islamists and AAPtards is also well known. The only angle they have been trying for the past decades is the scaremongering of Hindutva and its evilness. Considering all this and their inexhaustible supply of funds, setting fire to a church and re-repairing it is no big deal. Well worth the payoff in terms of denying victory to BJP in Delhi elections. Seems like a perfect motive for the crime.
It could very well be a case of arson, mostly by members of church and AAP members. The only way they can counter BJP is by scaring Delhi public about fascist communal Hindutva party and Delhi has a large segment of morons who will buy such nonsense.
why would BJP try arson when its all perfectly set to win delhi elections?It has finished all its preparations and then announced elections,AAP and congress is worried about it,the last thing BJP wants on its hands is a riot or accusations from the opposition of polarization.
Only Congress,AAP or some secular parties get to benefit out of this situation as they have the bogeyman of communal hindutva and BJP to scare the minorities into voting them Like always,they tried the same trick in LS elections against minorities by raising the spectre of MODI and how he is bad for minorities which failed spectacularly because of the Hindu vote, now they are indulging in Arson to scare the minorities into a huddle and get their votes.
When will these secular parties learn that BJP has moved beyond their thinking and is looking forward at a Pan national level nationalistic movement.
AAPtards will definitely buy this theory as they are brainwashed by Kejriwal to that extent of brain dead.We all know how they resorted to dramas,dharnas,breaking windshields of cars, throwing ink,eggs and getting slapped by their own party members to put BJP in bad light which later proved that it was AAP members doing the whole thing.
Same nautanki is being started by them, because their funds have dried up and modi put stringent rules on NGO's and even media is ignoring them nowadays so what better way to get support and votes.

View attachment 160896

and this is just by 4% of the population most of whom are lower caste converts? impressive
Its true they pour huge funds into India to harvest souls as they are losing church going population in west who are fast turning atheist ,Scientology or towards paganism and eastern mysticism.
Plus our government gives them tax benefits supports those institutions and many incentives from Hindu temple endowment boards money.
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