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Breaking News: Imran Khan test positive for Covid-19.

BS. The virus is definitely airborne and has many ways of infecting people. How do you think respiratory droplets travel to other people? Through air. The virus also lives on surfaces and objects. Touching a surface or object where the virus lives can also lead to infection. Meaning it doesn't even have to be airborne to infect others.

Yeah but according to pajeets the Chinese vaccine didn't work. Fully cognizant of the fact that the infection took place prior to vaccination. Pajeet lies and treachery is worse than COVID.
The droplets travel few feet before dropping to the ground ,that's why they ask you to keep safe distance from other people and wear a mask.
MAY Allah swt grant him a full recovery.

This is why Pakistani people need to take masks and social distancing more seriously. Far too many weddings happening, far too many asks worn under chins.

Bareh log especially think they're immune because they are fancy events.

I'll give you a personal example. In the UK last weeks schools started again, one of my children is of school age. This child got a virus from school but had no symptoms. The same week my mother had a heart attack. She was hospitalised for a week and finally came home on the weekend. We could only speak to her on the phone during her hospital stay, no visitors are allowed.

Naturally as my mother had been ill when she went home from hospital, my siblings and I went to visit her. We thought the risk was minor. Both parents have had jabs, all of us and our partners have had the vaccine too, we all work from home or regularly self test for those in the NHS.

We spent 1 day together as a family. The next day my child had finally developed symptoms of a cold, and within the next few days, another 6 of us had a cold. We were all tested, it was not covid, just a common cold - but it is an example of how quickly it can spread and how bending the rules is foolhardy in any situation.
Yes, but according to pajeets the focus should only be on Imran Khan.

So why do you spread misinformation and claim the virus isn't airborne?
Airborne means it will keep floating in the air.
The droplets travel few feet before dropping to the ground ,that's why they ask you to keep safe distance from other people and wear a mask.

@Dalit is right too. The virus can survive on surfaces so regualry clean door handles, wash your hands and if you are in places of business use hand gel before you enter and leave. In the UK supermarkets all have handgel on the entrances and some on the exits too.
The droplets travel few feet before dropping to the ground ,that's why they ask you to keep safe distance from other people and wear a mask.

It remains airborne. These are small virus particles. You think air cannot keep them afloat for a long duration?
It clearly does. That is why the infection rate is high.

Around, Two miter! The same reason, as per the guidelines. Needs to wear the mask.

@Dalit is right too. The virus can survive on surfaces so regualry clean door handles, wash your hands and if you are in places of business use hand gel before you enter and leave. In the UK supermarkets all have handgel on the entrances and some on the exits too.

Agreed, 2-3 days if not sanitized.
Around, Two miter! The same reason, as per the guidelines. Needs to wear the mask.

Agreed, 2-3 days if not sanitized.

2 metres is BS. It doesn't guarantee anything. LOL don't think 2 metres is gospel. What if the virus is found exactly at the same spot where you are standing to avoid contact with another person? Like I said, the virus is everywhere. You cannot avoid it. Even if you follow the protocol. The experts already know this, but they won't tell you this because that would cause panic and unrest.
Everything will be alright. He is very health conscious.
It clearly does. That is why the infection rate is high.
As your below post states wind will carry it but not too far,when dust is in the air the virus can attach itself to the dust particles and stay airborne longer that's why social distancing is a must with mask.
@Dalit is right too. The virus can survive on surfaces so regualry clean door handles, wash your hands and if you are in places of business use hand gel before you enter and leave. In the UK supermarkets all have handgel on the entrances and some on the exits too.
Yes I agree with your post other than dalit part.the virus will float in the air but not for long distances and duration as I mentioned in the above post.
It remains airborne. These are small virus particles. You think air cannot keep them afloat for a long duration?
See my above post
Imran Khan should have ignored opposition and lifafas and should have gotten vaccinated earlier.
2 metres is BS. It doesn't guarantee anything. LOL don't think 2 metres is gospel. What if the virus is found exactly at the same spot where you are standing to avoid contact with another person? Like I said, the virus is everywhere. You cannot avoid it. Even if you follow the protocol. The experts already know this, but they won't tell you this because that would cause panic and unrest.

Not sure, what are you trying to say?

As per your argument, it seems like he not done any mistake and corona asked to him and once got the approval then only infected to him.

But if you ask to anyone, they will surely say that if you're careless at any time and day, it could be a bad day for you
Sorry don't want to sound insensitive but something just does not sound right here. Its almost like When every other leader like Borris Johnston, Trump, and others test positive, then why the Hell would IK not get Covid?? There is a 34% hike in electricity prices coming soon thanks to IMF which will break the back of ordinary people of Pakistan. Does it not seem convenient just to disappear from public sight for 2-weeks???

Sino pharm is safer

This is not vaccine fault. Only given first dose 2 days ago... Requires weeks to show results and than 2nd dose in 4 weeks.
So 2 months process...

Its probably improved his survival chances that he also had vaccine simultaneously
I ask you because soon I am going for vaccination so what would be the better choice for me?
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