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BRICS declaration may strain China-Pak ties: Chinese scholar

Rip India with trade surplus is not equally do thing at the expense of our all weather friend, don't delude yourself, CPEC is progress very well:lol:, if trade can be a political bargain, you could have done with NSG, Masood, CPEC...black mail is just not work with China

Feeling pain? LMAO I just laugh at your delude Indians thinking that China will do India favor at the expense of our all weather friend, we all denouncing terrorism include Indian terrorist against Pakistan in Kashmir.
CPEC was conceptualized and get into the execution phase under Nawaz government. They along with Chinese have passed CPEC in hurry with vested interest. With Nawaz gone and there are now raising voices against CPEC because chinese are bringing their own labor, shops, brands, and not giving anything to the Pakistani traders, heat is turning up to the CPEC. Chinese leaders have realized it that their vision of CPEC is not going to happen soon due to changed politics in Pakistan. Even a small investigation can reveal a lots of corruption and scam in this so called CPEC bringing halt to the more than $50 billion of investment by Chinese.. SO to mitigate this risk, chinese are now cozying up with India too. They are giving small carrots by including the names in the BRICS and then later on will veto in the UN.
More over, may be Chinese are creating a new lever to be used against Pakistan, that either suppress the revolts or voices against CPEC or we will stop supporting your in the international forums. This may be a small indication to Pakistani establishments.
So it is time for China to ask pakistani to "Do more" if they want China;s support.
Turning LoC into IB will deprive PA of its legitimacy from which it derives all its power.

No enmity with India means no legitimacy for PA to remain so powerful in Pakistan.

Do you honestly think the Generals would want that given how much they and their families rely on the gains derived from this power.
Lol kid same goes for your country and army too...I am damn sure your media and army blabbers a lot about Pakistan daily than Pakistan about India...stop living in denial that you are all good and this and that..grow up!
How old are you exactly? After Doklam incident Pakistan's stock value will have gone up - not down. China will know that there could be another face off with India anytime. And the only hedge it has in South Asia is Pakistan. That reinforces and accentuates Pakistan's importance - not the other way that your suggesting.

Think about this. Has Chinese antipathy toward India increased post Doklam or have Chinese gone fond of India? No offence Doklam has reinforced Chinese misgivings about India. I mean this is no brainer. Therefore what effect do you think that would have on how Pakistan is looked at by Beijing?

Going to the specifics of the item has has you floating on cloud nine in orgasmic delight. Think about this. These are just good feel words for gawds sakes. It is the tangibles that make the real impact or expose the reality. Fact is China blockaded at the UN. Fact is China is pumping in over $100 billion dollars in investments into Pakistan. That is the reality.

Words. Good feel garbage. We can always get that from Saudia Arabia or others like "Muslim brotherhood blah blah". We need substance. And that Pakistan gets from China.
Hey I am supporting your perception after Dhoklam Pakistan comes out Winner and India complete Looser.
But as you said India come out looser and China Winner then why "Doklam has reinforced Chinese misgivings about India" ?
Although China is doing so much for you but take note this is first instance China openly said something that too on International Forum which is -ve for Pakistan, that too in Indian context as JEM and LET both Pakistan based terrorists in Kashmir which Pakistan claim Freedom Fighters, So it going to have huge beneficial for India in Kashmir Matters on International Front.
And you failed to understand, taking this Just as Talk. Remember if LET or JEM did any big terrorists activity in India and India succeeded in proving these organisations hand it can force China sanctions on you which you even not thinking in your dreams as China accepted them Pakistan based Terrorists.
Just came in.... China wants to follow Panchsheel guidelines for border issues with India.
Some big statements coming in from Chinese president after India China bilateral meeting.
since when indians becomes cheerleaders for China:lol: i mean i knew that indians are normally idiots but for god sake one statement about a group can make them so much happy and its like they are celebrating another independence just because China is involved in a statement:enjoy: this indians are more then jerk really useless free people with no jobs and their public and PM 24/7 job is how to spread hate against Pakistan on every possible forum from sports to economic meetings i mean this is the height of obsession:rofl:
since when indians becomes cheerleaders for China[emoji38] i mean i knew that indians are normally idiots but for god sake one statement about a group can make them so much happy and its like they are celebrating another independence just because China is involved in a statement:enjoy: this indians are more then jerk really useless free people with no jobs and their public and PM 24/7 job is how to spread hate against Pakistan on every possible forum from sports to economic meetings i mean this is the height of obsession:rofl:

Just came in.... China wants to follow Panchsheel guidelines for border issues with India.

Which means they are worried about Tibet and they are seeking the status quo of an earlier age.

Interesting development.
USA and Russia were not even in the picture when PA launched its 47 and 65 wars on India.

Honestly this is a very silly argument that Pakistanis and even some Indians present.

Nobody, I repeat, nobody other than PA has the authority to decide that it wants to change course.

Which it doesn't.

Russia was very much in the picture in 71 otherwise India wouldnt dare, took care of Russian though :)
Dude the big arm industry florishes on wars, why do you think there is fire everywhere in the world.
top wet dream of bharat. She get orgasm watching this whenever she is desperate after death of soviet husband :lol:
Indian like to make assumption and claim, we didn't give India's blessing as yet and endorsed nothing:lol:
You are forced to support :bunny: Its a matter of time these loonies focus on east Turkistan area of yours. Keep treating the muslims in the region in a way you are doing now, whole umma chuumas will love you.
Indian terrorist against Pakistan in Kashmir.

50 billion usd surplus against India mean 50 free type 055 destroyers per year to patrol Indian shores.

So, according to you everything you manufacture or export cost you NIL ?

since when indians becomes cheerleaders for China:lol: i mean i knew that indians are normally idiots but for god sake one statement about a group can make them so much happy and its like they are celebrating another independence just because China is involved in a statement:enjoy: this indians are more then jerk really useless free people with no jobs and their public and PM 24/7 job is how to spread hate against Pakistan on every possible forum from sports to economic meetings i mean this is the height of obsession:rofl:
Concentrate on Chinese statement about Pakistan, not on how Indians are reacting
You are forced to support :bunny: Its a matter of time these loonies focus on east Turkistan area of yours. Keep treating the muslims in the region in a way you are doing now, whole umma chuumas will love you.

our relation with Muslims are much better than with Hindu of India, we should ban Hindu pilgrim from coming Tibet to worship their lord Shiva
Published September 4, 2017


The move to name some Pakistan-based terror groups in the BRICS declaration would “irritate” Islamabad and may strain its ties with China, a Chinese scholar said in a rare criticism of the government’s decision.

Hu Shisheng, director of the state-run China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said Chinese diplomats will have a lot of explanation to do to Pakistan in the coming months. “How will we carry forward?”

He also said that naming the Haqqani network, which operates in Afghanistan and targets the NATO forces stationed there, in the document was “beyond my understanding”.

“The head of the group is also the actual head of the Afghan Taliban. It will make China’s role for Afghan political reconciliation process more difficult. Or you can say we have no role to play in future,” the expert told .

His criticism of China came after the BRICS declaration in the Chinese city Xiamen named the terrorist groups – including the Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Jaish-e-Mohammad, the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network – for causing violence in the region.

“It is beyond my understanding how China agreed to this. I don’t think it is good idea,” Hu said.

“I think some persons who prepared this declaration got mislead. Otherwise I could not understand why,” :lol: he said.

In the light of the inclusion of the JeM, China may reconsider its stand on blocking a proposed UN ban on the leader of the group, Masood Azhar, the Chinese expert said.

Hu said the declaration will augment pressure on Pakistan, especially after US President Donald Trump rebuked Islamabad for harbouring these terror groups on its soil.

“This will irritate Pakistan. I don’t think when the BRICS declaration was made, Pakistan was consulted. In the coming days Chinese diplomats have to explain to Pakistan.:P

I am not against listing LeT and JeM as terrorist groups. But there are more deadly groups than these – like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al-Alami of Pakistan, which was behind killing of two Chinese youths in Balochistan,” he said.

China may have agreed to name these to include the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, which is active in its restive Xinjiang region. It is also said to have bases in Pakistan.

“(But) This is too costly to China… Pakistan will be very upset,” :eek: he said, adding that this could be a victory for India, which “has done a lot of work”.

However, another Chinese scholar, Wang Dehua, head of the Institute for South and Central Asian Studies at the Shanghai Municipal Centre for International Studies, said the BRICS declaration will set an example for the world community.

“To successfully counter all kinds of terrorism, the first important concern is violence caused by the Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaida and its affiliates and should reach consensus on which terrorists we should attack,” he told .

On potential listing of Azhar as a global terrorist by the UN, he said China may have had its reasons to block the move but, “I guess after India has given more facts, China may have changed its former stand.”

Wang said all BRICS members should now adopt a comprehensive approach to combat terrorism. “May the BRICS member states make more contributions to counter terrorism, world peace and stability,” he said.

CHINESE NEWS LINK https://article.wn.com/view/2017/09/04/BRICS_declaration_may_strain_ChinaPak_ties_Chinese_scholar/
@Kaptaan : AFTER DHOKLAM @gslv mk3 @Kal Muah
It will not strain the relationship. Pakistan needs China big time, they need someone in UN to help with veto and also to help them with loans and weapons etc. They have nobody else, they really are in no position to say no to China. They cannot do anything no matter what China does.

No enemity with Pakistan would deprive the Hindu ruling elite in India of the Muslim bogeyman. That would then turn the attention to 300 million Hindus untouchables who are slaves of the system and trapped in their pathetic existence. That mass of repressed humanity might then end up tearing India from inside. Not even a Kumb Mela on the Ganga might save the Indian elite from the wreched poor of India. Who might say "Mars probe? Can we instead have a toilet please"?
That's not true we have been primarily focused on the economy. The majority will be happy to have a good relationship with Pakistan. If hypothetically Pakistan stops aggression against India, after 10 years of constant peace and if the trust will be built, this will like no other relationship, people will travel back and forth between the two countries. This is exactly how the relationship was before 60's before 1965 war, people use to travel freely, some people use to go to Pakistan on cycle. It's hard to sell in Pakistan but if at all they can forget the enmity the gain for them are enormous. This is felt by many in Pakistan as well, there are many who want to solve the issue. But there are always few mostly in the military who does not want to solve them maybe because of ego issues.
Argument is sound.

CPEC was conceptualized and get into the execution phase under Nawaz government. They along with Chinese have passed CPEC in hurry with vested interest. With Nawaz gone and there are now raising voices against CPEC because chinese are bringing their own labor, shops, brands, and not giving anything to the Pakistani traders, heat is turning up to the CPEC. Chinese leaders have realized it that their vision of CPEC is not going to happen soon due to changed politics in Pakistan. Even a small investigation can reveal a lots of corruption and scam in this so called CPEC bringing halt to the more than $50 billion of investment by Chinese.. SO to mitigate this risk, chinese are now cozying up with India too. They are giving small carrots by including the names in the BRICS and then later on will veto in the UN.
More over, may be Chinese are creating a new lever to be used against Pakistan, that either suppress the revolts or voices against CPEC or we will stop supporting your in the international forums. This may be a small indication to Pakistani establishments.
So it is time for China to ask pakistani to "Do more" if they want China;s support.
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