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BREAKING : American spy Robert Levinson dead in Iranian jail

Israel has the luxury of employing citizens of many countries as spies because a lot of Israelis have multiple citizenships. One from fatherland, one from motherland, wife's land and employment land etc. They don't need to carry Israeli passports to enter a target country. Scary situation. For example, An Iranian (or Pakistani) can get married to a US citizen who also happens to be an Israeli and Colombian citizen. Then that Israeli can easily enter either Iran or Pakistan as an American spouse.

You can ask Jeffrey Epstein why he had multiple passports
:rofl: Iranis are Atheists/Seculars :rofl:

Anyways you are an iraqi a country known as birth place for ISIS so shut the fucck up.
Everyone knows ISIS is American made you dumbass. Nothing to do with Iraq or Iraqi people.

Your country is singlehandedly responsible for brainwashing and radicalizing thousands of people from all over the world at your terrorist madrassahs. Even the worlds most wanted terrorist was hiding in your country with the help of your army.

What a joke.
:rofl: Iranis are Atheists/Seculars :rofl:

Anyways you are an iraqi a country known as birth place for ISIS so shut the fucck up.
Actually isis filth came from your afghan supported madrasas and not from Iraq and they follow the ikhwani salafi ideology of Muhammad bin abdulwahab and Ibrahim tayyimia which is from syria Saudi Arabia and Egypt lol. Most of Iraqis are not radical assholes unlike you.

No the joke is you actually saying all this and missing the irony. US didnt create ISIS no matter how much you wish for it. Same way US didnt create Zanibyoon and Fatimyoon brigades you Iranis are spineless scums using shias from other countries to fight your wars.
Aren’t you scum who built your country based on radicalism and glorify isis scumbag murderers like aybak,ghori, ghaznavi, iltutimish and Mughal terrorist scums?!
LoL it is funny how every word you said is a blatant lie.
ISIS literally stands for
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
And what their name have to do with none Iraqi ideology you donkey?! Most of Iraqi Sunnis are sufies while isis scums are more similar to your salafi and deabondi al Qaeda and Taliban friends and no need to remind you that bin laden was hiding under your government protection and you mourned his death:lol:
Pakistan ka matlab kya (What does Pakistan stand for/Mean)
لا إله إلا الله
This was the slogan which formed basis for our freedom from Indian Hindus so if this radicalism then you can go **** yourself.

As for Salfists and their shia counterparts in Iran all are like plague that needs to be wiped out from this planet. Spineless pieces for crap cant fight themselves and use people from other countries to fight for them.

Laden was a saudi and baghdadi was an iraqi like i said irony actually evades you nincompoops like breeze.
Yet he was supported by your government along with the Taliban scum and many of your people are sympathetic to them :lol:
No the joke is you actually saying all this and missing the irony. US didnt create ISIS no matter how much you wish for it. Same way US didnt create Zanibyoon and Fatimyoon brigades you Iranis are spineless scums using shias from other countries to fight your wars.
Ofcourse you are defending the US because you are complicit dumbass. Your fked up intelligence agency is playing dirty games with the entire region (and to some extent the world) for over many decades already.

You, as the poodle of the US, are responsible for the destruction of your neighbour Afghanistan and the continued harassment of the poor Hindus who are forced to tolerate such evil entity as yours.

Your entire identity is built on a radical fkd up version of Islam. So dont bark.

You are in no position to lecture Iraq on terrorism as you are the godfather of terrorism yourself.
"Wahhabism" is a branch of Hanbalism which emerged in modern-day Iraq (Ahmed ibn Hanbal). A minority of extremist are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, India and all those mentioned states.

You 3 are all engaging in a very silly discussion while the enemies are laughing. For outsiders you are all the same largely. Anti-Muslims, White supremacists etc. (people who harbor negative feelings about people from the Middle East, South Asia, Muslims, olive skinned/brown people (majority) or whatever is common among us) and other such people don't differentiate between Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, KSA etc.

Syrians and "Lebanese" per the US Census are considered White and prior to the 1965 Immigration Act fought hard to be classified as white then again a lot of them have "White Euro" features






Ok not all of them but you get the point
Actually isis filth came from your afghan supported madrasas and not from Iraq and they follow the ikhwani salafi ideology of Muhammad bin abdulwahab and Ibrahim tayyimia which is from syria Saudi Arabia and Egypt lol. Most of Iraqis are not radical assholes unlike you.

Aren’t you scum who built your country based on radicalism and glorify isis scumbag murderers like aybak,ghori, ghaznavi, iltutimish and Mughal terrorist scums?!

"Wahhabism" is a branch of Hanbalism which emerged in modern-day Iraq (Ahmed ibn Hanbal). A minority of extremists are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, India and all those mentioned states (everywhere in fact) yet most people are normal people not much different from any population in the increasingly globalized world that we live in. With the same sorrows, hopes and dreams that most people share. Struggles too. To a greater or smaller degree of course as every country and society is different.

ISIS is a fusion of Ba'athism, the bloody/sectarian Iraqi context post 2003 (infuriated Iraqi Sunni Arabs losing the power in 2003) kickstarted by Al-Zarqawi and certain Shia militias/groups and militant Jihadist Salafism. But even for most mainstream militant Jihadists Al-Zarqawi/ISIS were extremists (lol) to the point that OBL wrote open letters to Al-Zarqawi telling him that Shias are not the enemy but the US/occupier and telling him not to deliberately target civilians in Iraq.

You 3 are all engaging in a very silly discussion while the enemies are laughing. For outsiders you are all the same largely. Anti-Muslims, White supremacists etc. (in general every person who harbors negative feelings about people from the Middle East, South Asia, Muslims, olive skinned/brown people (majority) or whatever is common among us) and other such people don't differentiate between Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, KSA etc.

Laden was a saudi and baghdadi was an iraqi like i said irony actually evades you nincompoops like breeze.

OBL was half Yemeni and half Syrian. He just happened to be born in KSA and received Saudi Arabian citizenship because his father (the founder of the Saudi Bin Ladin group - one of the largest construction firms in the world) became the main constructer for the royal family. In 1994 he was stripped of his Saudi Arabian citizenship, 7 years prior to 9/11. Rest is history.

What does it all matter anyway? Are we as individuals guilty when a person who happens to share our nationality or ethnicity commits a crime? That's a messed up mentality, simplistic and a low IQ approach.
"Wahhabism" is a branch of Hanbalism which emerged in modern-day Iraq (Ahmed ibn Hanbal). A minority of extremists are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, India and all those mentioned states (everywhere in fact) yet most people are normal people not much different from any population in the increasingly globalized world that we live in. With the same sorrows, hopes and dreams that most people share. Struggles too. To a greater or smaller degree of course as every country and society is different.

ISIS is a fusion of Ba'athism, the bloody/sectarian Iraqi context post 2003 (infuriated Iraqi Sunni Arabs losing the power in 2003) kickstarted by Al-Zarqawi and certain Shia militias/groups and militant Jihadist Salafism. But even for most mainstream militant Jihadists Al-Zarqawi/ISIS were extremists (lol) to the point that OBL wrote open letters to Al-Zarqawi telling him that Shias are not the enemy but the US/occupier and telling him not to deliberately target civilians in Iraq.

You 3 are all engaging in a very silly discussion while the enemies are laughing. For outsiders you are all the same largely. Anti-Muslims, White supremacists etc. (in general every person who harbors negative feelings about people from the Middle East, South Asia, Muslims, olive skinned/brown people (majority) or whatever is common among us) and other such people don't differentiate between Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, KSA etc.

OBL was half Yemeni and half Syrian. He just happened to be born in KSA and received Saudi Arabian citizenship because his father (the founder of the Saudi Bin Ladin group - one of the largest construction firms in the world) became the main constructer for the royal family. In 1994 he was stripped of his Saudi Arabian citizenship, 7 years prior to 9/11. Rest is history.

What does it all matter anyway? Are we as individuals guilty when a person who happens to share our nationality or ethnicity commits a crime? That's a messed up mentality, simplistic and a low IQ approach.
No need to waste time with this fuker bin laden is more popular in his country than in any Arab country.

No he wasnt and provide evidence to contrary and i will believe it. Taliban are an officially recognised entity now after US deal which was endorsed by UN so our stance is vindicated. Did you miss the part of Leader and Founder of ISIS being an Iraqi?
Actually isis was brought to Iraq by syrian and Jordanian jihadis with help of Assad regime specially the Jordanian zarqawi then later Iraqis took the leadership also Iraqi insurgency wasn’t Islamist but later with rise of sectarianism it developed into its current ideology.
Syrians and "Lebanese" per the US Census are considered White and prior to the 1965 Immigration Act fought hard to be classified as white then again a lot of them have "White Euro" features






Ok not all of them but you get the point

All Arabs are considered White (along with all other Middle Eastern ethnic groups) which is technically a correct qualification (if White equals belonging to the Caucasian race) but nowadays Arabs in the US (from what I know) and other ethnic groups from the region, have been fighting for a separate Arab/West Asian/Middle Eastern grouping. If I am not wrong an Arab "category" already exists.

LOL. Syrians/Lebanese have clear Semitic/Arab features. They (a minority only too - most populous areas of Syria, Southern Syria, Eastern Syria are not any different from people in neighboring KSA, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, genetically, tribally, clan, phonetically) just happen to be slightly "Whiter" in color than those around them but that is mostly only a few select coastal regions.

Any footage from Syria (Syrian civil war) in the past 10 years from all across the country should have put that "myth" to rest long ago. Or this illusion might have been created due to the atypical appearance of Bashar.

Anyway like anywhere in the region/Arab world/each Arab country, you have Caucasian people of all types.

People from Southern Syria (Damascus, Daraa), Eastern Syria (Deir Ez Zor, Abu Kamal) are not identical to say people of Latakia.

Syrian family from Homs (Northern Syria known for its long history of Arab presence - predating Islam by 1400 years):




People of Deir Ez Zor












I don't know where this myth of Lebanese and Syrians being some hidden pale and ginger looking "Vikings" in the Middle East emerge from.







This gets nerdy now, but people of the Sham have a greater degree of African ancestry (genetically) on average than most Arabs in the Arab Near East. Excluding Egyptians, Yemenis and Omanis that is.
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Doesnt matter and does not change the fact that Iran is in for more sanctions and it won't stop until US has a regime which is either at least neutral or pro US. Death of this spy wont make things easier for iran either as tougher sanctions will be coming soon. Looking at the track record of trump he will will take advantage of this COVID 19 panic to impose more sanctions to cripple iran.
I think that there is hardly anything left for US to do, iran is already facing the toughest sanctions.
Bro, what is the purpose of badmouthing Pakistan and Pakistanis on a Pakistani forum? You are a guest. We Arabs are famous for our hospitality but we would not like guests insulting us either. Nobody does. It will only fuel anti-Arab sentiment for no reason because of 1 user making such comments and If I recall you are an Mandean brother too.


For people from Pakistan not ware of those people, they probably look as the most stereotypically "Wahhabi" people of the region due to the long beards and white dresses.



The Arab community on PDF are already dying, there is no need to make life difficult for the few of us that write from time to time with such behavior. This mud throwing is not needed. I have promised myself not to engage in such trolling even if I see anti-Arab content. Just report this behavior.
Not insulting anyone but he started it.
Not insulting anyone but he started it.

Just go back and see it was you fucck wit who called my country terrorist. I was having a debate with an Irani and for some reason your hemorrhoids started to act up. I have removed my posts but next time you talk shit about my country i will put you down like a lil bitch you are.
Just go back and see it was you fucck wit who called my country terrorist. I was having a debate with an Irani and for some reason your hemorrhoids started to act up. I have removed my posts but next time you talk shit about my country i will put you down like a lil bitch you are.
Yeah by claiming things Iranians do that in fact your people are famous for doing like you are mullah slaves brainwashed by madrasas more than Iranians are in fact Iranians don’t care much about religion anymore unlike your country who is dominated by islamists assholes.
Yeah by claiming things Iranians do that in fact your people are famous for doing like you are mullah slaves brainwashed by madrasas more than Iranians are in fact Iranians don’t care much about religion anymore unlike your country who is dominated by islamists assholes.

**** off turd you are a fuckig waste of space.
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