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Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines

Genetic wise very close. However Northern Chinese tend to be tall and sharp looking. I know this because at UCLA I met many of them from Chinese Universities.

IQ wise. Chinese from Hong Kong are the smartest with average IQ of 108. While the national average for Chinese are 102.


The reason why Hong Kong is ranked the highest on the charts, is because Hong Kongers are actually a self-selecting group of immigrants from the mainland.

That would explain the three point difference in tested scores between the mainland (105) and Hong Kong (108).

It doesn't mean we are actually smarter, it is just that a lot of talented people on the mainland like to move down to HK.
The reason why Hong Kong is ranked the highest on the charts, is because Hong Kongers are actually a self-selecting group of immigrants from the mainland.

That would explain the three point difference in tested scores between the mainland (105) and Hong Kong (108).

It doesn't mean we are actually smarter, it is just that a lot of talented people on the mainland like to move down to HK.

Well you're Hakka han, and there are loads of Hakka people in HK. They number amongst the best leaders China has ever had. It's little wonder HK tests better than mainland.
Like I said we carry the same Y-chromosome whatever difference there are, comes from the female line.

Yes we Chinese are one race. But you do know that China is actually very diverse in culture and personal apperances. China is like a contenent like Europe with different cultures and personal appereances. However, China is much more united than Europe because we share the same language and one central government.


Oh, I got to stop here this is off topic.
Yes there is little difference in the Y-chromosomal DNA (Passed on by males). The difference, what little there is lies in the mitochondrial DNA (female DNA). 80% of Chinese men have the same Y-chromosome.

If you are Chinese likely this is what you will get when you take a DNA test. (this is mine)

I really need to get a DNA test done, it looks really interesting. :tup:

Well you're Hakka han, and there are loads of Hakka people in HK. They number amongst the best leaders China has ever had. It's little wonder HK tests better than mainland.

I have a lot of friends who are mainlanders, and I have to say there really isn't much difference. If anything, I would have thought that the mainlanders would have tested higher, due to the better work ethic (and thus a stronger emphasis on education). Also about the Hakka thing, that is not the reason why I'm such a fan of Deng Xiaoping lol.
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Peshwa how many malialis,gujratis,marwaris,up,biharis,south indians etc do u find in Pakistan?

Can you prove that your acestors werent one of the above? Can you prove that your ancestors have always through the 5000 year history of India have not mixed with others from the subcontinent? Or that for the the majority Pakistanis?
Or that the genetic makeup of Indians and Pakistanis (Majority) is not identical?

I have no interest in identifying with Pakistanis...but whats true is true....

And quit mixing conepts of regionalism with religious identity....

The only thing we share with u is ur 2% punjabi population.

And a 5000 year old history

Indus civilisation,mohenjodaro,harrapa,ghandhara,mehr garh civilisations (Pakistan) never spread to ur gangetic plains.

Your country did not exist 60 years before...if you really wanna tow that boat...

Anyways...I dont want to waste my time on these useless conversations.....
History of the subcontinent is shared between India and Pakistan PERIOD! Your acceptance or denial is not going to make a difference....

Besides, You call yourself Balochi right? If Im not mistaken....someone here posted about Balochis being of Dravidian stock....care to reply to that post?
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It is not Balochi but Brahui. People who speak Dravidian Languages :

Did you check the same guy from Long island creating multiple id's to reply? Seriously , the amount of effort taken by Pakistanis to is mind boggling. This very forum is an example of who is explicitly racist.

jayron. You should stop man. It will makes you more mad keep posting.

Calm down and leave this thread. :)
Why dont we have dedicated thead on Aryans and Dravidians. We have discussed this issue so many times and for years. I know this is not the what the thread is about but when ever these words (Aryans and Dravidians) comes up they all go in one direction, down hill.
Can you prove that your acestors werent one of the above? Can you prove that your ancestors have always through the 5000 year history of India have not mixed with others from the subcontinent? Or that for the the majority Pakistanis?

R u sayin tht balouch,pashtun,punjabi,kashmiris,hazaras,tajiks,baltistanis etc have tamil,bihari etc mixed in their blood?:cheesy: Bongi mari hai.

Or that the genetic makeup of Indians and Pakistanis (Majority) is not identical?

No its not!

I have no interest in identifying with Pakistanis...but whats true is true....

Yet u love to do it.

And quit mixing conepts of regionalism with religious identity....
Where did i do tht?

And a 5000 year old history

Yeah when did u find harrapan,ghandaran,mohenjodaro,mehr garh,indus historic sites in modern india?:what:
Your country did not exist 60 years before...if you really wanna tow that boat...
Anyways...I dont want to waste my time on these useless conversations.....
History of the subcontinent is shared between India and Pakistan PERIOD! Your acceptance or denial is not going to make a difference....


Besides, You call yourself Balochi right? If Im not mistaken....someone here posted about Balochis being of Dravidian stock....care to reply to that post?

Lots of indians post crap here..... Balouch r not dravidian but middle eastern:tdown:

Heck even Brahuis dont look tamil or even indian......The Brahui are typically Iranid people that usually have an olive complexion and have adopted features from Iranian peoples They are distinct from present-day Dravidians, who are primarily of an Indic race. They are known for their tough physique and long hair.

... there r several theories about their origin.....
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ROFL. "peshwa" claims he has no intrest in associating with Pakistan, but here he is arguing, lying, and replying.

You say Pakistan didn't exist 60 years before, huh? What about india? the modern-day republic of india was created in 1947. There was NO partition in 1947. There was a formation of 2 states.

Heck, even the name "india" comes from the Indus river in PAKISTAN.

Your Country is named after a PAKISTANI river.
It's really sad actually... In 1947, the year india was created by the British, most people of india didn't get to have a choice of whether they wanted to become apart of this British-made Brahmin Hindu state (india)... they were all forced to join this country... and now look how these poor souls (south indians) are treated...

Excuse me? Are you kidding me? India was to be secular from the start, not a Hindu Brahmin state. Where do you people come up with this crap?

Your Country is named after a PAKISTANI river.

A river in what is KNOW Pakistan, when India was named that Pakistan wasnt even thought of remotely.
A river in what is KNOW Pakistan, when India was named that Pakistan wasnt even thought of remotely.

You people should be ashamed of stealing the name of another country's river to name your own country. :cheers:
I don't get this skin colour issue that seems to pop up in the Indian media every once in a while.

We have Chinese who are tanned so much they look like South East Asians, and we have Chinese who are so pale that they look like ghosts.

All the same race though.

Look, its the equivalent of when East Asians talk about which people have the smaller eyes.

YouTube - Japanese eyes vs. Korean eyes 2


And they trash each other on the internet and call each other "gooks" and sh*t. Its just internet warriors, thats it.

You people should be ashamed of stealing the name of another country's river to name your own country.

Sorry buddy, maybe you should change the name of the river itself, because the name has been there before the name "Pakistan" was even thought about it.
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