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Blasphemy: Mob attacks police station in capital

دیس یا وطن, دونوں کا مطلب تو ایک ھی ھے. انپڑھ بیوقوف لوگ
دیس یا وطن, دونوں کا مطلب تو ایک ھی ھے. انپڑھ بیوقوف لوگ
Why are you writing this in Urdu? Yes they are synonyms.

I am glad that I live in the West and never had this weird ethno discussions. In the West you are just happy seeing another Pakistani and talking with him in your mother’s tongue. We need more intermixing and create a super race on the way. But for this we must overcome rejecting rishtas for not having the same (great) grandfather…

Enforce the law for the love of god! Just somebody crying blasphemy doesn’t give you the right to Lynch people!
Being accused of blasphemy in Pakistan is basically a death sentence, eventually some nutjob will get to you

Blasphemy is till a serious issue and sometimes being used for personal vendetta but, as compare to being lynched for beef or even being a Muslim and not chanting the sri raam thing in India. We can go on a countless barrage of exposing the ugly side.
Arrest all and have them charged. The irony is that they go out to cause violence in the name of Islam but ignore what the faith says about jurisprudence and giving people a fair hearing.

We are still doing better in area of public safety and law enforcement, than many of hypocrites except that we fall for western pressure too, when it comes to uphold Islamic law in such cases.

We are still doing better in area of public safety and law enforcement, than many of hypocrites except that we fall for western pressure too, when it comes to uphold Islamic law in such cases.
This guy is an excellent DC... in fact he is a shining star and for others to follow. Have been watching him quite closely since covid started. Just wish only 10-20% of our bureaucrats were as efficient as this guy.
This guy is an excellent DC... in fact he is a shining star and for others to follow. Have been watching him quite closely since covid started. Just wish only 10-20% of our bureaucrats were as efficient as this guy.

"Senior police and administration officers told Dawn that the police station attackers were Afghan nationals while the blasphemy suspect was a native of Haripur. During preliminary investigation, the blasphemy suspect told the police that he had an enmity with the attackers and they had registered a false murder case against him. After his arrest, they occupied his house, a senior officer quoted him as saying. "

Such is state of Pakistan that now afghani refugees will attack natives because of 295C and get away with it. At the very minimum they all should be deported along with their families.
People are just throwing around this Blasphemy, many of such cases are off personal vendetta. That mob who came for the Honor of Rasool Allah, most of them would be thugs, stealers and sood khors, none of them actually know or study the life of the Nabi, let alone knowing that he was called " Rehmat ullil Aalameen " Mercy for the mankind, but hey we will protect the honor of Rasool Allah right, we puny spec of a Dust/Dirt equals who are nothing but a Dot in the wide Universe where Allah made Trillion of Angels for his Worship and send Darud or Salaam to our Nabi, the honor which protected by the Creator himself, we are going kill a mental handicap or enraged crazy (Potentially) if there was an Actual blasphemy and show that how much we will love our Rasool Allah, we won't follow his tracks when it comes Love, Justice, Care for Orphans, Forgiveness, Softness but we will surely follow the example of those who despite acting on the orders of Prophet himself never committed an act without the permission of Prophet himself or act in a barbaric Mob lynching idiots.
There is no criminal in Lal Masjid, don't know what you been drinking. The two brothers had an issue with government of that era, 1 got killed other served his sentence. If you have problem with people praying in Lal Masjid then thats just you.

Not because of people praying but these ones are are a bad influence on society. A Talibanic bunch. Will you disagree with that ?

Among other things we can speak of a more minor incident from some years ago when they were furiously going around blackening signboards of even posh shops in Islamabad that showed images of women posing even in traditional salwar kameez.

And from this article 2020 June :
The brothers had publicly supported Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, an organisation officially declared a terrorist outfit and involved in attacking public places across the country.
Has the remaining brother now condemned the TTP ? That is what I indicated to you yesterday.

The article continues :
Over the past four months Aziz and his followers had been ignoring standing operating procedures prescribed by the government to deal with coronavirus. On Women’s Day, they had removed posters carrying messages of women empowerment from some nearby walls.

The article also says :
An almost four-month siege of Islamabad’s Lal Masjid by the law enforcement agencies finally came to an end earlier this month after Maulana Abdul Aziz and his supporters agreed to leave the mosque for two months with the indication from the district administration to start working on the re-allotment of a sizeable piece of land for Jamia Hafsa, a seminary run by the cleric’s wife.

Aziz’s family, and a few hundred students of the seminary moved to the old and temporarily-run Jamia Hafsa in Sector G-7 of the city a few days ago, after Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi, leader of the sectarian outfit Ahl-e-Sunnah-Wal-Jamaat (formerly Sipahe Sahaba Pakistan), played a role in persuading Aziz to leave the mosque for the time being. While the administration denies any role Ludhianvi might have had in the talks, Aziz admits that Ludhianvi had a role in bringing them to the table.

“This is a temporary solution. We agreed to stay away from the mosque for two months; and according to a written agreement, after these eight weeks, I will be free to come to Lal Masjid, lead prayers and deliver Friday sermons,” Aziz tells The News on Sunday. He says his supporters will wait and see what measures the administration takes during this time towards allocating a piece of land for Jamia Hafsa. “We acknowledge the role Ahmad Ludhianvi played in helping solve this issue,” he says.

The district administration, according to a senior official, is working on a plan to allot some land for the girls’ seminary and appoint a new khateeb for the mosque during the time.
There is a view in the district administration that by giving him a new piece of land, they will be able to prevent him from returning to Lal Masjid. “We cannot stop Aziz from preaching his ideology but we definitely will not allow him to return to Lal Masjid, [a mosque] which attracts tens of thousands,” says a senior official.
District administration ? This issue requires the attention of the central government. Isn't Imran Khan serious about developing Pakistan ?

He is after that Masjid because that Masjid has history with the Ikhwan.

What Ikhwan ?

But never has anyone tried to address the core of the problem which is blasphemy. How to curb it? what deterrence should be in place to discourage such individuals who hurt the religious sentiment of large populace just because they think free speech means no filter.

1. How would you describe "Blasphemy" ?

2. Shouldn't it be the true and sensible Muslim historians and intellectuals who should be countering any criticism of say Islam than the issue be left to the decisions and acts of unfairly emotional jaahil awaam ?
The violence that you unleash upon the non believers will be repaid in kind.
This is the age where we are gaining the upper hand.
Not because of people praying but these ones are are a bad influence on society. A Talibanic bunch. Will you disagree with that ?

Among other things we can speak of a more minor incident from some years ago when they were furiously going around blackening signboards of even posh shops in Islamabad that showed images of women posing even in traditional salwar kameez.

And from this article 2020 June :

Has the remaining brother now condemned the TTP ? That is what I indicated to you yesterday.

I live here, I know what is a problem and what isn't. This isn't even an issue worth giving 5 minutes. The flip-flopping molvi barely has a following of 100 people, most of which might be his students. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Blackening of signboards? dude when people have spare time on the hand they do random bs, may be they got motivated by a friday khutbah. It's not a big deal. His name only comes from time to time when government tries to take the Masjid/Madrissa land(then he becomes suicidal and start spouting non-sense).

Now if it was TLP, then I would say that would be an issue, because they have massive support. And this is only you who has problem with Lal Masjid, those who have shops around it, those who live around it, sure it might be minor inconvenience from time to time but it's no big deal. I have wasted enough time on the subject, either come here in Islamabad, live here otherwise don't spout nonsense. ITS NO BIG DEAL.
If these fanatics can overpower policemen in police station then they can also overpower the govt and take over the country, just image a revolution similar to what happened in Iran..!!
Very dangerous indeed.

But some Pakistani members might be praying for such a revolution..!??
How does Pakistan balance atheism and the blasphemy laws? As an atheist I think that all religions push fairy tales but at their core they contain important philosophical concepts. Would such a statement be against the blasphemy laws?
If these fanatics can overpower policemen in police station then they can also overpower the govt and take over the country, just image a revolution similar to what happened in Iran..!!
Very dangerous indeed.

But some Pakistani members might be praying for such a revolution..!??

Angling again? A pretty idiotic lure you're using.
I live here, I know what is a problem and what isn't. This isn't even an issue worth giving 5 minutes.

Lot of people also live in Pakistan. And some of them might not be seeing correctly what is a persistent, big social problem.

The flip-flopping molvi barely has a following of 100 people, most of which might be his students.

Not quite 100. From the previous article :
Aziz’s family, and a few hundred students of the seminary moved to the old and temporarily-run Jamia Hafsa in Sector G-7 of the city a few days ago
There is a view in the district administration that by giving him a new piece of land, they will be able to prevent him from returning to Lal Masjid. “We cannot stop Aziz from preaching his ideology but we definitely will not allow him to return to Lal Masjid, [a mosque] which attracts tens of thousands,” says a senior official.

You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Blackening of signboards? dude when people have spare time on the hand they do random bs, may be they got motivated by a friday khutbah.

It is preferable that "people with spare time" in Pakistan study local and international progressive movements and develop progressive thoughts and form movements to rid Pakistan of all its political, social and economic injustices and wrongs. And not waste time in forming mobs and lynching people on accusations of blasphemy.

But what is your agenda here ? Are you supporting the lynch mob in the OP ?
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