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Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines

Nothing defensive about what I said, I was giving an honest view from the synopsis.

As you yourself have said, the book is extreme in what it suggests.

And we have bigger problems that conversions that can "break India".

Between 1991 and 2001 census Christian population increased from 2.32%to 2.34% in India (correct me if I'm wrong). So forgive me if I think that conversions to Christianity are statistically insignificant to be a concern.

I haven't read the book, but as I mentioned this is from reading the synopsis.

It is not about breaking what I am speaking about - but the local social fabric is being destroyed in various places by the foreign funded missionaries through their aggressive market conversions and denigrating local culture which has the potential of exploding sometimes because of the pent-up emotions.

Kandhmal, Mangalore all have been because of this.

And I should remind that the mainstream Christian sects are not responsible for this - but rather independent fellowships, prayer sects etc that damage the name of Christianity though these acts.
ROFL. "peshwa" claims he has no intrest in associating with Pakistan, but here he is arguing, lying, and replying.

Now dont make me get condescending towards your kind.....You probably wont like it...

Besides, name one thing that would make me want to be Pakistani over Indian? You're proud of who you are, so am I...dont try to open this can of worms...

Anyways....History is something you cant change....its there and I have to accept it...if you choose to wear blinkers is your choice...

You say Pakistan didn't exist 60 years before, huh? What about india? the modern-day republic of india was created in 1947. There was NO partition in 1947. There was a formation of 2 states.

Im not the one trying to conjure up something called "Pakistani History"....Ive given your lot the due credit to say it is shared history.

Now enough with your nonsense.

If the people of India and Pak want peace, we need to concentrate on our commonalities not differences....But seems your paranoid lot is not ready for it.

Heck, even the name "india" comes from the Indus river in PAKISTAN.

Your Country is named after a PAKISTANI river.

You should ask your leaders why they chose the name your country Pakistan instead of India....

Clearly you're pissed off with the name of your country and would rather it be called India....which is why all the hue and cry

Hmmmm...I wonder who's obsessed
R u sayin tht balouch,pashtun,punjabi,kashmiris,hazaras,tajiks,baltistanis etc have tamil,bihari etc mixed in their blood?:cheesy: Bongi mari hai.

What I know is that you have no way of proving that the current lot of Pakistanis have not mixed with Dravidians over the 5000 year history....or that many of the modern day Pakistanis werent Hindus at one point and may even have been Dalit in many cases.

Let me give you an even simpler task.....Prove to me that the modern day Pakistanis and their ancestors have always lived in the land that you call Pakistan (thus being aboriginals as you claim them to be) through the 5000 year history of the subcontinent....

And please, less emoticons more substance.....

Yeah when did u find harrapan,ghandaran,mohenjodaro,mehr garh,indus historic sites in modern india?:what:
Your country did not exist 60 years before...if you really wanna tow that boat...

The birth of Hindu Religion (Considering modern Hinduism is the successor to the Vedic religions) found its birth in the very areas you have mentioned.
I think that itself drives a huge connection to those lands considering that Religion drives culture and Culture propogates a civilization.

So if think about it without your uber nationalitic blinkers, the culture of the Indus Valley civilization will have many characteristics similar to Hindu culture thats prominent in many parts of India.

Lots of indians post crap here..... Balouch r not dravidian but middle eastern:tdown:

Its not my quote and I think the person who posted it gave a link to compliment his argument....
Maybe you can disect it.....taking digs at the credibility of Indian posters only weakens your argument.

Heck even Brahuis dont look tamil or even indian......The Brahui are typically Iranid people that usually have an olive complexion and have adopted features from Iranian peoples They are distinct from present-day Dravidians, who are primarily of an Indic race. They are known for their tough physique and long hair.

.. there r several theories about their origin.....

So what you're saying is that you cant be sure of their origin, but you know for a fact that they're not Dravidian....LOL!

Very fool proof case you make PN....:rofl:
Ignorance and stupidity at it's best!

Takes one to know one is it?

That is the most insanely stupid post I have come across!
What's your source to back up this retarded claim other than your own bull crap words?

Read the history of the subcontinent genius....

If Islam's onset in the Subcontinent was merely 1000 years ago, and the history of the Indian subcontinent spands over 5000 years...then the 4000 years of this history, the people who lived in present day Pakistan were of either Hindu or Buddhist religions....Now please get the plot already...
Hint: Very good chance your forefathers were Hindu....

Since Islam was spread through Sufism and the people most affected by the message of these Sufis (at least the ones converting) were Dalits, a lot of the present day Muslims in the Subcontinent could very well have been Dalits....
Of course its hard to say what % of converts were Dalits, but that does not take away the possibility that modern day Pakistanis can trace their origins to such...

Since you didn't even bother to click and read from those
Links I provided your argument is retarded and ignorant and has no facts to it.

a. You cant prove I didnt click on those links...so calling my argument irrelevant based on an assumption of the same is quite laughable.
b. Clicking on the link does not mean that the matter of disussion has been solved and that it has been proven that Pakistan was always an independent entity...

I dont think you even have any substance to debunk my claim that modern day Pakistan is a political entity that took birth in 1947 only....
I conclude it is useless to argue with you any futher.....
i wonder, if caste system was highly prevalent in those times, the underprivileged classes (mostly dalits) must have had a much higher tendency to convert to Islam/Christianity which gave them equal rights?? :undecided:
By the looks of it, christian missionaries even today target mostly rural folks for conversions.
i wonder, if caste system was highly prevalent in those times, the underprivileged classes (mostly dalits) must have had a much higher tendency to convert to Islam/Christianity which gave them equal rights?? :undecided:

Thanks....exactly what I was trying to convey.....

Somehow this has become a big ego issue for the Pakistani posters.
Takes one to know one is it?

Read the history of the subcontinent genius....

If Islam's onset in the Subcontinent was merely 1000 years ago, and the history of the Indian subcontinent spands over 5000 years...then the 4000 years of this history, the people who lived in present day Pakistan were of either Hindu or Buddhist religions....Now please get the plot already...
Hint: Very good chance your forefathers were Hindu....

Since Islam was spread through Sufism and the people most affected by the message of these Sufis (at least the ones converting) were Dalits, a lot of the present day Muslims in the Subcontinent could very well have been Dalits....
Of course its hard to say what % of converts were Dalits, but that does not take away the possibility that modern day Pakistanis can trace their origins to such...

a. You cant prove I didnt click on those links...so calling my argument irrelevant based on an assumption of the same is quite laughable.
b. Clicking on the link does not mean that the matter of disussion has been solved and that it has been proven that Pakistan was always an independent entity...

I dont think you even have any substance to debunk my claim that modern day Pakistan is a political entity that took birth in 1947 only....
I conclude it is useless to argue with you any futher.....

If modern-day Pakistan is a political entity then modern day india is a political entity too.

Who looks more like dalits? Pakistanis or indians? :cheers:
Im not the one trying to conjure up something called "Pakistani History"....Ive given your lot the due credit to say it is shared history.

You are trying to conjure up something called "indian history". If Pakistan doesn't have any history before 1947, then what history does india have before 1947?
You are trying to conjure up something called "indian history". If Pakistan doesn't have any history beafore 1947, then what history does india have before 1947?

IMHO, Pakistan and India share a common Indian history. Just like China and Taiwan share a common Chinese history.
Culture transcends political boundaries dude...don't get wound up on petty details.

How can we share "common indian history" when india didn't exist before 1947?

Before 1947 it was called British India, which means India under British control.
Leaving that aside, would common south asian history work better for you?
IMHO, Pakistan and India share a common Indian history. Just like China and Taiwan share a common Chinese history.
Culture transcends political boundaries dude...don't get wound up on petty details.

Leave him be Shek.....

Comprehension is not a skill everyone possesses....lets give him that discount and not waste our energy anymore....

Before 1947, it was called british/the british empire. you indians chose to keep the name given to you by your British masters.

Nope. "common south asian history" doesn't work for me either.
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