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After BRICS, India-Japan joint statement names Pakistan-based terror groups Lashkar, Jaish


Aug 21, 2012
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After BRICS, India-Japan joint statement names Pakistan-based terror groups Lashkar, Jaish


PMS Abe (left) and Modi in Ahmedabad (Photo: AP)
  • The two leaders called on Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai and 2016 Pathankot attacks
  • New Delhi has had success lately in getting Pakistan-based terror named and shamed at international forums
  • Last month, US President Donald Trump roundly criticised Pakistan for "hosting terror safe havens"
NEW DELHI: India and Japan on Thursday committed to cooperate in fighting against terror, including the Pakistan-based groups Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Muhammed (JeM).

"PM (Narendra Modi and PM (Shinzo) Abe look forward to convening (the) 5th Japan-India consultation on terrorism and to strengthen cooperation against terrorists threats from groups including Al-Qaida, ISIS, JeM, LeT and their affiliates," said the two countries in a joint statement at the end of Abe's 2-day visit to India.

The two leaders also called on Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of terror attacks, including the 2008 Mumbai and 2016 Pathankot attacks.

New Delhi has had success lately in getting Pakistan-based terror named and shamed at international forums.

Earlier this month, for the first time, BRICS countries slammed Pakistan without naming it, as they "deplored" terror attacks in member countries and the "violence caused" by Pakistan-based terror outfits.

The 'BRICS Xiamen Declaration' specifically named LeT and JeM, as well as the Haqqani network, the Taliban, ISIL/DAISH and Al-Qaida.

In addition, the BRICS members also called for greater efficiency in designation of terrorists. This was particularly significant, because it is BRICS member China that has been blocking designating Jaish-e-Muhammad chief Masood Azhar a terrorist. That may now change, in a further setback for JeM.
Pakistan has been at the receiving end lately on the terror issue.

Last month, US President Donald Trump roundly criticised it for "hosting terror safe havens". He also threatened to suspend aid unless Pakistan falls in line and cracks down on terror, which Trump said it is exporting to the region, including to Afghanistan.


More examples of world leaders shunning and avoiding what you think is a fascist, banana republic.
Unless the habit of denying goes, we ain't going to solve the problem. & lets face it terrorism whether in black (bad ones) or White (the good ones) are terrorists. they aren't making life easy for anyone, neither the one whom they have their guns pointed at nor for the one from where they are getting support.
Unless the habit of denying goes, we ain't going to solve the problem. & lets face it terrorism whether in black (bad ones) or White (the good ones) are terrorists. they aren't making life easy for anyone, neither the one whom they have their guns pointed at nor for the one from where they are getting support.

I can understand a Pakistani feeling touchy, but these hired assassins who are more royalist than the King are amusing.
"PM (Narendra Modi and PM (Shinzo) Abe look forward to convening (the) 5th Japan-India consultation on terrorism and to strengthen cooperation against terrorists threats from groups including Al-Qaida, ISIS, JeM, LeT and their affiliates," said the two countries in a joint statement at the end of Abe's 2-day visit to India.
I don't know what are practical implications of that statement, at least not for now but Japan is investing in Pakistan for now and investments are only going to increase in 5 years. Naming and shaming will continue and business will continue as well.
Pakistan is a victim of terrorism. So it's India.

Of-course, but the difference is that it's their own chicken coming home to roost. You won't be able to show a suicide bomber/fedayeen of any other nationality (especially Indian) in Pakistan.

However, Indian police state action in Kashmir is also a contributing factor to terrorism that cannot be ignored. Kashmir is ruled like the West Bank.

It's a matter of other discussion. Moreover it's our country, our rules. Not everyone is targeted or victimized, but the one who is breaking the rule of law will be dealt accordingly. And I guess that is a standard anywhere in the world, if you throw stones or fire bullets, do you expect a bunch of roses in return ???? NEVER. :p:
Pakistan is a victim of terrorism. So it's India.

However, Indian police state action in Kashmir is also a contributing factor to terrorism that cannot be ignored. Kashmir is ruled like the West Bank.
Pakistan is a victim of it's own failed strategy. Or rather Zia's failed strategy.

You are talking like a Chinese spokesperson. Pakistan unfortunately faced terrorism like anyone who plays with insurgents. Take for example India, we gave asylum to Tamil nationalist from Sri Lanka trained them but when we tried to disband them, they bite back. Killing our Prime minister.

Also, it is evident from the west bank reference that you know nothing about Kashmir and why it has become such. Anyway, it's not the topic at hand.
india japan are two faild conries. both contries are dreaming of shupa powa. but both fail. china already beat japan in east asia and pakistan will soon beat india in south asia.

india japan are also two big terrorist contries. japan terror in ww2 is famous and india is spreading terror in all asia.

two failed contries can dream all they want but they will never compare aginst iron brothers pakistan and china. future super powers. :china::pakistan:


More examples of world leaders shunning and avoiding what you think is a fascist, banana republic.
yes world avoiding fascist banana contry india.:haha: yes you are 100% rite.

Pakistan is a victim of it's own failed strategy. Or rather Zia's failed strategy.

You are talking like a Chinese spokesperson. Pakistan unfortunately faced terrorism like anyone who plays with insurgents. Take for example India, we gave asylum to Tamil nationalist from Sri Lanka trained them but when we tried to disband them, they bite back. Killing our Prime minister.

Also, it is evident from the west bank reference that you know nothing about Kashmir and why it has become such. Anyway, it's not the topic at hand.
india is big fail. because moodi. soon india will disintgrate. soon just wait and watch. china pak will rule asia and take back kashmir.
india japan are two faild conries. both contries are dreaming of shupa powa. but both fail. china already beat japan in east asia and pakistan will soon beat india in south asia.

india japan are also two big terrorist contries. japan terror in ww2 is famous and india is spreading terror in all asia.

two failed contries can dream all they want but they will never compare aginst iron brothers pakistan and china. future super powers. :china::pakistan:

yes world avoiding fascist banana contry india.:haha: yes you are 100% rite.

Very true. India is doomed, we only have failed Japan left as a partner. We are 100% doomed. :haha::haha::haha:
wake me up when they do anything on the ground
We can't wake you up bro,we know you have past the stage where one feels hurt when one associates once country with bad things,here it's terrorist groups
india japan are two faild conries. both contries are dreaming of shupa powa. but both fail. china already beat japan in east asia and pakistan will soon beat india in south asia.

india japan are also two big terrorist contries. japan terror in ww2 is famous and india is spreading terror in all asia.

two failed contries can dream all they want but they will never compare aginst iron brothers pakistan and china. future super powers. :china::pakistan:

yes world avoiding fascist banana contry india.:haha: yes you are 100% rite.

india is big fail. because moodi. soon india will disintgrate. soon just wait and watch. china pak will rule asia and take back kashmir.

What ?? India and Japan are failed?
Can I share pakistan expert Thoughts, what they say about pakistan and loan?

By the way, you have to pay 6-7 billion loan amount from next year. Be ready
Joint statements...no joint actions, and Indians are happy and satisfied by the statement. Walk the talk and who will be worth the salt is the question.

nuffin going on...nuffin happening.
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