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BREAKING: Pakistan bans Minority Hindu festival of Holi to save “Islamic Identity” in Universities

my post was a simple question on how things run here in PDF, i did not make any statements, i did not support his statement nor did i say your statement is wrong, i asked can blanket statements and assertions be made about countries and topics with out proof and when asked for proof can one say "i dont have time for this shyte"? I dont see why you are getting so worked up and resorting to abuse. What part of my post hurt you so bad?
You lying snake.
Why didn't you answer about davits attending brahmin schools. You Hindus hate each other let alone minorities
It seems you seriously can’t read. So let me bold it for you.

It seems that you still can't get in your thick head that it is only called Eid culturally and not religiously

Only few countries of south asia and might be turkey or Iran celebrate this festival and call it Eid linguistically and culturally. Many others don't celebrate it

Religiously this Eid doesn't exist in Islam

@SQ8 also said the same in his post which you didn't object or refute

That is why I asked you not to become expert on things you don't know about
It seems that you still can't get in your thick head that it is only called Eid culturally and not religiously

Can you point me where did I call it a ‘religious’ Eid? The article itself called it Eid followed by some Arabic words. Dis you even check that?

Only few countries of south asia and might be turkey or Iran celebrate this festival and call it Eid linguistically and culturally. Many others don't celebrate it
@SQ8 also said the same in his post which you didn't object or refute

The difference is , he understood my post in the very first instance. Something you have been struggling to do.

That is why I asked you not to become expert on things you don't know about

I never claimed to be an expert of anything. Where did you get that from?
Can you point me where did I call it a ‘religious’ Eid? The article itself called it Eid followed by some Arabic words. Dis you even check that?

Can you please stop jumping here and there and just accept the simple fact that you failed to present an Eid getting celebrated in Pakistani universities as @Jazzbot said??

The difference is , he understood my post in the very first instance. Something you have been struggling to do

Yeah he said you didn't share an example of Eid being celebrated in Pakistani universities

Apparently you also agree with him which is good

I never claimed to be an expert of anything. Where did you get that from?

You tried and failed. Happens a lot with pajeets
Full name of Pakistan is "Islamic Republic of Pakistan". Why indian heathens are moaning? At least Pakistanis are honest unlike so called secular india.

What identity crisis that gandu was talking about? And who invalided two nation theory?

Man hindus are funny...
Can you please stop jumping here and there and just accept the simple fact that you failed to present an Eid getting celebrated in Pakistani universities as @Jazzbot said??

Lol go read the article again.

Yeah he said you didn't share an example of Eid being celebrated in Pakistani universities

You didn’t read his post either 🤦‍♂️

You tried and failed. Happens a lot with pajeets

Sure. When Pakjeets are able to read, they are free to quote me again with their findings.
Lol go read the article again.

I did unlike you

You didn’t read his post either 🤦‍♂️

Again I did unlike you

Sure. When Pakjeets are able to read, they are free to quote me again with their findings.

Pakjeet literally means victory of pak. What a pathetic and poor comeback by pajeets for being called pajeets

Anyways I read and understood everything unlike a pajeet here 🙂
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Too late, that shitty festival should be banned long time ago.
Someone in university administration allow this to happen, so instead of putting ban. Just identified and fire the dean, President or whatever is university in charge.
Hindus are allowed to celebrate it in their holy spaces. there is no ban on that.

The keyword is in universities.

Does India allow Muslims to do Azaan in universities?

Why is it so hard for you braindead idiots to understand?

But PU is celebrating Eid with 'zeal and zest'. 😀

Punjab University administration had decided to celebrate Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) with zeal and zest and organized a number of activities by keeping all teaching and non-teaching departments on Thursday, January 24. While Punjab University will remain closed on Friday Jan 25 on account of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH).

PU to celebrate Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) with zeal and fervor - University of the Punjab - News Updates

Should be banned as well, plain and simple. University campuses should be spared from celebrating any religious festivals. Also this was an isolated one-off incident back in 2013 (just like this holi thing this year). Did PU celebrate this Eid like that after 2013 in last 10 years?
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I did unlike you

No you didn’t. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Again I did unlike you

Again, no you didn’t. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Pakjeet literally means victory of pak. What a pathetic and poor comeback by pajeets for being called pajeets

Anyways I read and understood everything unlike a pajeet here 🙂

Lol according to your own logic, PaJeet literally means victory to Papa. :lol:

Do read it again, quote me if any confusion still.

You are up against a troll mate. Even worse, one of those "my Islam is the only correct version" trolls. Save your energy.

I know buddy. But someone need to show them their place. I’m doing my bit 🙏

Should be banned as well, plain and simple. University campuses should be spared from celebrating any religious festivals.

I agree. This should be implemented for ALL festivals.
No you didn’t. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Yes I did

We are only having this conversation because like always you are acting like a typical sanghi chutya which you obviously are

Again, no you didn’t. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Again yes
We are only having this discussion because you are acting like a monkey worshiping chutya that you are
Lol according to your own logic, PaJeet literally means victory to Papa. :lol:

May be in your language Pa means Papa. You guys have difficulty finding real papa anyways :lol:

In Urdu Pa doesn't mean Papa

I agree. This should be implemented for ALL festivals.


Can you please also tell this pajeet that he didn't share any example of Islamic Eid being celebrated in Pakistani universities?

Sanghi swine knows it but has problem in accepting it to me :)
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