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After BRICS, India-Japan joint statement names Pakistan-based terror groups Lashkar, Jaish

everyone knows who is fool enough to believe a fool media.
indians are fool enough to believe that Burhan wani was not born in IOK.

LOL, your despair is well evident from your comments.

But some damn fools will never agree even if after responsible people like your EX-Defense and current Foreign Minister Mr. khawaja asif had acknowledge on record that the terror organizations named in BRICS declaration indeed operate from Pakistan and that it's time to look in-words.


But again guy's like you will go on to claim that all the above mentioned organizations are in India. LOL, The world is indeed full of fools as you can see. :p:
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LOL, your despair is well evident from your comments.

But some damn fools will never agree even if after responsible people like your EX-Defense and current Foreign Minister Mr. khawaja asif had acknowledge on record that the terror organizations named in BRICS declaration indeed operate from Pakistan and that it's time to look in-words.

But again guy's like you will go on to claim that all the above mentioned organizations are in India. LOL, The world is indeed full of fools as you can see. :p:
your PM even acknowledged to be the part of terrorism inside Pakistan.
but fools only listen to half news, pick only half news to satisfy themselves.
Atleast the world knows now how Pakistan obsessed india is. Its like indias biggest headache isn't the fact that it has the most amount of poor population in the world but the non existent terrorism threat they cry crocodile tears about.

literally desperately trying to make them look like terror victims, when its india itself that has spread systematic terrorism inside SE asia.

And i dont give a flying F what any indian has to say about this comment, quote it if u want i won't ready or reply to your comments.
your PM even acknowledged to be the part of terrorism inside Pakistan.
but fools only listen to half news, pick only half news to satisfy themselves.

LOL, are you a born liar or just to counter in PDF you are pretending to be one ????? When did our P.M said that India supports terrorism anywhere, let alone Pakistan ???

Now please don't give me 1971 crap, it was more of Pakistan's blunder than Indian involvement that resulted in your partition and millions of your countrymen acknowledge that fact. :p:
The present Pakistani members situation is just like is, that of the relatives of patients when they are told that their dear ones have been diagnosed with a terminal kind of infection and they better be careful of their own health.

THEY just laugh at the doctors.
LOL, are you a born liar or just to counter in PDF you are pretending to be one ????? When did our P.M said that India supports terrorism anywhere, let alone Pakistan ???

Now please don't give me 1971 crap, it was more of Pakistan's blunder than Indian involvement that resulted in your partition and millions of your countrymen acknowledge that fact. :p:
LOL, are you a born liar or just to counter in PDF you are pretending to be one ????? When did our P.M said that India supports terrorism anywhere, let alone Pakistan ???

Now please don't give me 1971 crap, it was more of Pakistan's blunder than Indian involvement that resulted in your partition and millions of your countrymen acknowledge that fact. :p:
so you know when did he accepted and mentioned it yourself and ironically Pakistan who I the victim of your terrorism was held responsible by you.

are you a liar or just pretending to be smart here at PDF?
we Pakistanis never forget our enemies. we can forget our friends but never enemies. that is the reason we hate you and will hate you forever.

Now please don't give me 1971 crap, it was more of Pakistan's blunder than Indian involvement that resulted in your partition and millions of your countrymen acknowledge that fact. :p:
that doesn't make your terrorism legimate. just like atrocities of China against Muslims doesn't justify Indian atrocities against Kashmiri's.
LOL, are you a born liar or just to counter in PDF you are pretending to be one ????? When did our P.M said that India supports terrorism anywhere, let alone Pakistan ???

Now please don't give me 1971 crap, it was more of Pakistan's blunder than Indian involvement that resulted in your partition and millions of your countrymen acknowledge that fact. :p:
here your dog barking and admitting that Government of india spreads systematic terrorism inside pakistan.

nice slap on your face :omghaha:
india is big fail. because moodi. soon india will disintgrate. soon just wait and watch. china pak will rule asia and take back kashmir.
No, you won't have my attention on further quotes.

Go mock some newbies, they will catch your bait.

then why have you never negative rated an indian.....you Indians are weasels.....speak with two tongues. still not surprised by your slimy behaviour.

If you were not an ill-informed newbie, you would not have written that. Ask the Sanghis; they will be glad to cry on your shoulders, and you can go and cry on theirs. I've given several times more negative ratings to offending Indian members than to any other national group.
WOW.... Orgasms for indians while not a single **** is given in Pakistan

After BRICS, India-Japan joint statement names Pakistan-based terror groups Lashkar, Jaish


PMS Abe (left) and Modi in Ahmedabad (Photo: AP)

NEW DELHI: India and Japan on Thursday committed to cooperate in fighting against terror, including the Pakistan-based groups Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Muhammed (JeM).

"PM (Narendra Modi and PM (Shinzo) Abe look forward to convening (the) 5th Japan-India consultation on terrorism and to strengthen cooperation against terrorists threats from groups including Al-Qaida, ISIS, JeM, LeT and their affiliates," said the two countries in a joint statement at the end of Abe's 2-day visit to India.

The two leaders also called on Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of terror attacks, including the 2008 Mumbai and 2016 Pathankot attacks.

New Delhi has had success lately in getting Pakistan-based terror named and shamed at international forums.

Earlier this month, for the first time, BRICS countries slammed Pakistan without naming it, as they "deplored" terror attacks in member countries and the "violence caused" by Pakistan-based terror outfits.

The 'BRICS Xiamen Declaration' specifically named LeT and JeM, as well as the Haqqani network, the Taliban, ISIL/DAISH and Al-Qaida.

In addition, the BRICS members also called for greater efficiency in designation of terrorists. This was particularly significant, because it is BRICS member China that has been blocking designating Jaish-e-Muhammad chief Masood Azhar a terrorist. That may now change, in a further setback for JeM.
Pakistan has been at the receiving end lately on the terror issue.

Last month, US President Donald Trump roundly criticised it for "hosting terror safe havens". He also threatened to suspend aid unless Pakistan falls in line and cracks down on terror, which Trump said it is exporting to the region, including to Afghanistan.

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