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Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines

Y does this truth teller guy sound more and more like pure aRyan dude the one who had to go to Australia to learn abt Pakistani history....I had actually asked him a question before .. y is a Pakistani warship named tipu sultan..a "south" Indian???? Can u tell ne the truth please..
If modern-day Pakistan is a political entity then modern day india is a political entity too.

Halelujah....Ill give you credit that at least you were able to understand a part of my argument.

Who looks more like dalits? Pakistanis or indians? :cheers:

Im not sure what "Dalit Looks" are, but in the interest of not wasting anymore bandwidth....We Indian look more Dalit....Happy?

Now move on
Thanks for ur support. we will immidietly withdraw all ministers from south after hearing this, including the defense minister.

Thanks once again for opening our eyes.. You are brilliant and truly a wise man. :tup::tup:

Yep and Home minister of India also should be withdrawn along with other ministers... what say mate ? :victory:

what an eye opener by our mutual friend... :bounce:
Takes one to know one is it?

nope, since your making it obvious!:D

Read the history of the subcontinent genius....

i already know the history very well, i don't need an ignorant to teach me!!

If Islam's onset in the Subcontinent was merely 1000 years ago, and the history of the Indian subcontinent spands over 5000 years

and whats is that supposed to prove???

...then the 4000 years of this history, the people who lived in present day Pakistan were of either Hindu or Buddhist religions....Now please get the plot already...
Hint: Very good chance your forefathers were Hindu....

no doubt they were buddhists and hindus, i'm not denying! Even arabs of Arabia were idol worshippers (though they weren't called "hindus")! But you said in your post #66 that Pakistanis ancestors were dalits and dravidians lol, give me a break! you have no facts to support your silly claims!

Since Islam was spread through Sufism and the people most affected by the message of these Sufis (at least the ones converting) were Dalits, a lot of the present day Muslims in the Subcontinent could very well have been Dalits....


northern indian subcontinent (present day Pakistan) was subjected to many invasions by Aryans, Greeks, Persians, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, Afghans, etc.

Mahmood Ghaznavi wasn't a sufi, neither was Muhammad Bin Qasim, Muhammad Ghori, Taimur Shah, Babur, Sher Shah Suri, Nadir Shah or Ahmed Shah Durrani!

These invaders began to destroy hindu idols as soon as they set foot on the subcontinent.

However Islam spread in south india as result of sufism.

I'm a ethnic Pashtun, my ancestors are Afghans, not some dalits or dravidians lol!

so get your facts straight genius!!

Of course its hard to say what % of converts were Dalits, but that does not take away the possibility that modern day Pakistanis can trace their origins to such...

the only Pakistanis who can trace their origins to dravidians, dalits, south indians are the muhajirs who migrated to Pakistan during partition.

a. You cant prove I didnt click on those links...so calling my argument irrelevant based on an assumption of the same is quite laughable.

its obvious you didn't check those links because your stating so much nonsense!

b. Clicking on the link does not mean that the matter of disussion has been solved and that it has been proven that Pakistan was always an independent entity...

firstly yes it does mean that the matter of discussion has been solved because you stated that Pakistanis and indians are the same culturally and ethnically based on your own personal opinion and i refuted your statement and backed up my argument with sources based on facts!

I dont think you even have any substance to debunk my claim that modern day Pakistan is a political entity that took birth in 1947 only....

just like modern day india is a political entity that took birth in 15 august 1947:agree: (Pakistan is a day older)

I conclude it is useless to argue with you any futher.....

says the person who can't even back his argument with facts:lol:
Btw, most Pakistani Punjabis come from Jatts and Rajputs, lol, not any Dalits :cheesy:

No, Rajputs and Jatts population is small compared to the whole Punjabi population and they are spread out all over mostly in N India and Pakistan.

Rajputs are mostly in Rajasthan, and some in Sindh, and N. India, etc.

Before 1947, it was called british/the british empire. you indians chose to keep the name given to you by your British masters.

Nope. "common south asian history" doesn't work for me either

Do you not know when you say "British masters" it also includes your people? India is the name, and Bharat too. There are many examples all over the world where the name of the country doesnt come from their own people. Just because Islam and Arabic script doesnt come from Pakistan does it mean its any less your own?
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ROFL. "peshwa" claims he has no intrest in associating with Pakistan, but here he is arguing, lying, and replying.

You say Pakistan didn't exist 60 years before, huh? What about india? the modern-day republic of india was created in 1947. There was NO partition in 1947. There was a formation of 2 states.

Heck, even the name "india" comes from the Indus river in PAKISTAN.

Your Country is named after a PAKISTANI river.

Looool?! What are you talking about?! Our country's name is Bharat in ALL regional languages and India just in English. Bharata (Sanskrit: भरतः) was a legendary Indo-Aryan emperor of India, referred in Hindu and Jain mythology. Bharata's empire covered all of the Indian subcontinent, Bactria, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgistan, Turkmenistan, and Persia. And we are 'bharatiya' as you like to call us.

It wasn't a partition?! looool You gemme jokes. Whole world knows it as 'partition of india' not 'born of entities'.

And as far as name India is concerned. It just goes to show that its' INDIAN land. :P And it has got to be returned sometime in future.
Looool?! What are you talking about?! Our country's name is Bharat in ALL regional languages and India just in English. Bharata (Sanskrit: भरतः) was a legendary Indo-Aryan emperor of India, referred in Hindu and Jain mythology. Bharata's empire covered all of the Indian subcontinent, Bactria, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgistan, Turkmenistan, and Persia. And we are 'bharatiya' as you like to call us.

It wasn't a partition?! looool You gemme jokes. Whole world knows it as 'partition of india' not 'born of entities'.

And as far as name India is concerned. It just goes to show that its' INDIAN land. :P And it has got to be returned sometime in future.

yeah, only in lala land!:lol:
The comments below indicate ignorance as none of them seem to have read the book they are commenting about. I have a copy and have read it fully. The term "Mughalstan" in the books does not refer to the past. It explains the desired future goal of taliban and related ideologies for a future nation in which Muslim majority territories across south asia will get united, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and many parts of north India. Many parts of assam and northeast are flooding with bangladeshi refugees and also many parts of north india. This is not the first time a scenario of reuniting Muslims across south asia has been put forth. But in this book the case argued is that this "unity" will be a dangerous one being caused by militancy. So people are wasting time commenting on the HISTORY of the Mughals as thats IRRELEVANT. The term "Mughslstan" as well as the map used is explained in the book - it is NOT created by the authors, but comes from a web site since the 1990s called Dalitstan.org.
what this all about?

Its about a book by a patriotic Indian and other of his work. The book have got some awards. i will get back to post the names of awards after receive details from him.

There some senior Indian intellectuals on his group too who discuss internal matters objectively
When concerned on topic, this is an old concept: first the westerners send christian missionaries to break and divide the societies and then (during early days) sent soldiers to secure the land. I may be against China for most of the things but I do agree with Chinese 100% vis a vis missionaries and their heinous activities in Asia.
India has always been confederation of states, as long as there is greater political autonomy at state level, there is no issue. India is a tightly economically integrated country. But given the concentration of political power in New Delhi, I fear that there is a good chance India will screw up, there are already multiple insurgencies which the country is tackling and each state is about the size of european country more or less.

The future movement of demographic shifts can also create issues, if you think Raj Thackeray is an exception wait for 10 years there will more of his kind in pretty much every state in Indian periphery. Above all the one great thing that matters and will make states go bananas WATER.
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