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Blasphemy: Mob attacks police station in capital

If these fanatics can overpower policemen in police station then they can also overpower the govt and take over the country, just image a revolution similar to what happened in (Iran) India.
You have the chief Hindu terrorist in the high office, you don't have to look far for terrorists taking over a country. These fanatics have similar lynching mentality like you and slowly they are generating good-will among the public. It seems fanaticism in India breads fanatics in Pakistan and vice versa.
Blasphemy laws have always been problematic as they rely on the notion of causing offence, which is subjective and vague . blasphemy laws have often been used by groups of mobs to exact extrajudicial justice. Anyone who tries to help those charged with blasphemy, have also been subjected to threats and violence. The problem is these laws simply allow people to carry out their evil desires and justify their violence. The right to freedom of religion or belief should be guaranteed for all both in India and Pakistan.
How does Pakistan balance atheism and the blasphemy laws? As an atheist I think that all religions push fairy tales but at their core they contain important philosophical concepts. Would such a statement be against the blasphemy laws?

They won't consider it blasphemy, they are more concerned with 'ridicule', or rather their own 'hurt feelings'. They don't care what you believe in, they aren't very strong in belief or knowledge themselves. However, there is no defined boundary either and can't be since the laws themselves are hypocritical and paradoxical to the explicit Quranic command of "There is no compulsion in religion" and the virtually unanimous ruling by the predominant school of thought in the country.

"Insulting the prophet is kufr/disbelief. Since the non-Muslims are not killed for their disbelief, they will not be killed for any addition in their disbelief." – Ali ibn Abi Bakr al-Marghinani, the guy taught all over Pakistan as one of the foremost Islamic jurists.
Well, Christianity and Islam came to simplify things but sadly many of their adherents have fallen prey to idiotic feelings.

That's what happens when one tells follow nothing but me, teach nothing but the book and the target is to convert by any means necessary. No one has made such bloodbaths like the Vatican has. And it was purely based on religion. Christianity atleast made worse the situation than it already was.
Christianity has evolved in the 21st century whole one hasn't.
You have the chief Hindu terrorist in the high office, you don't have to look far for terrorists taking over a country. These fanatics have similar lynching mentality like you and slowly they are generating good-will among the public. It seems fanaticism in India breads fanatics in Pakistan and vice versa.
See, he has a valid point just as I have guessed in my earlier post.
I can’t help it if my IQ is high enough that it’s foreboding in nature…!!
See, he has a valid point just as I have guessed in my earlier post.
I can’t help it if my IQ is high enough that it’s foreboding in nature…!!

If you need to state yourself that you are intelligent, then I've got news for you.

Enough of this now.
Lot of people also live in Pakistan. And some of them might not be seeing correctly what is a persistent, big social problem.

Well they don't live here near Lal Masjid so... And no, its not a big problem, only a retard would make it. Stop replying to me, I have had enough. Either, get your *** here in Islamabad near Lal Masjid or stop commenting on the topic just based of some news articles that are year old.

And not waste time in forming mobs and lynching people on accusations of blasphemy.

They can do whatever they want, who the f are you to tell them otherwise. We are not in India, keep on preaching that to go-mutra Indians, don't have the time or the patience to keep going on this retarded topic.

It is preferable that "people with spare time" in Pakistan study local and international progressive movements and develop progressive thoughts and form movements to rid Pakistan of all its political, social and economic injustices and wrongs.
We will sort everything ourselves, you don't have to type or show any concern. It is you who is seeing it as an issue and me being a resident here not seeing it as any issue(it was issue in mush era and that too, because of his mistake, now its not). So next time you vote for the person that can bring a change here, because right now I am fully satisfied and without any concern about Lal Masjid.

AND AGAIN ITS NOT A BIG OR ANY ISSUE. If tomorrow, you did a survey about Lal Masjid, residents living near it would literally slap you, they would say there are bigger things in life and you are asking about a non-issue.

And this is my last comment, one more reply from you and you are going to the ignore list.
That's what happens when one tells follow nothing but me, teach nothing but the book and the target is to convert by any means necessary. No one has made such bloodbaths like the Vatican has. And it was purely based on religion. Christianity atleast made worse the situation than it already was.
Christianity has evolved in the 21st century whole one hasn't.

But most Christian governments haven't evolved. These are pictures from the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement which started in New York but spread to the other Anglo countries. It wasn't a religious movement but used some depictions of Jesus to make a statement to their Christian-majority governments :



But most Christian governments haven't evolved. These are pictures from the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement which started in New York but spread to the other Anglo countries. It wasn't a religious movement but used some depictions of Jesus to make a statement to their Christian-majority governments :




There will be nutcases everywhere. They don't define the constitution. Even for all it's fault , Indian Constitution which came in 1950 was so advanced for its time. Even US didn't give equal rights till the late 60's to the Blacks.
But it gives now. And so does majority of European countries where supposedly another people of the book religion jump there to live, but berating the "moral-less" lives the people of the asylum giving country lives.

Hinduism for its disadvantages, do not have a centralised authority like an Pope to decide on matters. Cos it has too many branches to be brought under one branch. Which makes making laws easier. Our lawmakers played around with the Hindu code law cos there was no unified protest or responses from Hindus. Which made making forward laws easier. The Triple Talaq on the other hand was a mess from the community "leadership" of mullahs which doesn't want to move forward. And that is the issue in Majority of Muslim countries barring Tunisia, Turkey and Central Asian states.
There will be nutcases everywhere. They don't define the constitution.

1. I am talking about the nutcase governments heading Western Christian-majority countries. Tony Blair and Obama, and their predecessors and successors, called themselves Christian but why didn't and don't follow the teachings of Jesus ? Why there exists the New York stock exchange and the London stock exchange ? Look again at the pics posted in my previous post.

2. I don't know the constitutions of USA and Britain but do they describe a desired situation when say the current traditional money system has been abolished and those two countries will speak for peace among humanity ?

Even for all it's fault , Indian Constitution which came in 1950 was so advanced for its time. Even US didn't give equal rights till the late 60's to the Blacks.
But it gives now.

Sure, the Indian Constitution is progressive to a good extent but what is the situation of the Dalits now, 71 years after it being adopted ? Why does the Indian IT / ITES industry actively discourage employee union even though workers have been given the right by the Constitution to form or join unions ? When 350,000+ Indian farmers committed suicide just between 1995 and 2015 was this by an act declared in the Constitution ? Are the Indian government and the socio-economic system really following the Constitution ?

And so does majority of European countries where supposedly another people of the book religion jump there to live, but berating the "moral-less" lives the people of the asylum giving country lives.

These other people of the book you are are alluding to, also went to Europe starting year 711 AD and settled particularly in current Spain, Portugal and Italy, and the social and scientific culture they established led to the eventual establishment of the European Industrial Age. I quote a section from this Wiki page :
During the high medieval period, the Islamic world was at its cultural peak, supplying information and ideas to Europe, via Al-Andalus, Sicily and the Crusader kingdoms in the Levant. These included Latin translations of the Greek Classics and of Arabic texts in astronomy, mathematics, science, and medicine. Translation of Arabic philosophical texts into Latin "led to the transformation of almost all philosophical disciplines in the medieval Latin world", with a particularly strong influence of Muslim philosophers being felt in natural philosophy, psychology and metaphysics. Other contributions included technological and scientific innovations via the Silk Road, including Chinese inventions such as paper and gunpowder.

The Islamic world also influenced other aspects of medieval European culture, partly by original innovations made during the Islamic Golden Age, including various fields such as the arts, agriculture, alchemy, music, pottery, etc.
The page also later lists some Muslim-devised mechanical machinery like the suction pump.

Some of those current Muslims in Europe making themselves objects of irritation and hate are fools who don't understand the contribution of their co-religionists to Europe hundreds of years ago.

Hinduism for its disadvantages, do not have a centralised authority like an Pope to decide on matters. Cos it has too many branches to be brought under one branch.

But is has a complicated priest system.

Which makes making laws easier. Our lawmakers played around with the Hindu code law cos there was no unified protest or responses from Hindus. Which made making forward laws easier.

And what are these laws that were played around with and you I suppose wanted retained ?

The Triple Talaq on the other hand was a mess from the community "leadership" of mullahs which doesn't want to move forward.

1. The problem is not Triple Talaq ( which happens over three months ) but the non-Islamic Instant Triple Talaq ( which happens over three seconds ).

2. Yes, the mullahs are a problem and it is to be observed that whenever progressive Muslims have gotten rid of idiotic mullahs the Western governments have invaded those countries and installed or tried to install those mullahs in power. Example, Afghanistan in the 1980s, Libya in 2011 and Syria ( the war continues for ten years ).

3. The Islamic laws regarding marriage were quite progressive when they came 1400 years ago and those laws were adopted by modern Western nations and that then were adopted by India. I quote a section from my thread from 2015, an article by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that better secured her socio-economic future in case of divorce :
Married Muslim women, we find, are often on a higher and more secure footing than their counterparts from other religions. In fact, as a Christian marrying a Muslim, I chose to marry under the Muslim personal law, even over the seemingly modern Special Marriage Act, 1954, to better secure my economic rights. My mehr was a house in my name and my nikahnama includes necessary clauses to safeguard my and my children’s rights. My husband’s family members were witness to this document, which is registered and enforceable by law.

When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955. Today it appears to be the most practical way of dealing with the institution of marriage. Treating marriage as a sacrament which binds the parties for life has resulted in some of the most discriminatory practices against women such as sati and denial of right to divorce and remarriage, even in the most adverse conditions.
Though Muslim law stipulates many different ways to end a marriage, including a woman’s right to dissolve her marriage (khula), divorce by mutual consent (mubarra), delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez), judicial divorce (fasq) and dissolution under Muslim Marriage Act, yet the one that is most often discussed or resorted to is the [ Instant ] triple talaq without the consent of the woman, violating the stipulations of the Shamim Ara ruling which has invalidated such hasty divorces.
Do read the rest of the OP and the thread discussion.
1. I am talking about the nutcase governments heading Western Christian-majority countries. Tony Blair and Obama, and their predecessors and successors, called themselves Christian but why didn't and don't follow the teachings of Jesus ? Why there exists the New York stock exchange and the London stock exchange ? Look again at the pics posted in my previous post.

2. I don't know the constitutions of USA and Britain but do they describe a desired situation when say the current traditional money system has been abolished and those two countries will speak for peace among humanity ?

Sure, the Indian Constitution is progressive to a good extent but what is the situation of the Dalits now, 71 years after it being adopted ? Why does the Indian IT / ITES industry actively discourage employee union even though workers have been given the right by the Constitution to form or join unions ? When 350,000+ Indian farmers committed suicide just between 1995 and 2015 was this by an act declared in the Constitution ? Are the Indian government and the socio-economic system really following the Constitution ?

These other people of the book you are are alluding to, also went to Europe starting year 711 AD and settled particularly in current Spain, Portugal and Italy, and the social and scientific culture they established led to the eventual establishment of the European Industrial Age. I quote a section from this Wiki page :

The page also later lists some Muslim-devised mechanical machinery like the suction pump.

Some of those current Muslims in Europe making themselves objects of irritation and hate are fools who don't understand the contribution of their co-religionists to Europe hundreds of years ago.

But is has a complicated priest system.

And what are these laws that were played around with and you I suppose wanted retained ?

1. The problem is not Triple Talaq ( which happens over three months ) but the non-Islamic Instant Triple Talaq ( which happens over three seconds ).

2. Yes, the mullahs are a problem and it is to be observed that whenever progressive Muslims have gotten rid of idiotic mullahs the Western governments have invaded those countries and installed or tried to install those mullahs in power. Example, Afghanistan in the 1980s, Libya in 2011 and Syria ( the war continues for ten years ).

3. The Islamic laws regarding marriage were quite progressive when they came 1400 years ago and those laws were adopted by modern Western nations and that then were adopted by India. I quote a section from my thread from 2015, an article by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that better secured her socio-economic future in case of divorce :

Do read the rest of the OP and the thread discussion.

You are thoroughly distracting the entire conversation.

1. Why does it matter what religion Blair or Obama belong to? They are answerable to their own constitution. A President or an PM in modern times should always have blood on his hands. They could never become a leader unless they had learn to lie even to do good.

2. There is nothing traditional about money systems. It changes. Early it was gold and silver, then coins, then paper and now we are talking of crypto currency. Technology forces change respective of timelines. Again illogical and misdirected comments.

3. During the 50's, the condition of the SC people were worse than Muslims. Now they have advanced progressively than Muslims telling the community has used education and political platform to develop rather than go regress into religion. Sure, the situation in North India is bad. But it's improving. India even had a SC CM in Mayawati and ex Bihar CM name I forgot. The bottomline is community, with active support from other OBC and FC community and Indian Constitution is progressing. IT or other leftist BS is irrevelant to the topic.

4. I can also claim how the period of the Cholas or the Ahoms or the Guptas were some.of the gloriest of its times. There is no use talking of past greatness. Talking of past do not give me food on the table or the knowledge to work on science. Talking about the community on the past couple of centuries and it's a disappointment. Especially in India.

As for Hindu laws I am happy with existing ones even giving equal property rights to females. What I was saying was, if Hindus had an equivalent of an Pope or an mullah , such forward looking laws might not have been impossible. Even we might not have outlawed caste system. Remember Ambedkar threatened seers and swamis to announce caste is evil. They refused and he converted to Buddhism. But the change in laws forced even swamis of this times to accept caste based intolerance is evil. That is a forward looking change.

1. TT might not even went to court had men's resorted to Islamic way of implementing it. All that was needed was mullahs to say three Talaq at one go is Haram and not valid. They did not agree and SC had to intervene. Whatever Islam made in 7th century reg laws which I agree were advanced for its time, is no longer advanced. It's time to move forward.

2. Read about Dravidian movement which says it's basis on atheism. Until unless such movement hits Muslims and if it's leadership are led by Mullah men's, atleast in India, their future is bleak, sadly.
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