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Breaking News: Imran Khan test positive for Covid-19.

Sorry don't want to sound insensitive but something just does not sound right here. Its almost like When every other leader like Borris Johnston, Trump, and others test positive, then why the Hell would IK not get Covid?? There is a 34% hike in electricity prices coming soon thanks to IMF which will break the back of ordinary people of Pakistan. Does it not seem convenient just to disappear from public sight for 2-weeks???
That's one creative conspiracy theory. :lol:
BS. The virus is definitely airborne and has many ways of infecting people. How do you think respiratory droplets travel to other people? Through air. The virus also lives on surfaces and objects. Touching a surface or object where the virus lives can also lead to infection. Meaning it doesn't even have to be airborne to infect others.

Yeah but according to pajeets the Chinese vaccine didn't work. Fully cognizant of the fact that the infection took place prior to vaccination. Pajeet lies and treachery is worse than COVID.

Airborne in the sense that when someone coughs or sneezes some of the droplets will aerolize and linger in the air while other droplets will land on surfaces. This is why mask wearing and hand washing are so important. If something can come out of this situation; then the people need to be reminded that wearing a mask protects them and the people around them. The PM shouldn’t have attended the wedding or any other large gathering, but we don’t know if even meeting one asymptomatic person was the vector for his exposure. Inshallah he will make a speedy recovery.
Airborne in the sense that when someone coughs or sneezes some of the droplets will aerolize and linger in the air while other droplets will land on surfaces. This is why mask wearing and hand washing are so important. If something can come out of this situation; then the people need to be reminded that wearing a mask protects them and the people around them. The PM shouldn’t have attended the wedding or any other large gathering, but we don’t know if even meeting one asymptomatic person was the vector for his exposure. Inshallah he will make a speedy recovery.

Life won't stop. This corona pandemic has now lingered for over a year. People all over the world are getting fed up. Some are linking it with various conspiracies to take away freedoms. I think Pakistanis have behaved well compared to many Western nations where people riot with the police and protest each weekend. Conspiracies are rife. Pakistanis get on with their lives and when they are asked to remain indoors many will do so. They won't riot and misbehave.

I honestly have my reservations regarding corona pandemic. I don't think this started in some wet market. This looks bigger to me. Something which was done with malicious intent. That is my opinion.
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Life won't stop. This corona pandemic has now lingered for over a year. People all over the world are getting fed up. Some are linking it various conspiracies to take away freedoms. I think Pakistanis have behaved well compared to many Western nations where people riot with the police and protest each weekend.

The compromise should be that people just wear masks in public and wash there hands frequently. Besides that, it’s not realistic to assume people will comply with long term restrictions but the masks and hand washing are at least two things people should maintain.
The compromise should be that people just wear masks in public and wash there hands frequently. Besides that, it’s not realistic to assume people will comply with long term restrictions but the masks and hand washing are at least two things people should maintain.

Agreed. The basic rules such as washing hands, maintaining distance and wearing mask etc. is fine. Although I think that these measures won't curb infections. Corona is at many places. If not in the air it is on the desk various objects. We cannot identify the virus with our naked eyes. We should take precautions and hope for the best. Let's see how effective the vaccines are.
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Agreed. The basic rules such as washing hands, maintaining distance and wearing mask etc. is fine. Although I think that these measures won't curb infections. Corona is at many places. If not in the air it is on the desk on various objects. We cannot identify the virus with our naked eyes. We should take precautions and hope for the best. Let's see how effective the vaccines are.

Even though I was vaccinated months ago, I and my entire family wear a mask where ever we go outside the home. Even being vaccinated may not protect you from getting infected, but will probably minimize the virus’ severity and mortality. Also, I don’t want to be a vector to infect other. Europe is entering its third wave with many countries going into lockdown, so let’s hope with the vaccines the transmission slows down.

I hope the PM makes a TV address to remind people to keep up the mask wearing and hand washing for themselves and others.
Pakistan produces remdesivir under license. Due to virus is at early stages it should be effective. Course is a intravenous drip daily for 5 days.

Then more advanced treatment is the antibody one. Expensive because it needs to be imported and relatively new treatment. Trump got it and it worked for him.

Thankfully many treatment options available compared to start of pandemic.

As long he has 24hr medical care he should pull through.
Pakistan produces remdesivir under license. Due to virus is at early stages it should be effective. Course is a intravenous drip daily for 5 days.

Then more advanced treatment is the antibody one. Expensive because it needs to be imported and relatively new treatment. Trump got it and it worked for him.

Thankfully many treatment options available compared to start of pandemic.

As long he has 24hr medical care he should pull through.

Don’t rush to give the antibody treat without reviewing the guidelines. In some patients (at certain stage of the infection) the monoclonal antibody treatment can actually do more harm then good. But yes, he needs 24 hour monitoring to ensure his condition doesn’t get worse.

Who is the 2nd in command in Pakistan incase something happens to Imran Khan?
I am not saying something will, but just a curious question if any planning being done for contingency.
I think in Pak, Pm us second in command..
Comming to your point, establishment would have backup plan...
Don’t rush to give the antibody treat without reviewing the guidelines. In some patients (at certain stage of the infection) the monoclonal antibody treatment can actually do more harm then good. But yes, he needs 24 hour monitoring to ensure his condition doesn’t get worse.

Hopefully he has competent doctors looking after him. I am no expert just highlighting what I have read.
Who is the 2nd in command in Pakistan incase something happens to Imran Khan?
I am not saying something will, but just a curious question if any planning being done for contingency.
Second in command is chairman national assembly. Furthermore interrior minister also has lot of powers.

Finally its president who can declare emergency and can assume all the powers
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