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BREAKING : American spy Robert Levinson dead in Iranian jail

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are inhumane, they are animals pure and simple.

I would say that about many U.S armed personnel (who made a hobby out of killing unarmed civilians in wars across ME) as well as U.S politicians. Hell, your president is an animal, a dumb one, mind you.

Anyway, there has not been a SINGLE evidence of Robert Levinson's whereabouts in Iran, it's not even proved he is in Iran or he is dead. No one knows where he is. But good advice to U.S., perhaps don't send a freaking CIA spy to a country you don't have diplomatic relations with and with which you are showing all kinds of animosity?
But good advice to U.S., perhaps don't send a freaking CIA spy to a country you don't have diplomatic relations with and with which you are showing all kinds of animosity?
Of course that is good advice. OTOH, where best to send a spy than such a place? And, also, Iran has proven countless times that they will hold any American as a "spy" if it suits them politically. You have to admit, if you are honest with yourself, that Iran's mullah government is inhumane.
it was the americans who thought his life was worthless...

Iran caught a white spy in open daylight trying to work for the CIA..... What is it supposed to do? send him back with a bag of sweets?

in these situations. the government that sent the spy bears all responsibility. if the US wanted him, they could have easily negotiated a deal with Iran regarding his release.

instead tthey decided to cover up their embarrasment. They pretty much ignored and disowned him. first denying his existence, mission, ties to the CIA, and then after admitting it saying there is nothing they can do but make random public statements about Iran needing to release him here and there.

this should be a lesson to every CIA spy out there. You are worthless, disposable garbage to your government. This CIA spy met the same fate as the Zionist war criminal Ron Arad. thrown into a windowless cell to rot for the rest of their life, with no definitive closure for their families.
Of course that is good advice. OTOH, where best to send a spy than such a place? And, also, Iran has proven countless times that they will hold any American as a "spy" if it suits them politically. You have to admit, if you are honest with yourself, that Iran's mullah government is inhumane.
You are killing Iranians with economic terrorism even in a pandemic, and you dare to talk about inhuman? U.S establishment is one of the most inhumane ones in the world right now. And you are here shedding crocodile tears over a CIA spy who god knows where he actually is, it's not even confirmed he is in Iran, or he is dead.
We are 1000 times better than $hithole you live in considering you cant even wipe your arse without permission from a mullah
Actually Iranians are mostly atheists and seculars unlike your Islamist terrorist loving country.

Says the inbred terrorist whose country is built on 1/3 of Persian identity. You have no honour dude, i mean US flies choppers and marines deep inside your capital and droned many Pakistanis to death inside Pakistan.

You are the true definition of a failed terrorist state.

Dont compare for example clean and beautiful Tehran with backward sandal wearing karachi or islambad. What a joke.

Watch out you dont get blown up in Pakistan btw.
Well you can’t expect anything from these retards who love the Arabs Turks and mongols who raped their ancestors and converted them to Islam like I never heard of Native American glorify the Spanish and other Europeans who killed his people.
Sanctions are a weapon which only US can use not iran. Believe me if you think Iran has bad then you havnt seen sanctions imposed on N Korea. They need not attack you directly when they can choke you to a slow death.
CHina and Russia are offsetting more and more US sanctions on other countries...at least partially.
Thi spy himself was taken care by US Imperial Agents as he was useless and in return, it benefited the US regime to pressurise Iran. Also making the Iranian hate propaganda.
NO logic detected.
NO logic detected.

US in past have killed many of its own contractors or agents in hostile territory to blame the rival governments or at least pressurise them. This guy was useless and unfit for the job as they describe. He was just sent as a donkey to be hunted afterwards. They cashed his disappearance for long.
Sanctions are a weapon which only US can use not iran.
Thats not true. Iran too can sanction too, for example, by increasing the cost of security for US and GCC countries from creating insecurity(for ex and in reality) in the Persian Gulf. All sanctions are not cash and dollar based. But institutional international sanctions, yes, US carries full clout when that involves USD. US cant get any legal international sanctions on Iran though- the world AKA UN wouldnt support economic action against Iran, so its US alone.

Believe me if you think Iran has bad then you havnt seen sanctions imposed on N Korea.
Iran has had it really bad. North Korea has had China right next to it, plus Russia too is a neighbor and supporting. Iran is farther from both countries and "helping" Iran is more complex(for different reasons).
They need not attack you directly when they can choke you to a slow death.
US had 41+ years to do so, and Iran hasnt been choked off. I hate to say this, but US cant choke off Iran, because if US really actually could, Iran would have ALREADY collapsed by now. Iran has built internal resistance to US sanctions and actions. In reality US is afraid as Iran of a military confrontation, but thats more of a problem for US beacuse US is the world's sole superpower....that is not a good position to be in with a regional mid-tier power, like Iran. Where in the middle east has usual Iranian influence reduced?? nowhere! WHat you say here on PDF and whats happening in the streets of the middle east are 2 different things.

US in past have killed many of its own contractors or agents in hostile territory to blame the rival governments or at least pressurise them. This guy was useless and unfit for the job as they describe. He was just sent as a donkey to be hunted afterwards. They cashed his disappearance for long.
what job exactly was Soleimani expected to do for the US?

Once we know that, then we will know whether he was "useless and unfit" or not at his job..

Of course that is good advice. OTOH, where best to send a spy than such a place? And, also, Iran has proven countless times that they will hold any American as a "spy" if it suits them politically. You have to admit, if you are honest with yourself, that Iran's mullah government is inhumane.
While i agree that Iran will sometimes hold Americans as negotiating chips for its planned deals with the US, in THIS CASE, the last i heard is that he was involved in an "off- the grid" CIA operation(it seems, mostly investigating) involving cigarettes. I think this is why the US govt hasnt come out with more "details "about this Levinson case. Levinson had it hard though, but countries trade in blood and money so what can i say.
Thats not true. Iran too can sanction too, for example, by increasing the cost of security for US and GCC countries from creating insecurity(for ex and in reality) in the Persian Gulf. All sanctions are not cash and dollar based. But institutional international sanctions, yes, US carries full clout when that involves USD. US cant get any legal international sanctions on Iran though- the world AKA UN wouldnt support economic action against Iran, so its US alone.

Iran has had it really bad. North Korea has had China right next to it, plus Russia too is a neighbor and supporting. Iran is farther from both countries and "helping" Iran is more complex(for different reasons).

US had 41+ years to do so, and Iran hasnt been choked off. I hate to say this, but US cant choke off Iran, because if US really actually could, Iran would have ALREADY collapsed by now. Iran has built internal resistance to US sanctions and actions. In reality US is afraid as Iran of a military confrontation, but thats more of a problem for US beacuse US is the world's sole superpower....that is not a good position to be in with a regional mid-tier power, like Iran. Where in the middle east has usual Iranian influence reduced?? nowhere! WHat you say here on PDF and whats happening in the streets of the middle east are 2 different things.

what job exactly what Soleimani expected to do for the US?

Once we know that, then we will know whether he was "useless and unfit" or not at his job..

While i agree that Iran will sometimes hold Americans as negotiating chips for its planned deals with the US, in THIS CASE, the last i heard is that he was involved in an "off- the grid" CIA operation(it seems, mostly investigating) involving cigarettes. I think this is why the US govt hasnt come out with more "details "about this Levinson case. Levinson had it hard though, but countries trade in blood and money so what can i say.

Dude I'm not talking about Soleimani
US in past have killed many of its own contractors or agents in hostile territory to blame the rival governments or at least pressurise them. This guy was useless and unfit for the job as they describe. He was just sent as a donkey to be hunted afterwards. They cashed his disappearance for long.
US would not kill an agent or former agent unless they were actually doing terrorism against the US whie out there.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are inhumane, they are animals pure and simple.
Never slaughtered more people than the US military though..if u wanna rack up stats lemme know.
US would not kill an agent or former agent unless they were actually doing terrorism against the US whie out there.

Never slaughtered more people than the US military though..if u wanna rack up stats lemme know.

US is the country with most false flag operations. They killed 6k people in Twin Towers and targeted Pentagon. They also planned Op Northwoods. Planned terrorism in the whole damn country to justify full fledged Cuban Invasion. And you're saying they won't kill this retired useless fat fcuk sent to Iran being unfit and having no significant profile?
Actually Iranians are mostly atheists and seculars unlike your Islamist terrorist loving country.

Well you can’t expect anything from these retards who love the Arabs Turks and mongols who raped their ancestors and converted them to Islam like I never heard of Native American glorify the Spanish and other Europeans who killed his people.

Inbreeding causes low IQ. I mean who the hell is insane enough to compare Pakistan with Iran ? LOOLL. Is that supposed to be a joke ? Ask any neutral traveller who has been to both countries, they will burst out in laughter.

In terms of Infrastructure, cleanliness, management, health care, enlightment of the masses IRAN IS LIGHT YEARS AHEAD of Pakistan. What a few retarded mullahs bark in no way reflects the majority of the country. I would understand if he was comparing Iran to Italy or even to Turkey, but Pakistan? Come on.

He (and those who think like him) come from a country thats literally founded on 20-30% Persian identity (the other being Arab and Hindu) yet they bark non-stop against their own origins. I would be OK if their aim was the current ruling government, but as you saw his filthy mouth was directed towards the culture and the entire nation. So the moron had to be put in place and remind him about the reality.

Anyway i have nothing against Pakistan, its not a bad country, they have been our relatively new neighbours for the past few decades and we had no major problems with them. Like i said that country has Persian influence, even their language Urdu has Persian words in it, or even their nation's name, Pakistan (Pak = clean, pure - stan persian suffix). So nothing against Pakistan, just against lowlife people.
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