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BRICS declaration mentions terrorism by Pak-based Lashkar-e-Taiba , Jaish-e-Mohammad

I love the faith you have in Iron Brother China.

Sure. It would be fun when you would get under illusion of this new lollypop by China and then face veto by China on your resolutions.

I can just imagine the look on your faces after that. More calls to boycott Chinese products using Chinese assembled phones :lol:
Sure. It would be fun when you would get under illusion of this new lollypop by China and then face veto by China on your resolutions.

I can just imagine the look on your faces after that. More calls to boycott Chinese products using Chinese assembled phones :lol:
I don't need to imagine - I know how Pakistan was left high and dry by the Chinese in '71 and even in Kargil. Or when you went around the world claiming to be America's "most allied ally". We know how that panned out.
looks like indians prepared any statement as their wished and leaked it as BRICS declaration. Typical indian habit far from real thing.
India govt was and is operating terrorists across south asia, so GOI and Modi himself a terrorist at large.
Something is not right here. With time we will get the full details. Why would China warn India against taking up this topic and then themselves do it?
That is a very good question, few good people with mind do exist in Pakistan.
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