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Blasphemy: Mob attacks police station in capital

Showkat Ali is under police protection.

Punjab recently passed laws to curb sectarian tensions between different tribes inhabiting the administrative unit.
It will only work if the law is amended to punish the accuser if the defendant is proven not guilty. Until that happens cretins will keep using this law to their own benefit.

Pakistan government needs to form a special agency to investigate blasphemy accusations, rape, murder, kidnapping, terrorism. Make special courts which will give fast track justice. Those who falsely accuse should definitely be given punishments. As always the issue is even the government misuses the laws, uses terrorist laws against political opponents. The agency and courts must be 100% independent
Why are desis so highly emotional about religion ?

Would this lynch mob ever attack some feudal or a TTP leader ?

When a people don't bother to establish their faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah by Studying the Noble Qur'an and following the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Then we end up with Jahils who are their own enemy, who are easily tricked and provoked. This is the punishment for not approaching the Noble Qur'an with sincerity in our hearts, to study it. As it is stated, out of every 1000, there will be 999 destined for Jahannum.
Yes, Salman Taseer:

How are you calling him a feudal ? He certainly had wealth as detailed in this article and seemed to be an urban capitalist but he doesn't seem to be like those in rural Pakistan who run vast landed empires and set dogs upon enslaved laborers who ask for more salary or complain against some injustice.

Salman Taseer's assassination was not by a mob angry with him for doing terrible social and economic injustice. His assassination was done by one person - his own government-appointed bodyguard - who was angered more immediately because Taseer supported Asia Bibi who had been accused of blasphemy ( like the man accused in the OP ) and she happened to be Christian as well. Also, Taseer was critical of the system's blasphemy law and this criticism had angered the assassin, Mumtaz Qadri.

But after this assassin's justified execution there was certainly a mob which remembered him publicly. From this Wiki page :

Protests began immediately by Sunni Islamist organisations all over the country against the execution. Activists protested in major cities of Pakistan, including Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar. Lawyers in Islamabad called a one-day strike against the decision. Sunni Tehreek announced protests all over the country. Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metrobus was also suspended due to the protests in the city. Markets and business centers were closed and traffic disruption was reported in different locations of Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. The adulation that Qadri received following his execution was compared to that given to Ilm-ud-din, who murdered a book publisher in 1929. However, the execution decision was supported by many Islamic scholars, including Mohammad Khan Sherani, chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology, who said, "Mumtaz Qadri’s act, though driven by religious sentiments, was illegal because he had taken the law into his own hands and he faced punishment because no one is above the law." Qadri's supporters also claimed that he was hanged on 29 February, a date which only comes every four years, in order to deny his anniversary.

On March 27, 2016, twenty-five thousand people gathered at Liaquat National Bagh in Rawalpindi. Ten thousand of them marched from Rawalpindi into the Red Zone in Islamabad to commemorate the Chehlum of death of Qadri, which is the end of the forty-day mourning period. The protesters torched a station of the Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metrobus and several cars parked there. Several major arteries leading into the city were closed, and cellular service was suspended as well. They staged a sit-in outside the Parliament of Pakistan and refused to leave unless Sharia was imposed throughout Pakistan. The Pakistan Armed Forces was called in to disperse the protesters. On the same day, protesters carrying pictures of Qadri attacked the Karachi Press Club, and burned a car belonging to Jaag TV, in retaliation for the press's "lack of coverage of their event". This happened on the same day that a bomb attack in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park in Lahore killed 69 people.

Qadri's execution has become a rallying point for Pakistan’s Barelvis and some Sufis. Hundreds of people per day visit his grave, which is being transformed into a pilgrimage site.


In 2014 a Barelvi mosque was built in Islamabad named after Mumtaz Qadri and as of 2014, the mosque was so popular that it started raising funds to double its capacity.

I hope you are now clear.

Mobs do try to lynch religious leaders too, when some one from some different sect highlights the blasphemy done by some other sect religious leader, so what really was the point of question there?

I am not talking about inter-sect killings. Let's see say a mob incited by the Lal Masjid gang go out and kill a TTP leader on charge on defaming Islam.
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religion is the cause of most evil in this world.
Your thinking is evil.
Ww1 and ww2 never occured on the bases of religion abd so did the iraq war ,vietnam war.
Yet killed million upon million and smithering whole countries to rubble.
Think before you post
Well, Christianity and Islam came to simplify things but sadly many of their adherents have fallen prey to idiotic feelings.

Hinduism-Blessed-By-The-Blue-Gods – Vishnuh-Genootschap

Fake protest of cow slaughtering by Brahmins. Brahmins were the Cow eater. | Brahmins Exposed (wordpress.com
Being accused of blasphemy in Pakistan is basically a death sentence, eventually some nutjob will get to you

Kancha Ilaiah – Why I am not a Hindu | Brahmins Exposed (wordpress.com)
How are you calling him a feudal ? He certainly had wealth as detailed in this article and seemed to be an urban capitalist but he doesn't seem to be like those in rural Pakistan who run vast landed empires and set dogs upon enslaved laborers who ask for more salary or complain against some injustice.

Salman Taseer's assassination was not by a mob angry with him doing terrible social and economic injustice. His assassination was done by one person - his own government-appointed bodyguard - who was angered more immediately because Taseer supported Asia Bibi who had been accused of blasphemy ( like the man accused in the OP ) and she happened to be Christian as well. Also, Taseer was critical of the system's blasphemy law and this criticism had angered the assassin, Mumtaz Qadri.

But after this assassin's justified execution there was certainly a mob which remembered him publicly. From this Wiki page :

Well then we disagree on the definition of feudal's. There is modern day slavery and there is old school/medieval type slavery(which is almost non-existant these days, sure its prevalent mostly in Sindh areas). Also do you know which party he was from PPP, which has been in power for so long on the backs of feudals

I am not talking about inter-sect killings. Let's see say a mob incited by the Lal Masjid gang go out and kill a TTP leader on charge on defaming Islam.

Yes, TTP leaders hold rallies in Pakistan and mob can be easily incited to kill some "TTP leader"/s. Do you even read what you type? TTP is a terrorist organization, they follow the hit and run policy. Do you think they would roam in Pakistan freely? Mob doesn't even need to get them because before that our agencies will get them.
What kind of banana republic we are running. Give a shoot to kill order for whoever attacks police stations, Hospitals and other essential services. Declare it as a policy so these cretins will know what will be the consequences of their actions.
I think you have been conditioned to hunt your own to appease your arab overlords, must be centuries of conditioning. I don't have these compulsions nor do I care or ever will care. I look forward for you all to have a conversation with your maker after you die and the penny will drop, a bit too late I reckon. :lol:

Indians have a similar issue but they have an internalized heirarchy which makes sense as the ideology originates. Its strange how this part of the world refuses to become enlightened despite such suffering. Peculiar continent, a product of a very harsh history and enviornment.

The first article is not loading but I agree generally with the second one. But what's your point ?

Well then we disagree on the definition of feudal's. There is modern day slavery and there is old school/medieval type slavery

Actually I agree with you that there is modern day slavery maintained by urban capitalist corporations. For example in India there is the IT / ITES industry which actively discourages formation of employee unions ( I know. I almost created a union some years ago ). In the huge Indian software services company Infosys which has 240,000+ employees there has been a suicide even as far back as 2009 because of oppressive working conditions. Here is another case. I am sure there will be other suicide cases too. And many silent sufferers. But it is unfortunate that these employees don't get affected by the sad plight of their fellow workers and form an employee union. This will be the same situation of the rest of the Indian IT / ITES industry.

there is old school/medieval type slavery(which is almost non-existant these days, sure its prevalent mostly in Sindh areas). Also do you know which party he was from PPP, which has been in power for so long on the backs of feudals

Not just Sindh. Googling for "pakistan bonded labor" gives :
More than four million people, including children, work in almost 20,000 brick kilns across Pakistan to pay off family loans taken from business owners.
That number is taken from this interactive article by Al Jazeera. These brick kilns workers slave away in deplorable conditions to produce the housing materials for people including the so-called educated middle class most of whom give ( probably ) the yearly Zakat and think they have done their duty. And those kiln workers continue to live their artificially deprived lives.

And I am sure most other political groups in Pakistan are built on urban and rural feudalism. Not just Taseer's PPP.

Google also gives this :
Amongst the variations of forced labour, the most prevalent form that exists inPakistan is debt bondage. Economic sectors with incidences of bonded labourare brick kilns, agriculture, domestic service, construction and others.
Add to these the white-collar urban jobs that are also exploitative.

Watch this song called Inqalab by the progressive Pakistanti music group Laal. The song is on bonded labor across South Asia.

Yes, TTP leaders hold rallies in Pakistan and mob can be easily incited to kill some "TTP leader"/s. Do you even read what you type? TTP is a terrorist organization, they follow the hit and run policy. Do you think they would roam in Pakistan freely? Mob doesn't even need to get them because before that our agencies will get them.

OK, since you say a mob can't be incited to hunt down the hit-and-run TTP why can't the mob storm the openly living Lal Masjid gang ? Why can't the mob pass word to those fools who fire Kalashnikovs at weddings and appropriate these guns and raid the Lal Masjid ? After all, the Lal Masjid are not following the true tenets of Islam. Or would you say otherwise ?

PS : I am not surprised @Areesh thanked your post.
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Since the inception of Pakistan not a single person has been punished under blasphemy law even if the cases were genuine which has forced people not to take due process seriously.
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