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Blasphemy: Mob attacks police station in capital

Well sir, we are watani, we are not desi, like how we are different culturally, linguistically, historically, heritage from rest of Pakistan.

So other Pakistanis, Indians & any other person who wishes to call him a desi is fine by us, but we are not desi & it's offensive to be called that.
No problem, I respect your point of view .... but the end of the day we all go 6 foot underground with or without our ego.
So the mob from the OP has free time to storm a police station and try to lynch a person inside and attack the police inside but doesn't have time to storm real criminals like the Lal Masjid gang ?

There is no criminal in Lal Masjid, don't know what you been drinking. The two brothers had an issue with government of that era, 1 got killed other served his sentence. If you have problem with people praying in Lal Masjid then thats just you.
Arrest all and have them charged. The irony is that they go out to cause violence in the name of Islam but ignore what the faith says about jurisprudence and giving people a fair hearing.
If only they had a brain
There is no criminal in Lal Masjid, don't know what you been drinking. The two brothers had an issue with government of that era, 1 got killed other served his sentence. If you have problem with people praying in Lal Masjid then thats just you.
He is after that Masjid because that Masjid has history with the Ikhwan.
@krash if it helps i can delete them for you. i carried over a conversation
milta han break ka baad ............. i feel like posting this ... lolzzzzzzz

Since the inception of Pakistan not a single person has been punished under blasphemy law even if the cases were genuine which has forced people not to take due process seriously.
Punishment tak bat jati kahan hai. People , judges, aqussed are killed murdered before any judgement even if they committed the crime or not.
Arrest all and have them charged. The irony is that they go out to cause violence in the name of Islam but ignore what the faith says about jurisprudence and giving people a fair hearing.
Happens when people have little esteem and faith in judiciary and the system. It only manifests in people taking law in their own hands further perpetuating the problem.
The remedy is only in deliverance of timely and equitable justice.
@Sabretooth probably doesn't realize he is supporting mob lynching.

Most here can go into lengthy debates and provide numerous reason on how taking law into ones own hands and mob mentality is bad/Un-Islamic etc. and that is true.

But never has anyone tried to address the core of the problem which is blasphemy. How to curb it? what deterrence should be in place to discourage such individuals who hurt the religious sentiment of large populace just because they think free speech means no filter.

Islamic Law (Sharia) when implemented invokes Hudood in certain cases for a good reason because no one understands human being better then his/her creator almighty and which laws are to govern all aspects of their lives. Unfortunately no Muslim country today follows the prescribed law.

Blasphemers are considered defectors. Every society agrees that defectors cause tangible harm and therefore must be dealt with iron hands. Extreme punitive measures like capital punishment in cases such as blasphemy or apostacy are necessary because these acts are very violent and pose a major threat to social order and cohesion causing Fasad/Fitna in a Muslim society just like rape does or ridiculing holocaust etc. does in a western society.

History is full of examples the recent one being Guantanamo bay where the western powers has killed or imprisoned those who speaks out or goes out against their liberal-secular order. The ideological opposition from Muslims and Jihad was a direct threat to their social order hence according to them the killing of Muslims was Justified.

Therefore it is imperative that Muslims should stop being apologetic for following the Islamic law which is necessary to maintain social order in Muslim countries.
Punishment tak bat jati kahan hai. People , judges, aqussed are killed murdered before any judgement even if they committed the crime or not.
even then the numbers would be less than people killed caught in act robbers or sodlmites
Thank you @krash for deleting my posts, of course they were irrelevant to the topic but the word desi & all Pakistanis being labelled was bang on the topic.

Another struggle for me & my people to voice our opinions & victims of racism my main stream Pakistanis.

Of course we can never be Pakistani like you because we are a minority & nor will you accept us as that, we understood this from past 70 years.

Thank you for clarifying by your actions that we are on the opposite sides, but do remember one thing wether in my life time or in the life time of our descendants we will rise, we will preserve what we are,
No matter how hard and how many centuries you try to brainwash us and tell us we are a duck or a chicken, you won't have much luck because we will always be unique we will always be watani.

Thank you for your effort to silence our views & opinions.

Once you are done with your self-victimization, you can join the long list of PDF members on my profile who are little more than self-serving infants throwing hissy fits.

Or, you could grow up, step outside your 2x2 world, and join others from far smaller minority groups, such as myself, who are not selfish enough to derail a thread dedicated to another group of Pakistanis who are in reality oppressed and physically under attack. To me, a Pakistani being targeted by a lynch mob due to a rampant rabid disease in the country seems a tad bit more pressing than a child's tiny little ego getting hurt over being called one thing or the other. No, Watani or Desi has no relevance to the mob attack on a police station aiming to kill a Pakistani.

ps: Will rise? To where? The "Watanis" have ruled and served Pakistan everywhere there is, including the government and military. You, otoh, I see laying flat on the floor, wailing and thrashing your limbs around.

So you call us desi is on topic, I take offense and say I am not a desi I am watani is off topic & My posts get deleted.

The part that probably hurt him is me saying we are different in language, culture, heritage & historically from rest of Pakistan, which is true, you can bury your head in sand but still it's true.

His actions were prime example of siding with his own kind, but that doesn't surprise me or anyone from us, we face daily state racism so no Biggie.

Like I said we will preserve our heritage we will not be called something we find offensive.

We are what we was before & after Islam watani people, so Islam has nothing to do with it.

Once you've accomplished the prescribed growing up, you'll realize that yours was not the only post or discussion that was deleted. I don't care what you do or do not call yourself. Believe it or not, no one does. Despite the fact that both the words are synonyms, go ahead and open an entire thread on it, discuss it to your fill. Derail this thread again though and I won't be just deleting your posts.

ps: All of Pakistan is different in language, culture, heritage, and history from the rest of Pakistan. Hate to break it to you but you are no more different or special than the "rest of Pakistan".
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