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Blasphemy accuser kills 80 year old man after police drop charges

These idiots are stupid honestly - This bullet could have been used to take out an Indian but these idiots are fighting each other.

LoL, that was the original thought behind developing this extremism in the Pakistani society during Zia days. The idea was that as long as you keep ready an external bogey (like India you mentioned), this extremism will help Pakistani army remain in control of Pakistan and at the same time this violence will be focussed on extraneous bogies and the products of this extremism will serve as valuable cogs of a deniable foreign policy.

However, what you morons do not understand is that creating such extremism in your society and by creating such laws as blasphemy and persecution of Ahmedis your society is merely hastening the rot. This wishful thinking of always being able to find the bogey will not actualize and this whole demonic culture will actually bite you, your families, your sisters and your neighbours in the end (of course metaphorical).

Still time for the pakistani army to stop blessing the extremists and change this mindset of using terror as foreign policy. That along with the civilian governments efforts can still lead to a reasonable de-tox in the pakistani society and could possibly rid it of this crazy menace or at least make it reasonably redundant.

Else be prepared to perpetually kiss qadris. :)
Secularism is Kufr sir Islamic Government are the only way forward because everywhere in Muslim world secularism has failed it has even started failing in Turkey because what ever you do later or sooner Muslims will come to Islam and implement its laws on their own if governments will not do and throw those governments out
i am afraid that secularism havent failed, give me example(s) if you insist on your stance. But on the other hand, those countries who are associated with religion are the ones who are suffering or cause suffer to the others.
Sir what Mumtaz Qadri did he did it for Martyerdrom it was his main motive he will become biggest hero of this century for millions in Pakistan what needs to be done that Pakistani Government should punish those who commit blashmey and who are proved innocent that those who falsely accuse them should be punished this is the only solution

Sir, if I am rightly informed then that scum of the earth has downright rejected to embrace shahadat and filed an appeal against the death sentence in the high court. We are well aware of the limits of their love they have for the prophet. lol....

I swear, if I ever meet you IRL, your the first person I'll accuse for blasphemy.
Taste of your own medicine.

lol...I think this is the only way we can knock some sense into their heads.
Fools and heroes tread where "sensible" men fear to go. To cross that divide requires a leap of faith.

Leap of faith, thats rich coming from a Jew. I wonder why you still call yourself a Jew when it is Judaim which promotes capital punishment for blasphemy........

Judaism actually calls for the death penalty against

(*) Sacrificing to gods other than YHWH
(*) False prophecy
(*) Blasphemy
(*) Breaking of the Sabbath
(*) Sexual activity, in which a betrothed woman consensually loses her virginity to a man
(*) Loss of virginity by a woman prior to marriage, to someone other than her husband while falsely representing herself as a virgin
(*) Adultery with a married woman
(*) Marrying your spouse's mother
(*) Homosexuality
(*) Witchcraft

etc etc etc etc

Please either condemn Judaism for this and also Israel in that case as it too has blasphemy laws.......
List of countries which have Blasphemy Laws which some like to call penal codes also.........

European initiatives
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America

Now either this debate is about the Blasphemy Law itself or that an 8- year old man acquitted of Blasphemy has been killed..........

And before the Indians here talk about their Country which does not have its own extremists liek Pakistan, read the below article


A beef-eating festival at a university in the Indian city of Hyderabad has led to clashes between rival sets of Hindu students, police say.

They say that Hindus who regard cows as sacred fought with low caste Dalit groups who organised the event.

About 1,500 people were fed beef biriyani as part of the festival late on Sunday evening.

Dalit groups want beef on the campus hostel menu. Right wing Hindu groups say eating beef is not Hindu practice.

Last year's event at Osmania University also ended in violence.

The BBC's Omer Farooq in the city says that says there has been tension for a few days now on the campus.

Our correspondent says that has been the case ever since organisers announced that the festival - held over the weekend - would go ahead. Right wing Hindu groups soon afterwards declared their intention to stop it.

The clashes that were feared erupted on Sunday evening and carried on late into the early hours of Monday morning, reports say.

Police say that the violence began when about 100 members of the right wing Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) marched towards the festival ground and were stopped by police.

The protesters then set two vehicles on fire and threw stones at police, who used batons and teargas to beat back the crowd.

Senior police officer Amit Garg said the situation is now under control.
Right wing anti-beef eating protesters in Hyderabad Protesting students say that Hinduism is is being besmirched by beef eaters

Dalit groups want beef included in the food served at the campus hostel. Festival organiser B Sudarshan told the BBC that they were involved in a fight for the "freedom to eat".

"Everyone should have the freedom to eat the food of their choice. Beef has traditionally been a part of Dalit food, it's a part of their identity," he said.

But senior ABVP leader Ramkrishna said beef eating was contrary to Hindu teachings.

"Today they are asking for beef, tomorrow they will want alcohol," he said.

Hindus comprise the religious majority in India and most regard cows as sacred. They are widely used in temple ceremonies and freely wander through the country's busy towns and markets.

Correspondents say that in the traditional Hindu caste system, Dalits - formerly known as "untouchables" - are considered the lowest and poorest of low caste people.

But some Dalit groups argue that beef has been part of their diet for centuries.


Although that last part opens up a whole new debate, whereby Hindu scriptures actually does not prohibir beef, therefore the people who declare themselves Hindus, refrain from beef on their individual choice and as such wish to enforce this on others by claiming it is religious........uuuuuhhhhhh no its not........
I wonder why you still call yourself a Jew when it is Judaim which promotes -
A good "razor" that I use to cut through this stuff is that a religion is what people who claim to be its adherents do, in context.

You might want to give it a try: saves a lot of goo and dribble. Shouting, too.

List of countries which have Blasphemy Laws -
Did you bother to analyze how these other countries' laws differ from Pakistan's in laws and practice?
A good "razor" that I use to cut through this stuff is that a religion is what people who claim to be its adherents do, in context.

You might want to give it a try: saves a lot of goo and dribble. Shouting, too.

Instead of whining and talking out of your rear end, are you going to plainly and simply condemn Judaism or not......... I'll bring you the text from it if you so wish

Did you bother to analyze how these other countries' laws differ from Pakistan's in laws and practice?

What absolute rubbish of an argument........... either blasphemy is legal or it is not, either it is humane treatment or it is not, lets get straight to the point rather then pu55y footing around hey, punishment for whatever crime differs in evry penal code of every country, and Pakistan is no different. Now Islam, Christianity and Judaism all give the capital punishment for blasphemy, now either condemn it altogether or please go hide in a hole and find another debate to get into.........

Pakistan's law is within the story of this thread, the man was taken to court and acquitted..... the practice by the male who killed him is the point of question, which is murder.......and has been called murder by everyone here..........
Instead of whining and talking out of your rear end -
Am I the one who prefers throwing poop rather than staying on topic?

What absolute rubbish of an argument........... either blasphemy is legal or it is not
The "rubbish" bit is superficially seeing the world as black-and-white, rather than doing one's best to perceive it as-is. We are what we live, regardless of what we claim to be or what someone else claims we are.

Pakistan's law is within the story of this thread, the man was taken to court and acquitted..... the practice by the male who killed him is the point of question, which is murder.......and has been called murder by everyone here..........
Yes, Thor. And what are you willing to do about it?
Fools and heroes tread where "sensible" men fear to go. To cross that divide requires a leap of faith.

I agree, foolish acts do have a possibility of turning out to be extremely heroic in circumstances like these. :P

Although as the user "DRaisinHerald" said earlier, Pakistanis do tend to mind their own business within their societies. There are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part no one interferes in other people's affairs. That is undoubtedly one of our weaknesses, it's due to this that only a few stand up against corrupt leaders & politicians.

I remember reading the story of Lucretia, it was extremely inspiring to learn about the Romans standing up against a tyrant. I guess that's the difference between a great nation; one that is worthy of being a super power & an ordinary one. I am not in Pakistan at the moment, if however there was a communal gathering or movement against such acts, I would certainly join it.
Blasphemy is one of those phenomenons which taking the thousands of human life behind misunderstandings between one sects of religious peoples as well as between the religious throughout the world. :smokin:
Yes, Thor. And what are you willing to do about it?

I didnt bother replying to the other part of your post as it was like many of your posts, just garbage and not a point raised to discuss.

I again notice you have not replied to my point of a clear condemnation of Judaism for promoting death for blasphemy and condemn blasphemy altogether.

What do I intend to do about it, NOTHING......... thats it, absolutely NOTHING, do you know why, because that is why I pay my taxes for a law enforcement constabulary to arrest and charge and put before the courts, I am not a vigilante and I will not in any way cause further chaos by adding my weight to disorder by apprehension or otherwise. Clearly, like any citizen, if the suspect is seen then he is to be reported unles already apprehended, otherwise the court of Law can deal with him.........PERIOD
What do I intend to do about it, NOTHING......... thats it, absolutely NOTHING, do you know why, because that is why I pay my taxes for a law enforcement constabulary to arrest and charge and put before the courts -
You're probably quite aware that, as other Pakistanis have said, the authorities are not particularly eager to pursue the murderer.

I am not a vigilante and I will not in any way cause further chaos by adding my weight to disorder by apprehension or otherwise -
You may be surprised but Pakistan permits citizen's arrest.

Clearly, like any citizen, if the suspect is seen then he is to be reported -
You define your Pakistani citizenship very narrowly, as voyeur rather than participant in the process of government. I consider that something to be ashamed of rather than something to boast about. (Some people in the U.S. have the same problem and I criticize them the same way.)
Sir what Mumtaz Qadri did he did it for Martyerdrom it was his main motive he will become biggest hero of this century for millions in Pakistan what needs to be done that Pakistani Government should punish those who commit blashmey and who are proved innocent that those who falsely accuse them should be punished this is the only solution
if he was intereted in Martyerdom, he should have killed the terrorist who are creating havok in Pakistan rather he went after a individual who spoke for minority rights.
If you call Mumtaz Qadri this fool was interested in Martydom, then some day you'll also do the same to some individual like this coward did.
You're probably quite aware that, as other Pakistanis have said, the authorities are not particularly eager to pursue the murderer.

This argument by you now is going into the attitude, behaviour and actions of individuals and has got F** ALL to do with this thread. However when the Law Enforcement makes its comments about not wanting to take action, then complaints can be raised through the elected member of Parliament for every individual constituency........ Its called a Democracy and each working within its limitations..........

You may be surprised but Pakistan permits citizen's arrest.

Citizens arrest are carried out for indictable offences and murder is one, however as I have said before, the Law Enforcement is best equipped and trained to deal with such matters, so please stop trying to promote vigilantism on this forum and keep the hilly billy gun totting cowboy culture in the States.

You define your Pakistani citizenship very narrowly, as voyeur rather than participant in the process of government. I consider that something to be ashamed of rather than something to boast about. (Some people in the U.S. have the same problem and I criticize them the same way.)

As above, every citizen is not a Policeman and each works to its limits, hence as above, stop promoting the use of violence and viglantism and the institutions within Pakistan will take up the matter appropriately.........
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