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Breaking News: Imran Khan test positive for Covid-19.

Yes, but according to pajeets the focus should only be on Imran Khan.

So why do you spread misinformation and claim the virus isn't airborne?
That's becuase indian cyber force has deep rooted hatred for Pakistan.
If you have choice of Pfizer go for it otherwise sinopharm is better than astrazaneca
I have option Pfizer and sinoparm, my B.P is always high but doc says it is normal for you so vaccine would effect my B.P?
Was he tested before he took the vaccine? If he had the virus and took the vaccine, the vaccine won’t do much. Many people have been in a similar predicament. It has nothing to do with the vaccine, but rather the timing.
Sorry don't want to sound insensitive but something just does not sound right here. Its almost like When every other leader like Borris Johnston, Trump, and others test positive, then why the Hell would IK not get Covid?? There is a 34% hike in electricity prices coming soon thanks to IMF which will break the back of ordinary people of Pakistan. Does it not seem convenient just to disappear from public sight for 2-weeks???
True...possible...politicians are capable of anything.
Elites all over world must keep doing such gimmicks to keep masses scared of this fake pandemic.
Who is the 2nd in command in Pakistan incase something happens to Imran Khan?
I am not saying something will, but just a curious question if any planning being done for contingency.
this wont look good as will give more propaganda bullshit to anti vaccine ppl :/

hope he gets well soon
Ladies and gentleman, Corona 19 Vaccines don't prevent you from getting corona, they simply make the effect of its mild, so, you are not hospitalized.
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