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BREAKING : American spy Robert Levinson dead in Iranian jail

Iran refuses to release Christian prisoners despite coronavirus outbreak
"According to Islamic law, it is a crime to turn from Islam. The regime has always made an example of its Christian convert detainees to serve as a warning to others."
MARCH 25, 2020 16:37

BERLIN – Iran’s mullah regime refused on Tuesday to grant a temporary release to four imprisoned Christians amid a release of some 85,000 prisoners, including political prisoners, in an effort to stop the spread of the Middle East’s worst outbreak of the coronavirus.

The religious freedom organization Article18 wrote on its website: “Four Iranian Christians serving 10-year sentences in Tehran’s Evin prison are being denied temporary release, even though their requests for retrials have been accepted.

According to Article18, the four Iranian Christians being jailed are Yousef Nadarkhani, 42; Mohammad Reza (Yohan) Omidi, 46; Zaman (Saheb) Fadaei, 36; and Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh, who is 58 years old and suffers from a number of serious health issues.

The religious freedom organization said that the Christians “have made several requests for release on bail since their retrials were accepted in October [except for Gol-Tapeh, whose request for a retrial was accepted in February], and their families are increasingly anxious about them in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.”

Mansour Borji, the research and advocacy director for the London-based organization, told FoxNews.com, “We at Article18 ask for the immediate and unconditional release of all Christians detained on spurious charges related to their faith or religious activities. This is even more urgent given the current health crisis that threatens these detained Christians and their families back home.”

“The international community should also demand that Iran upholds its obligations to guarantee the right to freedom of religion or belief for every citizen, regardless of their ethnic or linguistic background, including converts from other religions,” Borji added.

Alireza Miryousefi, the spokesman for Iran's mission to the UN, told the news site: “Decreasing the number of prisoners has been a general policy by Iran’s new head of justice since last year. All Iranians imprisoned for various crimes are judged by the judiciary on an individual basis as to whether they should be released or furloughed on medical grounds or other considerations. Tens of thousands have already been released from prisons. There has been no discrimination on the basis of religion or race."

Lisa Daftari, founder and managing editor at The Foreign Desk multimedia news platform told FoxNews.com, “While Iran’s regime has released thousands of short-sentence prisoners to prevent the spread of coronavirus in its jails and prisons, it has refused to show clemency toward Christian converts. According to Islamic law, it is a crime to convert to Christianity, or more specifically, it is a crime to turn from Islam.”

She added, “The regime has always made an example of its Christian convert detainees to serve as a warning to others. Paradoxically, the harsher the regime has been in recent years, the more the people of Iran have been attracted and found a haven in the Christian religion. We have seen a surge in underground churches and conversion programs.”

“The international community and the media need to keep these stories in the spotlight. For years, we have had success in getting Christians released or their sentences commuted just by continuing to report their cases,” Daftari said.

Javaid Rehman, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic, urged Tehran to release all prisoners of conscience to minimize the spread of the virus.

Iran is the Middle East epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. As of Wednesday, Iranian authorities reported a coronavirus death toll of 2,077, with the number of those infected reaching 27,017. The real numbers are believed to be significantly higher, because the authorities have made efforts to suppress the accurate data, according to Iranian observers.

Many Iranians currently incarcerated by the Shi’ite Islamist regime are converts to Christianity.

Peter Kohanloo, president of the US-based Iranian American Majority organization, told FoxNews.com, “In Iran, apostasy is punishable by death, yet the number of Evangelical Christian converts continues to grow.”

“Like all religious minorities who suffer under Iran’s theocratic dictatorship, Christians need support from the West, especially the European Union, which has considerable leverage over Tehran. Assistance from the EU could, for example, be linked to the release of religious dissidents,” he said.

You have to be tone deaf to send a Scandanavian heritage guy as spy in an West Asian country
You think that the cia would`ve at least watched South Park ep#159 where the lesbians got mexicans to pretend to be persians so that they could spy on them.

Nope.....hes actually a mexican.........but could YOU tell the difference?

Instead they send this joker: "Well howdy there folks,I`m an eye-ray-nee-ann just like you.Could you please show me the way to the nuclear program?":tsk:

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are inhumane, they are animals pure and simple.
And what would you call the us chump regime that claims that it is making it easier for iran to purchase and import medicine and medical equipment when it is actually making it much harder and only increasing us oversight on what little is allowed?.
If you`re going to send a spy to someone elses country and he gets caught,basically his life is in their hands and if they decide that his life is worthless or he falls ill and dies,dont blame them blame the people who sent him there to die in the first place ie the us government.
What a drama started by lies continues by lies:

Wonderful husband and father:
After he disappeared, the C.IA. played down any relationship with Mr. Levinson and said he was not a current employee. For years, United States officials would only say that Mr. Levinson was working for a private firm on his trip when he vanished.

The CIA paid the family about $120,000, the value of the new contract the CIA was preparing for him when he left for Iran. The government also gave the family a $2.5 million annuity, which provides tax-free income, multiple people briefed on the deal said. Neither side wanted a lawsuit that would air the secret details in public.

1.Family of American Robert Levinson, who disappeared in Iran, say they believe he is dead
2.We don't know when or how he died
3. "Iran has always maintained that its officials have no knowledge of Mr. Levinson's whereabouts, and that he is not in Iranian custody. Those facts have not changed."
4."While the investigation is ongoing, we believe that Bob Levinson may have passed away some time ago,"
5.On Wednesday, despite the family's statement, Trump said that he doesn't "accept that he's dead."
Mr. Levinson was last seen alive in a 2010 hostage video pleading for help and in photographs wearing a Guantánamo-style orange jumpsuit. Neither the video nor the images disclosed the identities of his captors. The video had a Pashtun wedding song popular in Afghanistan playing in the background:

a jewish FBI agent , kidnapped more than 10 years ago in the island of kish .
not really an issue for most americans , the only person who pleaded for his release was his wife
i bet even trump doesn't care

the only issue currently is michael white
a jewish FBI agent , kidnapped more than 10 years ago in the island of kish .
not really an issue for most americans , the only person who pleaded for his release was his wife
i bet even trump doesn't care

the only issue currently is michael white

Thought he was CIA.
Well i dont know about me but cave dwelling Irani mullah sure do live under a rock all thanks to US.
Worry about your poverty stricken barren dry land. Iran is in a good shape.
Israel has the luxury of employing citizens of many countries as spies because a lot of Israelis have multiple citizenships. One from fatherland, one from motherland, wife's land and employment land etc. They don't need to carry Israeli passports to enter a target country. Scary situation. For example, An Iranian (or Pakistani) can get married to a US citizen who also happens to be an Israeli and Colombian citizen. Then that Israeli can easily enter either Iran or Pakistan as an American spouse.
We are 1000 times better than $hithole you live in considering you cant even wipe your arse without permission from a mullah
I can wipe it without permission from a mullah like the rest of Iranians ... technically we actually don't wipe it we wash it by water in a way it gotta sounds like wiping Glass ...
We are 1000 times better than $hithole you live in considering you cant even wipe your arse without permission from a mullah
Says the inbred terrorist whose country is built on 1/3 of Persian identity. You have no honour dude, i mean US flies choppers and marines deep inside your capital and droned many Pakistanis to death inside Pakistan.

You are the true definition of a failed terrorist state.

Dont compare for example clean and beautiful Tehran with backward sandal wearing karachi or islambad. What a joke.

Watch out you dont get blown up in Pakistan btw.
i think he may be suffering from corona virus in jail
Currently only 26% are below poverty line (though number is much lower as per Pakistan Government). World bank says only 4% are below poverty line. Even in your reference in 2013 there were 29% below poverty line as per CIA while world bank puts that number as 3.9%.

IN reality actual number of absolute below poverty should not be more than 5-10% since Pakistan government pays a "basic version" of social security (income support) to the poor and basic government paid medicare as well as subsidized schooling and heavily subsided daily groceries etc. (i.e. utility stores). Pakistanis enjoy much better government support and infra-structure despite complaining all the time compared to many non-oil rich muslim nation even those with higher per head GDP (e.g. Lebanon).

Pakistan has a very well off and fast rising and rapidly expanding middle class.
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