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Breaking News: Imran Khan test positive for Covid-19.

Second in command is chairman national assembly. Furthermore interrior minister also has lot of powers.

Finally its president who can declare emergency and can assume all the powers
Who heads the govt when Imran Khan goes for overseas trips?
Get well soon, Kaptaan!!!
While on twitter;
Absolutely careless if true. I don't know anyone here in the UK who has died of covid, and only one who was hospitalised. Compare that to family in PK, more than a few deaths and multiple people hospitalised. It seems we just don't take the illness seriously and nobody, not even the PM, properly adheres to distancing and SOPs at all times.

I was in London last month, to say that brits follow the Covid rules is a joke. The London Underground is full of idiots who openly flaunt the "Wear a Mask" rule. Go to any Cafes and watch the buffoons line up like a bunch of piglets, urgently waiting for their "life saving coffee" (idiots wouldn't know a real coffee even if it got them on the head), all the while "Social Distancing" is centimeters apart, forget 2m.

The only countries I have found, which I have visited in the past year, are Italy and Serbia.

What Pakistan and Pakistanis need the most is intense sanitization and clean-up of all major population centers.
Sorry don't want to sound insensitive but something just does not sound right here. Its almost like When every other leader like Borris Johnston, Trump, and others test positive, then why the Hell would IK not get Covid?? There is a 34% hike in electricity prices coming soon thanks to IMF which will break the back of ordinary people of Pakistan. Does it not seem convenient just to disappear from public sight for 2-weeks???

haha funny !
At least he didn’t run to UK on health issues ground as a certain aloo di thooi !

just jocking.

May Allah give both of them health but punish the corrupts leaders.
I was in London last month, to say that brits follow the Covid rules is a joke. The London Underground is full of idiots who openly flaunt the "Wear a Mask" rule. Go to any Cafes and watch the buffoons line up like a bunch of piglets, urgently waiting for their "life saving coffee" (idiots wouldn't know a real coffee even if it got them on the head), all the while "Social Distancing" is centimeters apart, forget 2m.

The only countries I have found, which I have visited in the past year, are Italy and Serbia.

What Pakistan and Pakistanis need the most is intense sanitization and clean-up of all major population centers.

Plenty of people you might have seen were already vaccinated, as of today half of all adults have had the first dose now. As for the careless bunch, yes they exist here. But in my experience, there is a huge difference between the carefree attitude in Pakistan vs the UK.

Also, I am judging a lot based on my own family here vs back home. We have not had any visiting close family since March of last year, no such precaution has been exercised by my relatives back home. Maybe that is just my family.
Plenty of people you might have seen were already vaccinated, as of today half of all adults have had the first dose now. As for the careless bunch, yes they exist here. But in my experience, there is a huge difference between the carefree attitude in Pakistan vs the UK.

Also, I am judging a lot based on my own family here vs back home. We have not had any visiting close family since March of last year, no such precaution has been exercised by my relatives back home. Maybe that is just my family.
I disagree vehemently, this is likely your family experience. Many Pakistanis found themselves with the UK covid variant as their shameless relatives from the UK ran out before the last lockdown and then completely flaunted protocols by meeting everyone in Pakistan.

I saw waay too many instagram stories of UK citizens proudly claiming they made it out just before the lockdown to roam the world and spread covid.
I disagree vehemently, this is likely your family experience. Many Pakistanis found themselves with the UK covid variant as their shameless relatives from the UK ran out before the last lockdown and then completely flaunted protocols by meeting everyone in Pakistan.

I saw waay too many instagram stories of UK citizens proudly claiming they made it out just before the lockdown to roam the world and spread covid.
This is ABSOLUTELY correct. I vouch for this, but it's BOTH the diaspora community here and the ignoramus white brits who have been flaunting the rules due to their sense of entitlement. It's a big joke to these clowns over here.

The impression I get off sources is that the Pakistani population who actually reside in Pakistan has been relatively well behaved.
I disagree vehemently, this is likely your family experience. Many Pakistanis found themselves with the UK covid variant as their shameless relatives from the UK ran out before the last lockdown and then completely flaunted protocols by meeting everyone in Pakistan.

I saw waay too many instagram stories of UK citizens proudly claiming they made it out just before the lockdown to roam the world and spread covid.

Aye it could be my experience, and I certainly can't speak for all British Pakistanis in particular, I don't have a very high opinion of our community here in general.

But the real proof comes from estimating the true rate of covid prevalence. Seroprevelance studies which look at the occurrence of antibodies in blood serums can give a much better indication of Covid rates, allowing you to get past the testing rate, unsymptomatic cases, etc.

In the UK, the BMJ estimates the true rate of covid infections is almost 14%. This figure they arrived at after our recent second wave in February. And back in October, they estimated this rate to be around 5.6%.

Similar studies have been conducted in Pakistan, some on a much smaller scale. The largest that I can find, estimated a rate of around 11% way back in August of last year. You can safely assume that figure will have risen significantly. Here's an article that cites studies that estimate much higher rates in Karachi way back in July. I've seen similar articles estimating double digit rates of prevalence in our major cities some time in the second half of last year. So whatever the true rate, it's probably higher in Pakistan, well before we had new variants popping up.

Basically the proof is there in the statistics, Pakistan's lax attitude towards covid might be okay if seen alongside low death rates. But the rate of true infections is probably very high indeed, and likely higher than in Europe or the US.
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He already had it Indian filth. Before he took the vaccine. Don't celebrate. If Modi had it you people wouldn't even share it.

India is still reeling from thousands of cases. Don't kid yourself.

ghabrana nahi .
get vaxinated with chinese vaxine .
Everything will be alright. He is very health conscious.

no doubt but age factor is against him , he is around 70 .
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